Chapter 3633 Compensation for body shape, Baise Xiaoji's last plot!

【Kamen Rider Chilling (Nightmare Mode)】

[Nightmare form boost ability——

1. Extremely giant size: the body becomes huge, and the strength and speed of the corresponding body type are obtained;

2. Compensation consumption: You can use your own ability without consumption, but after using the ability, the body size will shrink; the stronger the ability, the more the body size will shrink. When the strength of the ability exceeds the size compensation range, the ability will fail to activate.

Transformation time: 60 seconds. 】

Now, the surviving Kamen Riders in the entire amusement park felt the vibration of the playground.

Han Chan stepped on the ground with one foot, and with a little force, the ground would be cracked. Han Chan's body strength also received a terrifying increase.

The whole playground was trembling because of the chills!

Even Tan Zhengzong, who was able to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai, lived in Bengbu, so he couldn't help but walked out of the restaurant to check the situation outside.

There was also a fat man who was eating Haixuan in the supermarket, and he also walked out of the supermarket with a bunch of snacks in his arms.

A simple-looking pig game monster with several packs of snacks in its mouth followed behind the fat man.

"What happened? An earthquake?" The fat man was very puzzled.

Fatty is the one remaining, the last unidentified Kamen Rider.

Then, when Fatty and Pig walked out of the supermarket, they saw Han Chan flying past. Han Chan even took off the Ferris wheel and threw it out as a weapon.

The snacks in Fatty's arms were so frightened that they fell all over the floor.

"Damn it!" the fat man yelled, and hurriedly hid behind the supermarket counter.


The pig monster took the opportunity to eat the snacks that the fat man dropped on the ground.

Zhuzhu: The sky is big and the earth is big, and the dry rice is the biggest!


Bystanders will feel shocked when they see the huge chilling cicada.

Not to mention the people who are being hunted down by Han Chan.

They now feel like they are dancing on the tip of a knife.

The vibration caused by the chilling cicadas trampling on the ground made it difficult for them to keep their feet steady when they fled.

The bricks and stones kicked up by Han Chan are like bullets. Once hit, they will be severely injured.

Not to mention, there was also a direct attack from Chilling Cicada.

A giant Ferris wheel fell from above.

Baise Xiaoji yelled, brandished a sickle in her hand, and split a gap in the Ferris wheel, allowing everyone to escape through the gap.

Baosheng Yongmeng and Poppy lead the way ahead.

Jing Feicai dragged the Hua family's eldest self who wanted to fight Han Chan desperately.

Although Jing Feicai and the Hua family are not against me, it is impossible for Jing Feicai to watch the Hua family and me go to die.

After Baise Xiaoji finished her attack, she landed beside Jing Feicai and continued to run away.

On the other side is Saeko with the nine kiriya arrows on her back.

Kujo Kiriya's condition is very bad. He suffered some internal injuries due to successive battles before, and the consumption was quite high. He used the power of an explosive cassette again, temporarily causing Kujo Kiriya to completely lose his fighting ability.

Even though there was a rumbling sound behind him, most of the playground was demolished, Kujo Kiriya did not wake up.

And when she was carried away by Saeko, the unconscious Kujo Kiriya frowned, obviously she didn't sleep well.

Chilling made a soft sound.


Speech ability activates.

A gust of wind appeared in front of everyone, blocking their way.

Baosheng Yongmeng directly activates the ability of a cassette, and the phoenix-like armor is put on Baosheng Yongmeng. Baosheng Yongmeng uses the flame power provided by the armor to break through the strong wind in front of him.

Han Chan frowned slightly.


Under the ground, a large number of stone pillars rushed out and crashed into the crowd.

Baosheng Yongmeng cooperates with phoenix armor and golden slime armor. When it flies into the sky, its limbs extend and tie everything together, dodging attacks from the ground.


A group of mosquito projections appeared and attacked everyone in the air.

Gradually calming down, I let out an angry roar, and used my weapon to help Baosheng Yongmeng clean up the mosquito swarm in the air.

It was also venting the anger in his heart.


A huge fox demon appeared out of nowhere and bit everyone.

The magic sword in Jing Feicai's hand chopped out sword energy, and directly cut off the head of the fox demon.


The body of Han Chan, who successively activated the power of speech, shrunk a lot, falling to forty meters.

The chilling cicada, which was consumed by compensatory body size, seemed to have unlimited firepower.

