I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 371 Set fire to the mountain, sit in prison (3000)

A forest poisonous spider with the strength of a low-level heraldic envoy is not considered strong, but it is already considered the most dangerous monster in the No. 9 wild area.

The most troublesome thing about the forest poisonous spider is its venom, other aspects of the threat are not great.

In the No. 9 wild area, there are only three monsters with the strength of primary heraldry envoys, and there is only one forest poisonous spider in the west of the No. 9 wild area. The district ran into each other within two steps.

so embarrassing~

"Isn't this kind of crisis that may arise at any moment the fun of adventure?" Raphael tried to ease the awkward atmosphere of meeting the boss when he went out, but obviously, except for Zhuang Sheng, no one else had any ideas.

At this time, everyone except Bailiyuan was watching the poisonous forest spider vigilantly.

"Fight! Fight!" Zhuang Sheng looked at the forest poisonous spider opposite him, with fighting intent in his eyes, and made a very passionate look.

"Come out, big fish, and defeat this poisonous forest spider!"

bouncing bouncing~~~

The figure of the big fish appeared.

Although juvenile big fish are aquatic organisms and are not adapted to life on land, under the pressure of Zhuang Sheng, the big fish learned how to jump freely on land.

After all, with a master like Zhuang Sheng who always likes to throw himself on the ground, Big Fish will die on the ground sooner or later if he doesn't learn some special skills.

Big fish prefer to die on the belly of the female fish than to die on the ground.

Today's big fish is more powerful than before. After all, the more you jump, the more muscles you have developed.

Cooperating with the weight of the big fish, the hammer made a bang bang bang sound on the ground when the big fish jumped.

The aura of the big fish was also very fierce, and it was staring at the poisonous forest spider with the eyes of the dead fish.

Although the big fish has learned how to jump freely on land, this still cannot change the juvenile big fish is an aquatic creature, so the big fish must make a quick decision, otherwise the big fish will be stranded on the shore after a long time .

Bailiyuan was also a little surprised when he saw the big fish bouncing around.

Did the big fish learn the water jump of the carp king?

At the same time, Fan Die also appeared beside Zhuang Sheng.

Compared with the jumping big fish, the fluttering butterfly is much more elegant.

However, Zhuang Sheng's Butterfly Lost has no offensive power, and is more of an auxiliary function. For example, with the help of Butterfly's ability to enter dreams, the relationship between Zhuang Sheng and Big Yu has improved rapidly. This is why Big Fish can obey Zhuang Sheng's orders. s reason.

However, Lost Butterfly is not that simple. Bailiyuan still remembers that the information brought by Guangyan showed that all dream callers who possessed Lost Butterfly disappeared in the end. Bailiyuan felt that Zhuang Sheng might follow those dreams. The footsteps of the summoner.

However, that should be a hundred years later.

"Why hesitate? Just hit it, it's just a spider!" Hong Xu said, and then took the lead in releasing his Hague.

The fox-like Hague showed his fangs to the forest poisonous spider.

It is not Hongxu's style to retreat before the battle, and you will only know after fighting whether you can fight well.

"Come out, white ball!" Yana summoned her contracted beast.

A cute white ball appeared beside Yana.

Bailiyuan was still very impressed with this white ball, it was a white ball with very high fighting qualities!

The white ball is not uncommon, it is a common insect contract beast in the world of heraldry, and as long as the white ball successfully evolves when the strength of the intermediate heraldry is successful, it will become more powerful!

"Princess Hunting, come out to fight!" Raphael said.

The hunting princess is an elemental creature, and her body is composed of flames, which makes her look weird.

"Timberwolves!" Kyle said.

A giant wolf wrapped in wind appeared beside Kyle.

Bailiyuan could tell that all the contracted beasts had been trained very well, and most of them were about to reach the level of junior heraldic envoys.

Especially the Timberwolves have grown the most. As Kyle said, the Timberwolves have grown very fast, and now they have grown to a height of about three meters. They are surrounded by strong wind elements. At the same time, the momentum of the Timberwolves has also changed Reached the level of primary heraldry!

Although it is not as powerful as the forest poisonous spider, it is not too weak. No wonder Kyle wants to contract a new contracted beast, and he is confident that he will come out to explore with his friends.

As I said before, in the early stage of the summoner profession, it is easy to cultivate contracted beasts that surpass the level of summoners, but when it comes to intermediate heraldry, this gap will gradually narrow, and only those who can still surpass the level of summoners The contracted beasts of the highest level are the contracted beasts that are truly talented and have great potential, and can be cultivated as trump cards.

Bailiyuan saw that other people had released his contracted beasts, so he also thought about it, and then released the big tongue shell.

But now Big Tongue Bei is only level 14, and he doesn't have much combat power at all, so he can't help much in this battle, but Baili Yuan still chose Big Tongue Bei.

That's right, Bailiyuan let Big Tongue Bei gain experience.

"Everyone, don't worry, I'll take the lead for everyone!" Baili Yuan waved his hand.

The others knew about Baili Yuan's strength and were very relieved.

