I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3653 subgene collapse source body

"Stop looking down on people!" Dr. Pac-Man roared loudly.

Bailiyuan looked at Dr. Pac-Man, and let out a little surprise.

The data belonging to Hatena's collapse source body did not just disappear, but was absorbed by Dr. Pac-Man as if attracted.

After assimilating all the data belonging to Hatena's proton, Dr. Pac-Man began to change.

"I'll make you pay!"

"Feel it, the power of evolution!"

Dr. Pac-Man suddenly swelled up and turned into a giant soybean!

It's the main character in the Pac-Man game.

The huge soybean opened its mouth directly at Bailiyuan, and a large number of yellow beans sprayed out, each with powerful destructive power.

Bailiyuan came head-on.

The dragon power belonging to the blue-eyed white dragon was mobilized by Bailiyuan.

"Let me crush your inexplicable confidence and courage!!"

"White Dragon's Wing Strike!"

Using the power of the dragon, Baili Yuan directly opened a channel among all the soybeans, rushing to the front of the huge soybean.

Dr. Pac-Man, who controls the huge soybean, showed a shocked expression.

Even the giant soybeans were shocked.

Shocked soybeans.jpg

Bailiyuan's attack came fiercely.

"Broken teeth of the white dragon!"

"White Dragon's Wave!"

"White Dragon's Dive!"

With the final blow of Bailong's dive, Bailiyuan directly used his body to smash through the huge soybean.

The huge soybean also showed an expression of disbelief.

After Bailiyuan landed.

The huge soybean exploded and was wiped out.

Baili Yuan stood up, patted the non-existent dust on his shoulders, and then turned to look at the center of the explosion.

The battle is not over.

In the center of the explosion, a Supreme Easter egg was refreshed!

The flames of the explosion dissipated.

What appeared was Dr. Pac-Man... No, it should be said that it was Dr. Pac-Man's original appearance.

"Michihiko Zaizen!" Baili Yuan said in surprise, and then suddenly said, "So that's how it is."

Just say why the researchers have seen it, and why the leading professor has disappeared.

It turned out to be this guy in front of him.

"You know me?" Zaizen Michihiko asked suspiciously.

Baili Yuan smiled and clapped his hands, "You are quite famous, after all, you are the creator of Parad!"

"Palad..." Michihiko Zaizen was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted, his expression became angry, "Are you talking about the guy who killed us?!"

Michihiko Zaizen clenched his fists and spoke angrily.

"After killing you, I will personally seek revenge on him!"

Seeing Michihiko Zaizen's appearance changed.

"Let you see the true posture of the ultimate life form!"

Michihiko Zaizen shouted loudly.

The transformed Michihiko Zaizen naturally turned into the appearance of the Bengen body.

But it is different from the general collapse source body.

The red humanoid figure somewhat resembles the appearance of Kamen Rider.

It's not so much a monster as a person in armor.

"See, this is the evolution of human beings—the subgenetic collapse body!"

The Bengyuan body in front of him was called the subgene Bengyuan body by Michihiko Zaizen, and he had the supreme level of combat power.

In the "Kamen Rider Chronicle", it can be called the BOSS second only to the game god.


"I don't know whether to evolve or not, but I know that the evolution of human beings is their own choice, not the manipulation of ambitious people!" Baili Yuan said seriously.

Michihiko Zaizen, no, the subgene collapse source body has broken its defenses.

"I am for the evolution of all mankind!"

Shouting loudly, the subgene collapsed body rushed towards Bailiyuan.

As soon as it was shot, the subgene collapse source broke out at a super fast speed.

This is the ability of the subgene collapse source body - high-speed fighting!

A blend of speed and fighting prowess.

Those who are faster than him are not as fast as him in fighting, and those who are faster than him in fighting are not as fast as him.


It is also the ability that the subgene collapse source is proud of.

"Can you keep up with my dead skin..."

As soon as Baili Yuan's taunting words reached Baili Yuan's ears, he punched Bai Li Yuan in the face.

Then he was punched in the face by Baili Yuan in the opposite direction, sending him flying, spinning 7,200 degrees crazily, and finally fell to the ground.

When the subgene collapsed body got up from the ground, he couldn't help spinning in place.

"How, how is it possible..." The subgene collapsed body couldn't believe it.

When the Subgene Bengyuan body stood firm, as soon as he looked up, he saw Baili Yuan who was face-to-face with him, and the Subgene Bengyuan body jumped away from Baili Yuan in fright.

Bailiyuan didn't chase him.

Just touched the supreme easter egg.

Another supreme easter egg was added to the account.

"You bastard, are you teasing me?"

"you guess."

"I guess you are a baga!"

The Subgene Bengyuan body roared loudly, and resorted to a must-kill move.

He gathered his strength, and then emitted a spiral-shaped light.

It's his ultimate move - the deadly spiral light!

If close combat is not enough, then attack from a distance.

This is a powerful attack that can instantly kill opponents of the same level.

"Strong! It's really too strong!"

Bailiyuan praised, but at the same time activated his nirvana.

【Nirvana! 】

The "Blue Eyes White Dragon" cassette starts.

"My pride, my soul!"

【Destroy Burst Blast! 】

Baili Yuan's hands were clawed together, like a giant dragon with its fangs open.

The power of the dragon gathers in the middle of the hands, and then erupts violently against the deadly spiral light.

boom! ! !

The two attacks collided.


The Destructive Explosion Gale Bomb devoured the well-known spiral light without any accident, and arrived in front of the subgene collapse source body.

"How is it possible?! No!!! I am the ultimate creature!! I am the benchmark of human evolution!!!"

The subgene collapse source body, that is, Zaizen Michihiko, roared unwillingly.

Then it was completely submerged by the Destroying Explosive Wind Bomb and turned into fly ash.

"It was a wonderful battle." Baili Yuan sighed.

After seeing that the subgenome collapsed body was completely wiped out, and after confirming that he had no chance of escaping, Baili Yuan turned and left.

"Caroline, I'm coming~"

Ms. X in the game world suddenly felt a chill.


virtual reality.

The mirror gray horse is going to perform life-for-life surgery on Tan Zhengzong.

[Sacrifice surgery: Sacrifice your own life and cooperate with Blackjack to perform surgery on the target. It can save the dead but not yet disappeared target, and transform it to greatly enhance its ability. 】

This ability is not only for saving lives, it can also strengthen and transform a target.

The price is the life of the mirror gray horse.

The mirror gray horse, who knows the weight of this ability, has never revealed his ability.

until now.

"To defeat Tan Lidou! Only by defeating him, Mr. Tan Zhengzong, can we win the final victory and revive everyone!" Mirror Gray Horse chose to sacrifice himself.

Under the curious eyes of others.

The mirror gray horse summoned its own contract monster.

Black Jack!

A human figure dressed as a doctor appeared wearing a half-black and half-white smiley mask.

"Black Jack, start the sacrificial operation!" the mirror gray horse said seriously.

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