I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3622 Baise Xiaoji's spit out quickly

"Are you... really Xiaoji?" Jing Feicai asked tremblingly.

Baise Xiaoji didn't care that this was a battlefield, she directly canceled the transformation, revealing her own appearance.

Just like back then, wearing a white dress, with a gentle smile.

Said to Jing Feicai: "What do you think~"

Jing Feicai's eyes widened, fixedly staring at Baise Xiaoji's figure, the circles of his eyes gradually turned red.

Looking at Baise Xiaoji's smile and appearance that always appears in dreams, dare not forget, can't forget.

Complex emotions such as excitement, nostalgia, and disbelief appeared in Jing Feicai's eyes, struggling to reach out and touch Baise Xiaoji.

The magic sword sensed that Jing Feicai's belief was shaken, and it saw every stitch, emitting an evil red light, trying to invade Jing Feicai's spirit.

But Jing Feicai withdrew his hand abruptly at this time, suppressed the magic sword again, and at the same time clenched his fists tightly, shouting at Baise Xiaoji: "Impossible, you are not Xiaoji! Xiaoji will never watch Let it all happen!"

The smile on Baise Xiaoji's face froze immediately.

"Fei Cai, listen to my explanation..." Baise Xiaoji hurriedly wanted to explain, but her tone was a little weaker.

"I won't listen, I will never be bewitched by you!" Jing Feicai said through gritted teeth, her eyes were red and filled with tears, as if she had been wronged so much.

No, in Jing Feicai's view, he was wronged.

Someone dared to tarnish the white moonlight in his heart!

Damn it! ! ! !

Baise Xiaoji continued to try to explain: "I am really..."

"You dare to insult Xiaoji, I will never let you go!" Jing Feicai was extremely angry, struggling to get up, as if she wanted to kill Baise Xiaoji.

Demon Sword also took the opportunity to act as a demon again, shining red.

Baise Xiaoji: "..."

She was silent, because she could tell that Jing Feicai had fallen into a dead end and would not listen to her explanation.

Because Jing Feicai wouldn't believe that Baise Xiaoji, who was extremely gentle and kind in his heart, would be the accomplice of the culprit who destroyed a city.

This feeling is as if the brave man found out that the princess he wanted to save was actually a vanguard general who murdered and set fire under the throne of the devil.

For Jing Feicai, when encountering such a thing, either he did not wake up, or the princess was fake.

Jing Feicai chose the latter, thinking that the Baise Xiaoji in front of him was pretended by the enemy, just to disturb his will.

Baise Xiaoji looked at Jing Feicai who was grinning at her in front of her, and sighed helplessly.

"You really don't like oil and salt!"


Baise Xiaoji suddenly broke out, and slapped Jing Feicai on the face with two slaps, directly blinding Jing Feicai.

But then Jing Feicai became even more convinced that Baise Xiaoji in front of her was pretending.

"Xiao Ji is not a violent girl like you, you can't imitate her gentleness!" Jing Feicai showed a smug smile, as if mocking Baise Xiaoji for not being able to deceive him.

Baise Xiaoji: My family, I am really speechless.

The big slap continues to serve.

"Hehe, don't you believe it? Crack! Believe it or not? Crack! I'll ask you if you believe it or not?!"

Momose Momohime, who was still a human before, is indeed very gentle, just like an ordinary girl.

But now Baise Xiaoji was resurrected by absorbing Bailiyuan's data, and her personality was more or less influenced by Bailiyuan's personality.

To put it simply, Baise Xiaoji's spirit is actually abnormal.

But since becoming mentally ill, Baise Xiaoji feels that life is much better.

In the past, she was submissive, gentle, kind, and understanding.

Now she has revenge for revenge, revenge for revenge, and strikes hard!

While serving with her big mouth, Baise Xiaoji pinched Jing Feicai's neck and lifted Jing Feicai up.

"What do you think is the reason why I became like this, my girl? It's not because of you! Every day is nothing but study, and nothing but exams! I asked you to go out on a date with me, and you talked about medical exams! I thought it was me." It's dragging down your studies!"

"Because of you, my pressure was higher than your father's blood pressure and lipids, and then I was infected with game disease! Not only did you not find out that I was sick, but you continued to put pressure on me and ignored me! At that time, I It was you who was thinking about it! I was so stupid at that time! Really!"

