Chapter 3608 Dream Demon Tapir

[Name: Kamen Rider Phantom Tapir / Fantasy Demon Tapir

Level: lvX

Features/powers: illusion tent, five senses operation, good dream tonight]

[Illusion Tent: Cover an area with illusion ability, and let the targets in the area fall into the illusion. ]

[Five-sense operation: deceive the target's five senses and deprive them of the five senses. ]

[Sweet dream tonight: let the target fall into the ultimate dream and sleep. ]

Kamen Rider Phantom Tapir.

Ayako Hyuga's transformation form.

Dressed in pink armor, her transformation is more girly than Saeko's daughter.

The position of the eyes of the face armor is also larger, which makes people feel that her transformation form is a bit cute.

As for the panel data, it is only level 20, but it is still higher than the knight panel data made by Xiao Xing.

After all, although Ayako Hyuga is a full-time wife, she also pays attention to exercise to keep in shape. Compared with Xiao Xingzuo, who ate hamburgers, drank coke, and didn't exercise, his physical fitness was more than a little stronger.

Xiao Xingzuo: It’s hard~

The Phantasmal Tapir is a game monster contracted by Ayako Hyuga.

The prototype of the monster is the legendary monster eater.

Compared with other game monsters that are several meters in size, it is very small, only the size of a basketball.

The color is pink.

It can be seen from the appearance of the armor that the monster body is also a bit cute.

Ability is definitely not weak just because she is cute.

Like the original nightmare-eating tapir, the dreamy tapir also has the ability to involve dreams, which can make the target fall into a long-term deep sleep.

The fantasy demon tapir also has the attribute of "illusion", which has the ability of illusion and manipulation of five senses.

Because the Phantasm Demon Tapir's own ability is good enough, after contracting with Ayako Hyuga, Hyuga Ayako inherited the Phantasm Demon Tapir's ability, and did not derive other special abilities.

And the abilities of the Dream Demon Tapir are all biased towards assisting and controlling abilities, and there is no direct damage ability.

But it doesn't mean that these three abilities are weak.

On the contrary, it can be seen from the cowherd group who can kill each other that the phantom tapir's ability is quite strange and difficult.

In particular, the combination of the two abilities of illusion tent and five-sense operation will hardly make people notice the flaws.

In order to make a contract with the dreamy demon tapir, the group suffered a lot.

In fact, the contract with the dreamy demon tapir was also due to an accident.

After the six of them met, Saeko naturally planned to make a contract with her parents with game monsters.

No one else had an opinion either.

Knowing that she is not good at frontal combat, Ayako Hyuga decided to make a contract with a game monster with auxiliary control ability.

In this way, even if Ayako Hinata has no combat ability, she can still support others.

It's like a little star.

In the process of searching, a group of people found a strange hotel. This hotel looks very peaceful, but it is incompatible with the chaotic city and looks weird.

Everyone is not a fool, they all saw that something was wrong with this hotel.

At the beginning, everyone didn't want to take risks.

Their first goal is to protect themselves, and then to find other companions.

But who knows, the presence in the hotel does not intend to let the six people pass by.

By the time the six people reacted, they had already entered the hotel.

It will be like this, naturally because they were disturbed by the illusion.

After realizing that it was an illusion, Kujo Kiriya took the initiative to take on the ability to find the enemy, showing the strong sense of smell developed through special training.

The illusion ability is aimed at the spirit, and will not interfere with reality. After it is clear that it is an illusion, it is naturally much easier to find the flaw.

Just when everyone thought that Kujo Kiriya could smell the smell and lead everyone to find the mastermind behind the scenes.

Kujo Kiriya was tricked by the dreamy tapir.

Because the dreamy demon tapir still has the ability to manipulate the five senses, Kujo Kiriya's sense of smell is no longer credible.

When I smell it in the toilet, it smells sweet.

Next, illusion and manipulation of the five senses were displayed in turn, torturing a few people and causing a few people to have negative emotions.

And the dreamy demon tapir feeds on negative emotions.

Until Saeko was teased by the dreamy tapir and fell from the roof.

Seeing her daughter falling from the building, Ayako Hinata, as a mother, completely broke out.