"Big tongue shell, ultrasound!"

Ultrasonic: Sends out special sound waves from its body to confuse the opponent.

Ultrasonic waves are inaudible to the human ear, and the ultrasonic waves emitted by the big tongue shell are also a special skill, which can not only be used to find the way, but also can be used to interfere with the enemy.

Although the ultrasonic waves emitted by the strength of the big tongue shell did not succeed in confusing the forest poisonous spider, but at least it made the forest poisonous spider's movements a little chaotic, and at the same time disturbed the forest poisonous spider's calm heart, making the forest poisonous spider a little restless.

Before the forest poisonous spider could adapt, others also attacked.

"Timberwolf, entangle the poisonous forest spider, be careful not to let the poisonous fangs of the forest poisonous spider bite!" Kyle ordered.

The most powerful Timberwolves are the main combat force.

The forest wolf rolled up the wind and waves, rushed towards the poisonous forest spider at a very fast speed, and grabbed the poisonous forest spider's head with one paw, causing the poisonous forest spider to fall into a brief dizziness.

If the poisonous forest spider is good at poison, then the forest wolf is good at speed, and the forest wolf's physical strength is stronger than the forest poisonous spider.

The Timberwolves attacked before the poisonous forest spider could react, and the effect looked pretty good.

At this time, Baili Yuan on the other side was suddenly taken aback.

Because at the brief moment when the poisonous forest spider was dizzy, the ultrasonic wave of the big tongue shell successfully threw the poisonous forest spider into a state of confusion.

Is this still possible?

Is there a link between the target's mental state and resistance to skill effects?

Seeing that the forest poisonous spider had successfully plunged into chaos, Bailiyuan stopped the ultrasonic attack of the big tongue shell.

The poisonous forest spiders caught in the chaos attacked the surroundings indiscriminately, gnawing at the trees around them, and the gnawed trees all had a fishy smell.

The sudden outburst of the poisonous forest spider frightened the other people and the contracted beast to take two steps back temporarily, but after realizing that the poisonous forest spider seemed to have lost its mind, the others pushed up again.

It's always a joy to beat a dog in the water.

And as the forest poisonous spider fell into chaos, it consumed a lot of stamina and venom, and the battle also lost its sense of proportion. It would be easier to win the battle.

The wind on the Timberwolf's body rose sharply, and the flames of the Hunting Princess also became stronger with the help of this wind, burning violently, and enveloping the forest poisonous spider.

The forest poisonous spider fell into chaos and couldn't get close easily. Such an attack was the most effective.

Hague and White Ball are harassing the forest poisonous spider in the sea of ​​fire.

"Big tongue shell, ice pick!"

The big tongue shell condensed its own ice pick, attacking the poisonous forest spider one after another.

The big tongue shell has just mastered the ice pick, and is not yet proficient in using the ice pick. It takes at least a second to condense an ice pick, and the power of the ice pick is not too strong.

The characteristics of the big tongue shell make her very good at this kind of continuous attack. Although the power of the big tongue shell's ice pick is not strong now, as long as she works hard, the big tongue shell's ice pick will sooner or later be able to shoot out like a machine gun to kill a dragon.

"Get out of the way, watch my wrath of the big fish!" Zhuang Sheng shouted.

A fat figure descended from the sky and slammed into the forest poisonous spider.

The forest poisonous spider just recovered from the chaos, and when it looked up, it saw a figure close at hand, and subconsciously thought——what the hell is this?

Then, the forest poisonous spider's consciousness fell into darkness, and fell into a brief coma.

After the big fish jumped up again, the Timberwolves directly made up the knife and bit off the head of the forest poisonous spider.

Forest poisonous spider, pawn.

In fact, Kyle has also considered whether to subdue the poisonous forest spider. After all, the poisonous forest spider is a ready-made primary heraldry force, but after some consideration, Kyle feels that the poisonous forest spider has insufficient potential and its future growth is limited. On the contrary, it will constrain one's growth in turn, and it will be difficult to cooperate with the Timberwolves.

On the contrary, the Hunting Princess and Timberwolves cooperate very well, but unfortunately, the Hunting Princess already has an owner.

It would be great to meet a wild hunting princess.

"Okay, let's move on," Kyle said.

Suddenly, an angry voice came from behind them.

"I don't know if you guys can move on, but..."

Everyone turned their heads and found several guards standing behind them, looking like they came in a hurry, and they all looked angry, and it was the leading guard who spoke.

"Haven't you guys heard of setting fire to a mountain and sitting in prison? Didn't you see the warning sign at the gate of the station? Say, who among you set the fire?"

Hearing what the guard said, everyone noticed the surroundings, and found that at some point, the flames had burned many trees, and they were still spreading outwards little by little.

At the same time, thick black smoke floated in the sky.


Everyone looked at the only fire-type contracted beast in the arena—the Hunting Princess.

The hunting princess shrank her little head and subconsciously hid behind Raphael.

Everyone's eyes turned to Raphael again.

Raphael's body froze.

He felt that this time he might fall.

Then, Raphael was taken away...

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