I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3601 Kamen Rider Fort


Many game monsters launched by Bailiyuan have evolved a lot of intelligence and emotion, they all have their own preferences, and they all have a chance to be captured.

What's more, there is also the collapse body, which is also classified as a game monster by the game, and it is easier to be captured.

However, Baosheng Yongmeng and Poppy were not the first to discover the strategy contract and reach the contract.

The two only reached a contract under unexpected circumstances.

Someone is faster than them, and at the beginning of the game, the contract conditions have been reached.


do not forget.

Behind the team chasing Baosheng Yongmeng and Poppy, there is a Jing Feicai following.

But, unfortunately, Jing Feicai was stopped by a game monster.

Why is this game monster not blocked by others, but only in the mirror?

Baise Xiaoji: Yes, I am the black hand!

This game monster was specially prepared by Baise Xiaoji for Jing Feicai.

In front of Baise Xiaoji, there is a special light screen, playing the battle between Jing Feicai and the game monster.

The game monster fighting Jing Feicai is a knight-like game monster wearing medieval armor, holding a knight's long sword, with chic movements and impressive strength.

[Game Monster: Knight Brave! 】

Looking at the name of the monster in this game, the aura of default has almost overflowed the screen.

Jing Feicai transforms into an ordinary knight player form, holding a standard weapon sword, and fighting with the knight brave.

As a result, Jing Feicai fell into a huge disadvantage.

It's not because Jing Feicai can't do it.

It's because the strength of the knight brave is really strong.

Knight warriors not only have superb sword skills, but also have a strong sense of intuition. They can always predict the enemy first, as if they can predict the enemy's attack.

In addition to these basic abilities, the knight brave also hides a powerful nirvana, but it has not been used yet.

Because it's not time to use it yet - wait for a hot woman!

Looking at Jing Feicai has fallen into a desperate situation.

Baise Xiaoji stood up, she knew that it was time for her to make a move.

Mirror Feicai, your girlfriend is back!

However, just when Baise Xiaoji was about to rush to Jing Feicai's location.

But an uninvited guest intervened between them.

"Doctor Jing, hold on, I'm coming!!"

A roar.

A hamburger popped out of the screen...

This is a strange-looking Kamen Rider.

The helmet looks like a hamburger.

A double-decker hamburger hangs diagonally from his body.

The whole is the color and character of the burger.

As soon as the Hamburg knight appeared, he knocked away the knight brave and solved the crisis of Jing Feicai.

"Ah?" Baise Xiaoji was dumbfounded.

"Who?" Jing Feicai was stunned at the scene.

But seeing the full hamburger features, Jing Feicai suddenly reacted.

"Are you...Mr. Xiao Xingzuo?"

"That's right, it's me, and Hamburger, we have also become Kamen Riders." Xiao Hoshizawa scratched his head embarrassingly.

The phantom of Hamburger appeared on Xiao Xingzuo's body, and waved to Jing Feicai to say hello, "Doctor Jing, hello!"

Then I did not forget to encourage Xiao Xingzuo, "Come on, Xiao Xingzuo, you are the best!"

Little star: o(*////▽////*)q

Xiao Xingzuo: It is so gentle, I cried to death.

Jing Feicai: "???"

Xiao Xingzuo.


His transformation form is now called Kamen Rider Bobo.

Such a cute name, but the shapeshifter is a young programmer with a slanted head.

And Xiao Xingzuo and Hamburg Meng are the first Kamen Riders to pass the strategy and reach a contract with full favorability!

Originally, Xiao Xingzuo was still typing codes in the computer rescue center, and Hamburg Meng prepared love burgers for Xiao Xing.

As a result, the game suddenly started, covering the entire city.

They are naturally also incorporated into the game.

And they still don't understand what's going on.

A heart appeared above their heads, and it filled up in an instant.

And then, together they became the light.

By the time they reacted, they had already completed their transformation.

In this way, Kamen Rider Baobao was born.

Back to the present.