"Can't you take a good look at me? If I don't tell you, you can't think of it yourself? You don't come until I'm about to die! Let me tell you, I've long wanted to punch my fist on your handsome face!"

"If it weren't for our two childhood sweethearts, your handsome face is still on my G-spot, I would have kicked you long ago! Do you know how many tall, rich and handsome people want to chase after you when you go to the library to study by yourself?" Me! But because of you, I didn't agree with any of them!"

"Now you still dare to doubt that I'm fake? Baga Road!! In the temple!!!"

Jing Feicai was directly transformed by Baise Xiaoji, her face was full of bewilderment.

Not only because of the "heartfelt words" uttered by Baise Xiaoji, but also because of Moose Xiaoji's violent punches that knocked him out of his transformation.

Note: Baise Xiaoji did not transform just now, and Jing Feicai was transformed.

There is a girl next door who has just grown up, is she really the god of Tai Sui in the world?

But Baise Xiaoji stood up refreshed and breathed a sigh of relief.


At this time, a ray of red light came into Baise Xiaoji's eyes.

Glancing at it, I found the magic sword that wanted to make trouble.

"Be honest!" Baise Xiaoji scolded coldly.

The breath that belongs to the top collapse source body is released.

Demon Sword instantly restrained its light, and lay obediently on the ground.

Baise Xiaoji nodded in satisfaction.

But when she turned around, she was surprised to find that Jing Feicai was also kneeling on the ground, honest and well-behaved.

Baise Xiaoji: "Fei Cai, why are you kneeling too?"

Jing Feicai: "..."

It's broken, it's psychologically shadowed!


Bai Liyuan watched the scene of Baise Xiaoji teaching Jing Feicai a lesson, and really felt Baise Xiaoji's resentment towards Jing Feicai.

Maybe the gentle little Hime Moose didn't care about it before, and endured everything silently by herself, but now that her personality has changed, Little Hime Moose will no longer keep things in her heart.

As for whether it is better to bear everything alone, it is better to speak freely.

It's a matter of opinion.

But at least we can be sure that only by communicating with each other can we deepen our understanding, and only by understanding each other can we find the path to happiness.

Blindly taking or blindly giving is not the right path.

After finishing her lesson, Baise Xiaoji looked towards the scope of the battlefield.

"Is it the black flame Delal's collapse source body? Feicai, you should rest first, and leave it to me!"

"Fei Cai, look at it, my transformation!"

Baise Xiaoji took out the "Reaper of God" cassette and started the transformation.

Jing Feicai sat at the side, silently watching Baise Xiaoji's transformation, hesitant to speak, then hesitant, organized his words, and finally shut up.

Forget it, if you can't beat it, let's not talk about it.

Baise Xiaoji completed the transformation.

【Kamen Rider Mercy! 】

[Log in to the game! 】

Then two more monster cassettes inserted into the dueling belt.

During this period of time, Baise Xiaoji did not simply follow behind everyone, she also collected a few monster cassettes that were helpful to her.

Both cassettes start at the same time.

【Eating Poisonous Frog! 】

【The Killer Bee of Darkness! 】

Start with the cassette.

A purple and green snake popped out from the ground, and it looked like a poisonous evil frog armor.

A dangerous adult-sized hornet armor hidden in the darkness flew out of the sky.

The Vicious Poison Frog Armor is equipped on the shield on Baise Xiaoji's left arm, which increases the size of the shield and becomes the shape of a frog, called the Poison Frog Shield. Poison Frog Shield is more poisonous, with the ability to spit out a long tongue and eat bad food.

The Dark Killer Bee Armor is equipped on the lower end of the scythe, which makes the scythe look longer and has an extra spike at the end, giving people a more dangerous feeling.

After improving her abilities, Baise Xiaoji directly rushed to the position of the Heiyan Delal Bengyuan body.

"Add me to battle!"


The Black Flame Dral's Bone Source Body has become more powerful.

In addition to the increase in the value of his own panel, the power of the black flame he controls is also more destructive and dangerous.

Those who besieged him could not win quickly in a short period of time, and had to guard against his black flame attack.

The joining of Baise Xiaoji broke the stalemate between Baosheng Yongmeng and others.

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