I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3659 Hidden mission, advanced cassette

Han Chan just looked at the Hua family and me.

Then a girl jumped out from the side, went up and kicked Hua Jiada on my knee.

Hua Jiada's legs gave me a limp, then I hurriedly stood up straight and glared at the girl who jumped out.

He was shocked to find that the girl looked very similar to Han Chan.

But the difference is that Han Chan has a cold temperament, while this girl is full of youth and has two Mount Fuji.

"What are you looking at, how dare you call my sister, believe it or not, I kicked your knee!" the girl said angrily with her hips on her hips without showing any weakness.

Han Chan smiled in satisfaction.

This wave is the younger sister's stand-in attack!

The girl is Han Chan's younger sister, and behind Han Chan there is a helpless middle-aged man and woman, who are Han Chan's parents.

The family of them reunited in Paradise...themed resort.

Han Chan felt very happy, she was satisfied.

As for Han Chan's family...

To be honest, Han Chan's parents felt complicated.

They never thought that their poor, deaf-mute, poor, weak and helpless daughter would actually have a murderous side.

It's like Tokotaro's mood when he found out that the Chogoris flower he raised was actually the monster Astoromus.

Before Huajiada and I continued to fight against my sister, Sima Nicole stood up to protect Huajiada.

"Do you want a beating?" Sima Nico asked loudly.

Who knew that my younger sister exclaimed immediately when she saw Sima Nicole, "You, you are a genius player N, once my idol!"

Hearing that she was the idol of the other party, Sima Nicole immediately crossed her waist proudly, and raised her little nose to the sky.

However, following his sister's words, Sima Nico directly silenced her.

"But you were instantly killed by my sister, now my idol is my sister, not you!"

The younger sister ran back to Han Chan, hugging Han Chan excitedly.

Han Chan also showed a provocative smile at Sima Nicole, and then moved her lips.

Sima Nicole and Hua Jiada, I seem to have heard Han Chan's words.

'Sister, it's mine! '

What's the matter with the sudden feeling of being bullied? !

"You bastard, I'm going to kill her!" Sima Nicole bared her teeth and was about to rush towards Han Chan.

Fortunately, I, the eldest of the Hua family, had quick eyesight and quick hands. I wrapped one arm around Xima Nicole's waist and hugged Xima Nicole so that Xima Nicole's feet were off the ground.

Baise Xiaoji said before that here, conflicts and frictions are allowed, but real fights are not allowed.

Otherwise, Sayizi would have rushed up long ago.

Didn't you see that Sayizi couldn't hide her wanting Dao Hanchan's eyes?

And they are not the only ones who have a grudge against Han Chan.

Xiao Xingzuo took Hamburger and squatted in the corner, not daring to speak.

Baise Xiaoji looked at the two groups of people with a smile, and finally her gaze fell back to the big screen, where she saw Jing Feicai walking out of the hospital.

However, the picture of Mirror Flying Color only occupies a small part of the big screen.

In the center of the big screen, there are two figures fighting in the sky, it is the battle between Tan Zhengzong and Tan Lidou!

Everyone's eyes were soon attracted by the battle between the two.

Gradually immersed in the strength of the two.

Xima Nicole and Han Chan, who thought they were not bad, also had serious expressions and frowned.

Across the screen, they both felt the strength of the two.

That is an enemy they cannot fight!

The same is true of the Hua family. His eyes searched on the big screen, and soon found the figures of Baosheng Yongmeng, Jing Feicai and Jiujo Guiliya.

After confirming that the three of them were safe and recovered their combat capabilities.

While I was relieved from the Hua family, I also became worried.

"The three of them, can they deal with those two?"

Even though I know that everyone can be resurrected after the game is over, I still hope that the champion will fall into the hands of the three of Baosheng Yongmeng.

At least, Baosheng Yongmeng is more trustworthy than Tan Zhengzong and Tan Lidou, who have 1,600 minds combined.

Moreover, Baise Xiaoji also said that it is true that the champion will become a god!

"The so-called gods are definitely not simple, but in terms of strength, Exaid and the others can't fight Genm and the others, so they can only outwit them..."

Finally, the Hua family and my eyes fell on a corner of the screen.

There, there is a picture of Kujo Kiriya eating.

Although he doesn't want to admit it, Kujo Kiriya is indeed the most cunning of them.

Kujo Kiriya was following Fatty, eating in a tavern in a small western town.

Fatty saves Kujo Kiriya, and after an explosion, they fall into a western-style city.

After Kujo Kiriya was cured there, the two also began to explore outside.

That's right, Kujo Kiriya and Fatty are temporarily in an alliance.

Zhuzhu is cooking with his head bowed at the fat man's feet.

that is……

"This meal is really unpalatable." The fat man complained.

Pigs are not picky.

Kujo Kiriya shrugged helplessly, "This is obviously a western style, everything here is wild, and it's good to eat if you have something to eat."

At this moment, the tavern was suddenly kicked open from the outside.

Three robbers with spray guns and pistols broke in.

The leading bandit shouted loudly: "Hand over all the good things!"

After finishing speaking, the robber fired two shots at the top of the head, opening two more holes in the dilapidated ceiling of the tavern.

Most of the other guests hid under the table with their heads in panic.

It is very skilled at first glance.

And some cowboys with weapons fought with the robbers, not at all cowardly.

"No, it's a robbery!" Fatty realized it later, exclaimed, and was about to run away with Zhuzhu in his arms.

Kujo Kiriya rolled his eyes, realized something, grabbed the fat man, and said with a smile: "Don't panic, we may have triggered the mission plot."

"Huh? Mission plot?" Fatty was puzzled.

Kujo Kiriya stood up and started the transformation directly.

Then he made a bold move and easily defeated all the robbers.

The guests cheer for the heroes.

Fatty hugged Zhuzhu and followed Kujo Kiriya, enjoying the praise together, and suddenly realized: "So, is it the task to help the tavern fight the robbers?"

However, Kujo Kiriya just smiled, and then punched a big hole in the wall of the tavern, scaring everyone silly.

Kujo Kiriya smiled and said to the foolish guests: "Root! Hand over all the good things!"

Fatty: "?!"

Piggy: "?!"

other people:"?!"

After half a sound.

Kujo Kiriya, Fatty, and Zhuzhu kicked open the door of the tavern, and walked out of the tavern arrogantly with steps that their relatives did not recognize.

At this moment, they all changed into cowboy clothes, and even Zhuzhu put on a cowboy hat.

Kujo Kiriya and Fatty also carried a lot of ammunition, gold and banknotes in their pockets.

as well as……

"Mr. Kujo, how do you know there are good things here?" The fat man asked Kujo Kiriya curiously.

Kiya Kujo put on a cowboy hat smartly and smiled, making it hard for people to see through his thoughts, and replied: "It's purely speculation."

In fact, everything is indeed a coincidence, but Kujo Kiriya seized the opportunity.

Kujo Kiriya took out the most important harvest this time from his pocket.

It was a cassette.

There is actually a cassette hidden in the tavern, and it is a special cassette that has never been seen before.

Desert Specter, Advanced Cassette - "The Fall of Eden"!

On the cassette, there are burning skulls and yellow wind and sand, giving people a dangerous atmosphere.

"Let's go, let's go to other cities and see if we can find other advanced cassettes. This should be a very important item." Kujo Kiriya said.

"Okay, but how should we go?" the fat man asked curiously.

"Hurry up..." Kujo Kiriya looked around, but was surprised to find that he didn't see the cowboys' horses.

But if you want to travel, you can't just rely on two legs.


Kujo Kiriya's eyes finally fell on Zhuzhu.

Piggy: ...?

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