Because of the power of maternal love, Ayako Hinata's spirit broke through the illusion and five-sense manipulation of the Phantasmal Tapir, and then Hinata Ayako punched the Phantasmal Tapir hard.

The Phantasmal Tapir is not good at hand-to-hand combat, so it was out of nowhere that Hyuga Ayako beat him to the punch, and also allowed Hinata Ayako and the Phantasmal Tapir to reach a contract.

As for Saeko, because she was wearing a battle armor, she naturally didn't suffer any damage when she fell from the building.

The way Ayako Hyuga contracts the Phantom Tapir also exposes the weakness of the Phantom Tapir's ability, which is also the weakness of Kamen Rider Phantom Tapir.

That is, once you encounter an opponent with stronger mental power than yourself, or an opponent with a sudden burst of mental power, your own abilities will easily become invalid.

However, whether the ability can be successfully displayed is judged by the quality of mental power, not the quantity.

The nine members of the Cowherd Group are obviously people with insufficient mental strength.

In other words, the spiritual power of most ordinary people is not enough.

Naturally, she can only be manipulated by Ayako Hinata.

Ayako Hinata asked Xiaohoshi to feed them hamburgers, because she was worried that the attack power of the few people would not be enough. Let them enter a state of alarm and increase their strength so that they could kill each other better.

Seeing the cowherd group killing each other, Saeko wants to end them.

Hyuga Ayako waved her hand and launched her special attack.

【Good dream tonight! 】

Ayako Hinata released a pink mist to wrap around the nine people, and the nine fell to the ground one after another, falling into the ultimate dream.

In the dream, they will suffer pain and sink infinitely in the nightmare.

But they can't wake up by themselves, unless someone defeats Ayako Hinata, those who are pulled into a dream by Ayako Hinata can wake up.

"Hmph, it's a good deal for them!" Ayako Hyuga snorted coldly.

Kyoutaro Hinata, Kiriya Kujo, Aya Kagehiro, and Hoshisaku were all sweating.

Feeling like an angry woman is really scary.

Xiao Xingzuo ran towards the nine, and skillfully picked off the cassette of the nine.

They can still use this card, so if they stay here, they will let others take advantage of it.

And even if the nine members of the Cowherd Group were stripped naked, they still agony, with no intention of waking up.

After the transformation of the nine people was lifted, the six people looked at the colorfully dressed Cowherds with complicated emotions, and it was hard to say for a while.

"This cowherd group, does it look like this? I really can't bear it." Ayako Hinata said she didn't like this kind of stuff.

"Young people nowadays~" Kyoutaro Hyuga sighed, but he was actually aware of Ayako Hyuga's dislike for the Cowherds, and he was in a good mood.

Kujo Kiriya wanted to say something, but she noticed Saiko's gaze, and then closed her mouth.

Jing Feicai did not speak.

"Why do they get girls to like them?" Xiao Xingzuo finally wondered.

So, Xiao Xingzuo thought for a long time, but he didn't want to understand where he lost.

Why can the Cowherd Group let women spend money for them? As a senior talent, he doesn't even have a close female friend?

Xiao Xingzuo touched his smooth head, puzzled.

Because the vehicle was destroyed, the six had no choice but to walk to the front to find a new vehicle.

After the six people left.

Only nine cowherds who fell into a nightmare were left.

Baise Xiaoji quietly leaned over on a small electric donkey, watching the direction in which the six people left.

"Aunt Caizi's ability is really not simple." Baise Xiaoji sighed.

If you are not prepared, it is too easy to be killed by Chu Jian.

And dealing with ordinary people who haven't practiced spiritual power, it's like a small soldier's detoxification weapon, one kill one is accurate.

Baise Xiaoji didn't stay long either, she continued to follow.

As for the felled Cowherd Group, this kind of group that deceives girls, it is naturally impossible for Baise Xiaoji to treat them. She didn't make up the knife because she was afraid of getting her hands dirty.


What Baise Xiaoji didn't know was.

After she also left.

Bailiyuan stepped on a children's bicycle and followed slowly at the end.

"The loser exits!"

With a snap of his fingers, Bailiyuan sent away the fallen Cowherds.

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