I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3628 Kamen Rider chills!

The sudden piercing sound of cicadas pierced through everyone's ears like an arrow.


Everyone screamed.

"I can't hear it! I can't hear the sound!" Xiao Xingzuo shouted in horror.

The phantom of Hamburger appeared, trying to comfort Xiao Hoshizuo, but Xiao Hoshizuo couldn't hear Hamburger's voice, so he became even more frightened.

In fact, not only Xiao Xingzuo, but also other people have noticed that they are all deaf!

It's just that other people are calmer than Xiao Xingzuo.

After alleviating the pain in their ears, they all vigilantly looked around and thought of ways to do it.

Obviously the cicadas just now were attacking from the enemy!

But Saeko and Kujo Kiriya stared at Hime Morose unkindly, they suspected that this was a trap set by Hime Morose.

Baise Xiaoji didn't explain, because no one else could hear her explanation, and she was also deaf.

"As a Bengyuan body, I won't be deaf simply because of the sound. In other words, this is the enemy's ability! Is it an enemy with sound abilities?"

"Both Poppy and I were deaf because of this, Hamburger... It was fused with Xiaoxing, but it was spared." Baise Xiaoji calmly analyzed the situation.

After Baosheng Yongmeng regained his composure, he hurriedly greeted the others: "Poppy, Mr. Xingzuo... everyone, get together!"

Unfortunately, although he yelled loudly, he could only convey his thoughts through body language.

After calming down, Poppy immediately came to Baosheng Yongmeng.

Everyone else is also in pairs.

Only Xiao Xingzuo is alone.

Fortunately, Xiao Xingzuo also saw Baosheng Yongmeng's movements, and ran to Baosheng Yongmeng in a panic as if he had found the backbone.

However, at this moment, the phantom of Hamburger Meng appeared, shouting something anxiously beside Xiao Xingzuo.

Xiao Xingzuo didn't hear anything, Xiao Xingzuo, who has no master, just wanted to go to Baosheng Yongmeng's side.

Baosheng Yongmeng hastily stretched out his hand to Xiao Xingzuo.

At this moment, from a flower bush, a large number of invisible sharp blades flew out, chopped the flowers, and submerged Xiao Xing violently.

Baosheng Yongmeng's eyes widened, and he shouted loudly, "Mr. Xingzuo!"

The others also looked at Xiao Xingzuo in astonishment.

Xiao Xingzuo himself could only be overwhelmed by the invisible sharp blade in horror.

Kamen Rider Fortress, whose panel itself was not high, was overwhelmed by such a powerful attack, even without any defense.

The ending is no longer a thought.


The explosion completely submerged the little star.

Xiao Xingzuo's knight slot was instantly emptied.

When the explosion disappeared, it revealed Xiao Xing's disarming transformation.

Xiao Xingzuo had symptoms of game sickness on his body, and he looked in pain. He struggled to get up, but he could only kneel on the ground powerlessly.

Burgermon is gone, too, leaving only the "Cheeky Burgers" cassette on the dueling drive.

"Hamburger Meng, Yongmeng, everyone...I, I don't want to die...!!"

Xiao Xingzuo stared at the crowd, spoke tremblingly, and then turned into countless light spots and disappeared.

The duel driver belonging to Xiaoxing and the cassette of "Jiju Burger" fell to the ground.


"It's a pity, he has no chance to become a Kamen Rider." Baili Yuan sighed after seeing this scene.

in the garden.

Others couldn't hear Xiao Xingzuo's words, but they could see the pain and fear on Xiao Xingzuo's face when he disappeared.

"Mr. Xingzuo!" Baosheng Yongmeng clenched his fists in disbelief.

A friend who was talking and laughing just now was killed by a despicable enemy like this!

Jing Feicai looked gloomy.

Xiao Xingzuo brought the player driver to him, and Jing Feicai felt that he owed Xiao Xingzuo a favor, but now that Xiaoxingzuo died in front of him, there was nothing he could do.

Jing Feicai was furious because of this!

Xi Mani leaned on Hua Jia Dawo, her eyes scanned the surroundings vigilantly, trying to find out where the enemy was hiding.

However, no matter how Sima Nico looked, she couldn't find anything strange in the flowers, let alone traces of the enemy.

As soon as the Hua family grabbed Xima Nicole's arm, I was about to take Xima Nicole to retreat.

Since you know there is an enemy in the dark, why do you stay where you are?

However, even if they want to evacuate, the hidden enemy does not intend to let them go.

Once again, an invisible sharp blade rushed out of the flower bushes, tore up a large number of flowers, and fell towards Huajia Dawo and Xima Nicole.

Xima Nicole, who had been observing the flowers, immediately noticed the attack, and then led the Hua family and I to the side.

In a panic, Sima Nicole keenly noticed that there was a white shadow flashing past behind the flowers.

The enemy's attack again made everyone tense up.

Saeko and Kujo Kiriya are also thinking about how to deal with the enemy.

Kujo Kiriya instinctively wanted to use his sense of smell to find the enemy.

However, Kujo Kiriya found helplessly that this was a garden filled with the scent of flowers, and his sense of smell could not avoid all the scents of flowers and find the scent of the enemy behind the scenes.

But soon, Kujo Kiriya came up with an idea in a hurry.

He took out a cassette.

Monster cassette: "Fantasy Demon Tapir"!

Cassette inserted!

[Phantom Nightmare Tapir! 】

Saiko was a little surprised when she saw Kujo Kiriya's actions.

I saw the armor of the Phantom Demon tapir appearing on Kujo Kiriya's body.

It was a red and white rope, like a ribbon, floating behind Kujo Kiriya, and wrapped around Kujo Kiriya's arms.

There are also two silver bells on the rope.


The bell rang, and Kujo Kiriya activated the armor's ability.

"Five senses operation!"

Jingle Bell……

The sound of the bell turned into ripples, spreading in all directions, affecting everyone's body.

Then, something that shocked everyone happened, they could hear the voice again!

But before everyone was happy, a piercing voice came from the flowers on one side.

Everyone looked at it for the first time.

I saw the invisible sharp blade flying out of the flowers.

"Hide away!"

The Hua family and I took Sima Nicole to escape quickly.

The attack was still aimed at them.

Let Sima Nicole be upset.

"Hey, do we look weak? Keep attacking us!"

The piercing voice sounded again among the flowers.

Because everyone recovered their hearing, they were able to determine the location of the enemy.

This time they didn't just watch.

Jing Feicai directly raised his hand to accumulate strength, and a sword qi flew towards him.

The flowers were smashed, and the figure hiding in the flowers was also blown out.

It was a white figure, it was a Kamen Rider!

The white Kamen Rider got up from the ground.

He looked a little embarrassed, but he wasn't hurt.

Everyone also saw each other's appearance clearly.

The whole body is snow-white, the figure is dexterous, and the body of a girl has some characteristics of cicadas.

Its name is Kamen Rider Chilling!

After being discovered, Han Chan didn't panic, she got up calmly, and then raised her hand to sweep the petals on the battle armor.

"Has the deafness effect been removed?"

The girl's voice sounded flat, like a gentle snowflake in winter.

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