Chapter 3597 Kamen Rider Evil Armor!

bang bang bang!

"Ho ho ho!"

The sound of fists colliding with mechs and flesh echoed in the open space in front of the apartment.

Fierce attacks rained down on the chaotic mech.

Covered with pent-up laughter.

Finally, Baosheng Qing's long teeth loosened, and he finally laughed out loud, no longer suppressing the madness in his body.


Accompanied by his crazy and chaotic laughter, a large amount of black Bengyuan virus erupted from his body, and his eyes became more and more bright red.

Baosheng Qingchang looked like he had an outbreak of game sickness.

But it seems that it is not the same as the game disease.

Similar situations have happened to other people.

The other person is Baosheng Qingchang's son, Baosheng Yongmeng.

Tan Zhengzong didn't show any worried expression. Instead, he smiled in praise and sighed, "As expected of a father and son."

as father and son.

After being infected with the collapse virus, he also became a special individual.

It can also unleash special powers.

And, it also has a coexisting and powerful personality.

At the moment when the collapse virus broke out in Baosheng Qingchang's body, his strength was greatly improved.

Baosheng Qingchang punched out, hitting the chaotic mecha's chest.



With an explosion, the chaotic mecha was blown up!

Defeat game monsters without transforming!

The game monster was defeated and turned into a broken light spot like data.

In the spot of light, floats a cassette and matching duel drive.

Baosheng Qingchang, who was shrouded by the collapse virus, did not hesitate, and directly grabbed the cassette and drive in his hand.

The moment he touches the driver, the way of using it emerges in Kiyoshi Hosho's mind.

Wear the drive around your waist and insert the cassette into the slot.

[click! 】

Baosheng Qing laughed out loud.


[The monster is coming! 】

【confusion! 】

【flesh! 】

[Mecha! 】

[Chaos Mecha! 】

The armor appeared, and in the process of merging with Baosheng Qingchang, it was infected by the Bengyuan virus on Baosheng Qingchang, which made the color of the armor an ominous black.

When all the armor is attached to Baosheng Qingchang.

A blue-black Kamen Rider appeared. He used a duel driver. The important parts of his body were covered with armor. Under the armor, there was flesh-like skin and red blood-vessel-like devices all over his body.

Like a chaotic fusion of machine and flesh.

The voice of the roll call sounded at the end.

【Kamen Rider...】

【Chaos... Armor...】

[Zi la! 】

Like a system error, the voice of Kamen Rider's name froze for a moment.

before continuing again.

It was changed to another name.

[Kamen Rider Evil Armor! 】

[Log in to the game! 】

After the transformation, Baosheng Qingchang's madness was suppressed, and he regained his composure again.

"Papapa..." Tan Zhengzong applauded and praised: "You are worthy of it."

Baosheng Qingchang, no, Kamen Rider Xiejia, slowly raised his head, revealing a face that was half mechanical and half biological, with ominous red eyes emitting from his eyes.

"Sarah, watch me pass the level with my life!"


The top of a tall building.

"Kamen Rider... Evil Armor?" Hime Morose blinked her eyes suspiciously.

A screen of light floated in front of Hime Morose, and on the screen, all the knight players who had reached the contract and upgraded to Kamen Rider were counted.

Almost ten people have reached a contract now.

And the Kamen Rider Evil Armor that popped out suddenly made Bai Se Xiaoji a little confused.

Because, she doesn't remember this Kamen Rider anymore.

After all, most of the game monsters are designed by her, and the corresponding transformation forms naturally have her share.

So Baise Xiaoji looked at Bailiyuan.

Could it be the monster designed by Bailiyuan, which changed after reaching a contract with the knight.

However, Bailiyuan witnessed the whole process of Baosheng Qingchang's battle and transformation.

Express emotion at this moment.

"It is really……"

“Thai pants are spicy!”

cough cough.

Well, Bailiyuan really thinks that Baosheng Qingchang is very powerful.

Two light screens appeared, on which were the figures of two Kamen Riders, one was Kamen Rider Xiejia, and the other was Kamen Rider Ranjia.

The difference between the two is that the shape of the evil armor is more biological, the color is more dark, the eyes are red, and the eyes of the random armor are blue. The overall evil armor gives people an evil feeling.

"Kamen Rider Evil Armor is transformed from Kamen Rider Ranjia contaminated by a special collapse virus. In addition to the original mechanical, biological, and chaotic attributes, there are also more evil and dark attributes. For the evil armor Here comes a special ability that can break the contract between other Kamen Riders and game monsters."

"This ability is really interesting."

Bailiyuan retrieved the background data of Kamen Rider Evil Armor.

As an official, it is natural to check the player's data.

Even if someone tampers with the game data, as long as the other party's technology Bailiyuan can crack, its panel will not be able to hide from Bailiyuan.

However, even though someone changed his game, Bailiyuan and Tan Lidou were different.

Tan Lidou would be furious.

Bailiyuan felt interesting.

Because of this game, there are many uncertainties in the design of Bailiyuan, and every Kamen Rider has the possibility of creating miracles.

The biggest uncertainty is the ability obtained after making a contract with a monster and upgrading to a Kamen Rider.

Sima Nicole's guess is generally correct. The Kamen Rider who contracts with the monster will gain the ability of the monster.

But not all the abilities of monsters.

The birth of Kamen Rider's ability in the game is mainly in two ways. One is the extension of the monster's own ability, and the other is the fusion of attributes.

The extension of the monster's ability, such as contracting speed monsters, Kamen Rider may gain the ability to accelerate; contracting monsters that can control flames, Kamen Rider may gain the ability to use flames.

The fusion of attributes is quite special.

Because it is not only the attributes of the fusion monster, but also the characteristics of the Kamen Rider.

The attributes of monsters refer to the characteristics of monsters.

Kamen Rider's characteristics refer to the knight's emotion and character.

For example, the monsters in the contract have the attributes of poisonous and fungi, and the transformed Kamen Rider has the characteristics of the sixth child. It is not impossible to integrate Teemo's ability to grow mushrooms.

Baosheng Qingchang is indeed very powerful, not only fused a very special ability, but also changed the shape of the transformation.

According to the design concept of the game, it is not impossible for this to happen.

"Don't worry, there are no bugs. As long as the player has a strong enough soul power, it is not impossible to change the form of the knight, let alone change the game." Bailiyuan comforted Xiaoji Baise.

Baise Xiaoji: I suspect that you are insulting me, but I have no proof!

Bailiyuan didn't care about Baise Xiaoji's thoughts, he continued to check the panel of Kamen Rider Evil Armor.

Does Baise Xiaoji understand the refreshing feeling of combining card drawing?

Bailiyuan didn't care much about the extremely high attribute values ​​of the panel of the Kamen Rider Evil Armor.

As we all know, just look at the values ​​​​of the panel for fun.

It mainly depends on the ability on the panel.

Without good abilities, no matter how high the value is, it is just a mortal bone.

Obviously, the ability of Kamen Rider Evil Armor makes him the most dangerous existence in this game!

"Father is like this, so what about Baosheng Yongmeng as a son?"

While talking, Bailiyuan searched for Baosheng Yongmeng.

Then Bailiyuan saw it.

"Eternal Dream!"


Somewhere in the city, Baosheng Yongmeng and Poppy hugged each other.

A special effect of hearts appeared above their heads.

Then they turned on the light together.

Bailiyuan: "..."

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