Chapter 367: Holiday Arrives

"Some things, I have long forgotten, but now I still remember that one night, my mother asked me..."

Bailiyuan looked at Kyle who was talking about some things he encountered when he was practicing, and listened quietly, although most of them were nonsense.

At this time, Bailiyuan was at the Summoner's House, having an experience exchange meeting with some students.

Kyle was a student that Bailiyuan met when he participated in the final training of the first grade. He and Zhuang Sheng and others practiced with Guangyan. The initial contract beast was a forest wolf.

Now Zhuang Sheng and the others are about to break through to primary heraldic envoys, but none of them have contracted more contracted beasts yet.

This kind of exchange meeting between students is an activity organized by the students spontaneously. Not only the Summoner's House, but also similar exchange meetings in other associations, usually centered on one or a few senior students, and the lower grades The students surrounded the senior students, and then everyone sat together and shared their cultivation experience with each other in a chatting manner.

This kind of exchange meeting can not only deepen the relationship between students, but also absorb and share valuable cultivation experience with each other. At the same time, the purpose of the existence of senior students is to prevent junior students from entering into misunderstandings.

Although it can't be said that it will definitely be fruitful, and often the communication becomes a real chat, but the communication between peers is an indispensable part of cultivation.

And this exchange meeting is also the last exchange meeting in the club this semester, and there are two days before the holiday.

Therefore, everyone was very relaxed, making the entire exchange meeting a lively chat.

"Okay, everyone should take care of themselves this holiday. Students who want to tame new contracted beasts must form a team and go to the wild, and don't stay in the wild for too long. Although the wild areas open to the public are relatively safe, But it does not rule out certain dangers, the above!" A senior sister made the final summary of the exchange meeting, and at the same time told the students in the lower grades, because in the Summoner's House, there are students who come back with plaster casts every new semester.

For the Heraldist, the most dangerous thing is not the wild environment, but the monsters that may exist in the wild.

"Where is Xiaoyuan going this holiday?" Yana asked Bailiyuan.

There is no shortage of small circles among the students, and the people who practiced together on Cloud Mountain at the beginning have also become a new small circle.

This small circle is all first-year students, including Zhuang Sheng, Hong Xu, Raphael, Yana and Kyle.

And after Baili Yuan entered the Summoner's House, he met them and naturally joined this small circle.

Haven't seen each other for a while, and unlike Baili Yuan, the few people haven't changed much. If we insist, the biggest change is that the relationship between the few people has become much more harmonious, and their strength has also increased. They are almost on the verge of breaking through To the strength of a primary heraldry envoy.

Hearing Yana's question, Baili Yuan thought for a while and finally shook his head.

"I don't have any preparations, so I'll probably just continue to practice on my own." Baili Yuan said, and then looked at the others, "Do you have any plans?"

"Then can we invite you to hunt new contracted beasts with us?" Yana asked with a smile.

"A new contracted beast?" Baili Yuan was taken aback, "Which of you is going to tame a new contracted beast?" Baili Yuan was a little curious.

"It's me!" Kyle raised his hand.

"Has your forest wolf improved to a certain level?" Baili Yuan asked curiously.

Ordinary summoners will not be distracted from contracting and training new contracted beasts until the first contracted beast has been cultivated to a certain level.

Kyle nodded.

"My forest wolf is not a powerful contract beast. Except for speed, other attributes are relatively mediocre, but the advantage is also obvious, that is, the growth rate of the forest wolf is fast enough, and the strength can be good as long as it grows naturally. Combat power, the growth of Timberwolves' strength is now on the right track, so I can spare energy to cultivate a second contracted beast to enhance my own strength. Some seniors whose initial contracted beasts are Timberwolves also suggested that I enter the primary coat of arms Use the second contracted beast from the previous contract to improve your background and strength." Kyle explained.

"Don't you need to go home?"

"We're not in a hurry to go home, and it won't be too late to talk about it after helping Kyle contract a new contracted beast," Raphael said.

Zhuang Sheng, Hongxu and Yana also nodded.

