I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3579 Perfectly knock down the player!

Computer Help Center.

After Jing Feicai left the ICU, she was sent here for better treatment.

Those who took care of Jing Feicai were naturally his two attendant nurses.

"Master Feicai's recovery speed is very fast, but it's a bit different from ordinary people." A nurse who was Jing Feicai's follower said with a worried frown.

When something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

And it doesn't seem like this is the first time this has happened.

Last time, Jing Feicai's recovery from a serious injury was relatively fast, but fortunately, it was still within an acceptable range.

This time, it was a little beyond human common sense.

The person was sent to the ICU yesterday afternoon, and was transferred to the ward of the computer rescue center in the evening because his health improved.

No matter how you think about it, it's not right.

Bailiyuan: That's right, it was me both times, but this time I used more force.

"Perhaps, it has something to do with the Bengyuan virus." Another nurse guessed, "Master Fei Cai once said that the Kamen Rider who has undergone adaptive surgery is implanted with the Bengyuan virus in the body, which should be more or less harmful to the human body." make an impact."

The two nurses didn't understand the game disease and the collapse virus very well, but they knew that things that could be called viruses needed to be treated with caution.

"Do you need to tell Mr. Mirror Gray Horse?"

"Let's wait until Young Master Fei Cai wakes up, it's up to Young Master Fei Cai to decide."


While the two nurses were talking quietly, they heard Jing Feicai moaning.

The two hurried to the bedside.

Jing Feicai's eyelashes trembled twice, then she woke up suddenly and was about to sit up from the bed.

It was only because of the pain on his body that Jing Feicai let out a scream and fell back on the hospital bed again.

"Master Fei Cai, please don't do strenuous activities, you still need some time to recuperate."

"Master Fei Cai, you are safe now!"

The two nurses hurriedly held down Jing Feicai, and then comforted Jing Feicai.

Before Jing Feicai was seriously injured and lost consciousness, she was still fighting, but now she suddenly woke up, and her regained consciousness has not yet escaped from the fighting atmosphere.

After a while, Jing Feicai realized that she was in the computer rescue center and was out of the battle now.

However, Jing Feicai did not calm down because of this.

"Quick, help me up!"

"Master Fei Cai, you are not fit to fight now." The nurse said hastily.

Jing Feicai looked anxious, and said loudly: "There is no time, hurry up and inform other people, Exaid and Baosheng Yongmeng are under control! They stole my drive and cassette!"

The two nurses were a little puzzled.

Isn't Baosheng Yongmeng missing?

But they still reported Jing Feicai's awakening and what Jing Feicai said to Hyuga Kyoutaro as soon as possible.

That is, Jing Feicai woke up a bit late.


Palad got up from the ground.

He wiped the corners of his mouth in displeasure.

"Hehe, this form can't deal with you."

Bailiyuan suggested: "You can try extreme players."

Palade shook his head, "It's not the limit player who sanctioned you."

Bailiyuan secretly thought it was a pity.

If Palade really turned into an extreme player.

Then Bailiyuan saves effort, the reprogramming that comes with extreme players will definitely make Palade eat a pot.

At present, Prallard is not clear how powerful the reprogramming ability is.

Prallard in front of him took out a new cassette.

But it is not the cassette that belongs to Baosheng Yongmeng, but the dual cassette that belongs to Palad.

"I'll let you experience the power of creation after my fusion with Baosheng Yongmeng - the perfect power beyond the limit!"

Cassette starts.

Insert the drive.

[click! 】

Two game screens, red and blue, appeared, and then unexpectedly merged in the middle, superimposed together.

"It really is this." Bailiyuan naturally knew what form Palad had unlocked.

This is an upgraded form that combines two games!

"MAX Transformation!" Prallad said Baosheng Yongmeng's lines against Baosheng Yongmeng's face, and then pulled the trigger of Baosheng Yongmeng's driver.

He has a healthy smile.

Let people know that he is already too high.

【Mazaru Up! 】

[The red fist is powerful! 】

[Blue puzzle chain! 】

[Interlacing of red and blue! 】

【Perfect Knock Out! 】

A red and blue light curtain enveloped Palad's whole body.

A red and blue Kamen Rider appears.

The red and blue color scheme, Bailiyuan and Parad have had similar forms.

The previous Ultra players of Bailiyuan were red and blue, but the red and blue colors are more like the color distribution of Ultraman.

The Kamen Rider Paradox that Palad transformed into before, the red and blue colors are separated from the front and back, corresponding to the two forms of the two games in the Parad game cassette.

Only one of the colors can be in front to fight against the enemy.

But now, the red and blue colors on Palad's body are overlapping and merging, with red and blue alternating.

The red and blue edges are luxurious golden borders, and on the lower body, there is also a noble battle skirt.

As we all know, the more costumes on the body, the higher the status and the stronger the strength.

There is a chain of contempt, right~

"Kamen Rider Paradox, lv99!" Palad said while moving his wrist.

The special weapon belonging to Palad, the Paradox Blade Spear, appeared in the hands of Palad.

Scan panel.

[Name: Kamen Rider Paradox / Perfect Knockout Player

Level: lv99

Features/powers: prop manipulation, jigsaw manipulation, blasting strike, fusion secret technique]

[Prop operation: You can control props, but the upper limit of the number of items you can choose to use at one time is reduced to two. ]

[Puzzle manipulation: Generate a puzzle-like energy body for combat. ]

[Blast Strike: The attack will cause a blast attack. ]

[Fusion Cheats: Can use more Cheats and Ultimate Skills. ]

Obviously, the ability to perfectly knock down players is to combine the abilities of puzzle players and fighter players, and open up more nirvana and attack methods by the way.

Simple and straightforward.

Levels are also full.

Well, another numerical monster.

"Level ninety-nine, is this the new form you opened with the help of Baosheng Yongmeng's ability? Is this your confidence?" Bailiyuan asked Prade.

Palade laughed, "Haha, how about it, isn't it great? Then, I will have the ability to fight Baosheng Yongmeng!"

Because Baosheng Yongmeng restored the character of the M period after the character was formatted, he has been despising Palad for a mere 50th level, and wanted to challenge him to a 99th level.

It seems that Baosheng Yongmeng can easily defeat Parad as long as he is interested.

Let Palad very dissatisfied.

So, Palad also did a hard job for himself.

That is to use Baosheng Yongmeng's ability to give himself a cassette upgrade.

Do you really think that after Prallad captured Baosheng Yongmeng, he just wanted to imprison Baosheng Yongmeng in a small dark room as a woman?

His real purpose is to adapt and study Baosheng Yongmeng's special ability.

As it turned out, he succeeded.

Successfully gave him a double cassette, upgraded to a full level of ninety-nine!

"Ultra, before playing with M, let's kill you to add to the fun." Prallard said pointing at Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan smiled dismissively.

"Big words!"

Then Bailiyuan also took out two cassettes from left to right.

"Red Warrior"!

"Blue Warrior"!

"Do you think you are the only one who can upgrade?"

Two cassettes, one on the left and one on the right by Bailiyuan, were inserted into the two card slots of the belt.

The same two screens appeared, and then slowly merged into one place.

"Nani?!" Prallard couldn't help but widen his eyes.

How did Ultra fix his job?

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