Xiao Xingzuo embarrassedly introduced himself to Jing Feicai, "This is the form I transformed into after I made a contract with Hamburg, Kamen Rider Baobao."

Jing Feicai: "..."

For a moment, he didn't know how to complain.

Baise Xiaoji was already dumbfounded.

Bailiyuan probed to see the situation on Baise Xiaoji's side, and then almost died of laughter.

Your boyfriend has been cut off!

And the one who lost was a man!

Bai Liyuan spat out the dog food that Baosheng Yongmeng fed into his mouth in front of Baise Xiaoji.

Thank you Baise Xiaoji.

"Knight and brave man, give that hamburger monster a little color!" Baise Xiaoji shouted at the screen, waving her little fist.


The knight brave got up from the ground, it raised the knight sword in its hand to Xiao Xingzuo, and its breath became dangerous.

Because it received the command above.

——Give Kamen Rider Baobao a sword, let him have a longer memory.

Xiao Hoshizuo hurriedly cheered up, and faced the knight brave, he made a fighting posture.

"Mr. Xingzuo, can you do it?" Jing Feicai doubted, "This game monster is very strong."

In fact, what Jing Feicai wants to say is, as a programmer, can you really play this game well?

Even if he becomes a Kamen Rider, Hamburger doesn't have much fighting ability, does he? The Kamen Rider you turned into doesn't have much fighting power, does it?

Summary: don't give away.

Xiao Xingzuo patted his chest confidently.

"Don't worry, Hamburger and I also have some special abilities."

Then I watched the little star work condense - an energy burger.

Jing Feicai: "?"

The knight warrior smiled.

The knight brave rushed.

Xiao Xingzuo threw out the energy burger, which has tracking ability, and flew towards the knight brave.

The knights and braves ate a catty.

Then the knight brave sat down on the ground as if he was full, looking up at the sky contentedly, forgetting to fight.

"Look, this is the special ability of Hamburger and I!" Xiao Xingzuo proudly said to Jing Feicai.

Jing Feicai was dumbfounded.

Baise Xiaoji was also dumbfounded.

"What kind of ghost ability is this?"

At this time, Bailiyuan passed the backstage and checked the panel of Kamen Rider Baobao.

In terms of value, the value of Kamen Rider Baobao is not high, at most it is at the tenth level.

There are only two abilities, but they are both very special.

[Name: Kamen Rider Burger / Hamburg Mengbengyuan Body

Level: lvX

Features/powers: Burger Express, Fort, Really Fort]

[Hamburger Express: Get full speed, rush to the target at the fastest speed, hitting the target can cause a short-term dizziness, but it does not cause any damage. During the express delivery process, there is no control. ]

[Fort, really fort: consume physical strength, gather energy burger, throw it at the target, energy burger has tracking ability. The target hit by the energy burger will enter a state of satisfaction for half a minute. \u0026amp;lt;Satisfied state\u0026amp;gt;: Peace of mind, enjoying life. But after being attacked, the satisfied state disappears and enters the disturbed state. \u0026amp;lt;Surprise\u0026amp;gt;: Speed ​​and strength will be improved. ]

"This ability is really... a fortress!" Bailiyuan couldn't help expressing emotion.

On the screen, Xiao Xingzuo is still operating.

He refilled the knight with another hamburger.

Then Xiao Xingzuo threw two things to Jing Feicai.

Jing Feicai took a look and found that it turned out to be a player drive and a special cassette.

Xiaoxing quickly explained, "Doctor Jing, that is the drive I exchanged for you. I guess you should need it. That cassette is the special weapon cassette I developed for you. It has been completed."

"I'll hold off the enemy first, you can start the transformation with confidence!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Xingzuo stuffed another hamburger for the knight brave.

Knight Brave: Enough is enough, I really can’t eat anymore, so don’t give it away.

Jing Feicai looked at the things in his hands, nodded seriously, and put the driver on his waist.

Then start the special weapon cassette.

Insert the belt.

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