"Then do you have any good goals or plans?" Baili Yuan asked.

Kyle smiled confidently.

"Don't worry, I got a lot of advice from the seniors, and the seniors also kindly provided me with some places to capture contracted beasts. This trip will go smoothly."

Bailiyuan thought for a while, then nodded.

"Okay then, when will we set off and where will we meet?"

"Great, Xiaoyuan, you agreed, this time must be an unforgettable experience." Zhuang Sheng smiled happily.

"We set off on the first day of the holiday, and we gathered at the entrance of Amed Mall at nine o'clock in the morning. We strive to go early and return early, and remember to bring the equipment for survival in the wild." Kyle said.

"Okay." Baili Yuan nodded.

The two-month vacation is just right to take the elves around Yuncheng.


Dean chamber.

At this time, Andy was wearing his dean's uniform and was stirring a drink with a spoon.

The teaching director, Yue Xuan, stood at the side of the desk expressionlessly.

On the opposite side of Andy's desk, there are three figures standing.

A silver-haired nun in a silver-white nun's attire stood behind the nun with a plain-looking monk, both exuding a holy aura.

At this time, the two were maintaining a salute posture.

At a distance from the nun, there was a figure wearing a black robe, covering most of his face. From the curve of the robe and the two strands of hair protruding from the hood, it could be judged that this was a woman.

However, there was a faint smell of blood on this woman's body, which made people subconsciously stay away from her.

But this woman just stood there dryly.


Except for Andy, everyone else maintained their posture and remained motionless. The only sound in the dean's room was the sound of Andy stirring the cup with a spoon, and the whole dean's room was shrouded in a strange atmosphere.

Suddenly, Andy stopped stirring, then picked up the cup, and took a sip of the drink in the cup.

It wasn't until Andy put down the glass that she seemed to have just remembered the person across the desk.

"Okay, get up."

The nuns and monks got up, but the woman in the black robe remained silent.

The monks and nuns were a little stiff because they saluted for a long time, but they didn't move immediately, but stood politely, with a smile on their faces.

"Lord Andy, I have known your name for a long time, and seeing you today, it really lives up to your reputation." The silver-haired nun said with a smile on her face.

"Then tell me what kind of name you heard?" Andy said.


The smile of the silver-haired nun froze. This is a routine I have never seen before. How should I answer?

"Okay, don't talk about those useless things." Andy's face was a little serious, and then pointed at the silver-haired nun and the others with the spoon in his hand.

"In the holy church, I allow the three of you to move freely in Yuncheng. As for the pursuit of prisoners, I will not help you, and I don't want to take care of it, but you better be honest and don't make any trouble .”

Andy pointed to his feet.

"This, Yuncheng, is my site, understand?"

Andy's tone was not very good, but the silver-haired nun still kept smiling without revealing a little bit, as if she didn't care about Andy's bad attitude at all, or in other words, she only hoped that Andy would allow them to operate in Yuncheng For this purpose, as for Andy's attitude, she has long been mentally prepared.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Andy, for your support of our work, then I will take my leave." The silver-haired nun said.

Yue Xuan nodded.

I have to say that the people in the church are really impeccable in terms of etiquette.

Andy waved his hand impatiently.

The three nuns withdrew.

After the three nuns left, Andy took out a notebook out of nowhere, and Andy wrote on it.

"People from the holy church dare to come to my Yuncheng to show off their might, write it down, and take revenge later."

Yue Xuan's eyes twitched.

Andy closed his notebook, then squinted his eyes and thought for a moment.


"What orders does the Dean have?" Yue Xuan looked at Andy.

"Go arrange someone to find out what the church is looking for, and what is in the hands of the prisoner that deserves the attention of the church. It is best to find the prisoner and not let the people of the church notice." Andy smiled Said.

"Yes, Mr. Dean."

"The thing that the church is looking for is definitely valuable, and I want it too!" Speaking of this, Andy's eyes lit up a little.

"..." Yue Xuan.

Yue Xuan suddenly felt a little uncomfortable for the three people in the church.

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