But in the midst of the crisis, Baosheng Yongmeng and others also showed their strong combat capability and combat resilience.

Let Han Chan fail to deal with them quickly.

Han Chan also knew that she couldn't delay any longer.

On the one hand, the transformation time is only 60 seconds, on the other hand, the battle here must have attracted the attention of other Kamen Riders.

"The remaining compensatory consumption should be able to support me to activate the instant death effect again..." Han Chan thought, already having a decision in her heart.

Without any hesitation, Han Chan stared directly at Baise Xiaoji.

Baise Xiaoji felt chills down her spine, she felt Han Chan's gaze, and realized that something was going to happen to her.

"Really..." Baise Xiaoji smiled wryly.

She had nowhere to hide and no way to deal with it.

Han Chan has already used the power of words on Baise Xiaoji.

"Death is coming!"

Han Chan's size shrank rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it returned to its normal appearance.

As she expected, the remaining size is just enough for her to use the Death Word Spirit once.

And Baise Xiaoji was also shrouded in death.

Momose Hime's armor began to stain a layer of gray.

"It's really a grudge, but it's not a good choice to attack me." Baise Xiaoji smiled helplessly, and then looked at Jing Feicai on the other side.

Both are now wrapped in the slime arms that Baosheng Yongmeng extended.

"Fei Cai!" Baise Xiaoji shouted, "Go on!"

Jing Feicai turned to look at Baise Xiaoji suspiciously, and then saw a cassette that was thrown to him.

Subconsciously, Jing Feicai caught the cassette.

The cassette is the strongest cassette in the hands of Baise Xiaoji-"Reaper of God" cassette.

Only then did Jing Feicai notice that Baise Xiaohime had canceled her transformation.

However, Baise Xiaoji's body was collapsing, and a large number of collapse viruses drifted away with the wind, making Baise Xiaoji's body start to become broken.

"Xiao Ji!" Jing Feicai shouted in shock.

Baise Xiaoji returned Jing Feicai with a sweet smile.

"That's my most powerful cassette, Fei Cai, you must win!"

After saying the last words, Baise Xiaoji completely exploded, turning into the data of the Bengyuan virus and disappearing.

Baosheng Yongmeng suddenly felt a release in his hand, and hurriedly looked, only to find that Baise Xiaoji was gone.

"Where's Mercy?"

Jing Feicai did not answer.

At this time, Jing Feicai has fallen into her own world.

In his mind, the scene five years ago appeared——

[Fei Cai, you must become the best doctor! 】

On that day, Baise Xiaoji made such a promise.

On that day, he lost his lover.

[Fei Cai, you must win! 】

On this day, Baise Xiaoji made another promise.

On this day, Jing Feicai lost her lover again.

It hurts, it hurts!

Without the threat of Baise Xiaoji, the magic sword hit the nail on the head again.

The power in the magic sword began to invade the flaws in Jing Feicai's mind.

But this time, Jing Feicai couldn't resist at all.

The magic energy enveloped the mirror.

Jing Feicai's eyes turned completely red.


Jing Feicai let out a roar.

A burst of power broke out in his body, breaking away Baosheng Yongmeng's arms wrapped around him, and was actually supported by the devilish energy, floating in mid-air.

Others watched this scene in shock.

At this time, a ray of light attracted Baosheng Yongmeng's attention.

Han Chan on the ground, who was about to retreat, looked at a cassette that suddenly appeared in front of her, exuding a soft light.

Monster Cassette - "Princess Hunt"!

That's right, it's the cassette that belongs to Hime Moose.

Han Chan didn't know that Baise Xiaoji was a Bengyuan body, so she was a little confused about the sudden appearance of the cassette.

‘Could it be, hidden easter eggs? ’ Han Chan thought to herself.

However, this soft light has become a signal to attract the enemy.

Attracted by the light, Jing Feicai swooped down at a high speed, and rushed directly towards Han Chan, with an undisguised killing intent.

This is probably Baise Xiaoji's last conspiracy.

When Han Chan sensed Jing Feicai's attack, it was too late to escape.

Han Chan could only dodge in embarrassment, and was not cut in half by a sword.

However, the magic sword that was cut on the ground erupted with powerful magic energy, and sent the dodging chilling cicadas flying out in shock.

A faint devilish energy wrapped around Han Chan's body.

The effect of magic sword special martial arts - data invasion of magic energy!

Ahem, one chapter, one chapter today, more tomorrow

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