I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3572 fresh milk


secret base.

Bai Liyuan, in an Ultra posture, summoned Momose Momohime, Saeko, and Kujo Kiriya for a small meeting.

"Our next plan is to continue to collect customs clearance certificates. We must hold all the customs clearance certificates in our hands and kill them in front of the ultimate boss. Tomorrow, we can teach them a proper lesson from Bengyuan Body, so that they don't make small moves and play the game well. Go down. But don’t push too hard, I’m afraid they won’t be able to bear it.”

"Then, everyone performed well today, and the bonuses will be transferred to everyone's cards immediately, and we will continue to work hard in the future~ I will never treat everyone badly!" Bailiyuan encouraged the three of them.

The three applauded quickly.

It was Baise Xiaoji who had an embarrassed expression.

Saeko smiled politely.

Kujo Kiriya's smile was false.

In the past, when I was in school or at work, I was often held up by my mentors and leaders to hold meetings. Now that I have joined a special organization, I still need to hold meetings? !

All three felt uncomfortable.

But then, the phones of the three of them vibrated at the same time.

They took out their mobile phones one after another and found that it was the transfer information from the bank.

It was the bonus that Bailiyuan said had arrived.

Count carefully...

"An eight-figure bonus?!" Kujo Kiriya's eyes widened.

Sayizi choked for breath, "Ten million?!"

Baise Xiaoji was dazed by a series of zero shakes.

They suddenly felt that Bailiyuan's words were really nice.

Even if doctors are high-paying professions, Kujo Kiriya and Saeko would find it difficult to get so much money in such a short period of time.

No, it should be said that there was never so much money in the cards of the two of them.

After all, neither of them is the type to save money.

Kujo Kiriya needs to spend money to investigate clues, and Saiko needs to spend money to maintain her appearance.

As for Baise Xiaoji, a student who has not yet graduated from college and was born in a commoner family, she suddenly has such a large amount of money, and now her hands are shaking.

Although Baise Xiaoji has not yet returned to her normal life, she will eventually return to being an ordinary person, so naturally she cannot refuse money.

Baise Xiaoji had to sigh, Bailiyuan is really generous. When she brings the money home, Mom and Dad can retire early.

Even though the equipment on the three of them cannot be measured by money, the three still feel that the impact of money on them is more intuitive.

As for the origin of the money...

Don't ask, it's from where.

Baili Yuan smiled slightly, raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

In the darkness, a figure walked out. This figure was dressed as a ninja, with blood red eyes, and a game style on his body, not like a human being.

The sudden appearance of the ninja attracted the attention of the three of them.

"Bengyuan body?" Kutiao Guili asked suspiciously.

The opponent's style is indeed like a collapsed body.

What caught the three people's attention even more was that the ninja was holding a tray with both hands, and on the tray were four cups of... steaming milky white liquid?

"The meeting is over, everyone should rest early and continue to work hard tomorrow."

"Finally, for the greater good, we replace wine with milk, cheers!"

The vibe is here and a drink is a must.

It's a pity that Bailiyuan is underage, so he can only drink milk.

What? Can Saiko, Kujo Kiriya, and Momose Kohime drink alcohol?

Leaders are drinking milk, do you still dare to drink?

Do you want to mix in the organization?

So several people picked up a glass of milk, then raised the glass and bumped each other.

Kujo Kiriya sniffed it and found it smelled like milk.

Saeko shook it and found that it was indeed very similar to milk.

Baise Xiaoji licked it and was sure it was really milk!

"Don't worry, it's absolutely fresh." Baili Yuan smiled.

There was a snap.

There was a light in the darkness beside him.

Then the three saw the scene hidden in the darkness.

There... there was a cow!

Cows are still chewing fresh grass. A ninja soldier with the same game style is squatting next to the cow to milk the cow.

On the side, there is a ninja soldier who is boiling milk.

Finally, there are ninja soldiers who use machines to bottle and seal milk.

Just highlight a specialty.

"The milk will be stored in the refrigerator at the base, remember to drink it in time." Baili Yuan laughed.

Three people: "..."

"That's it for today, Nighty-night~" Bailiyuan turned around and walked deep into the base, raised his head and drank the milk before disappearing.

The three were greatly shocked.

So, how do you drink clean milk while wearing a battle armor! ! !

Little Ji Baise didn't even know that Bailiyuan had this unique skill.

The three of them did not suspect that the milk was drugged, and they drank the milk quickly.

The evaluation is that it is indeed fresh.

The empty cup was taken away by ninja soldiers.

Saiko and Kujo Kiriya said goodbye and left.

The two do not live on the base.

By the way, Kujo Kiriya couldn't go home because he wanted to hide his identity, and he didn't want to live in the base. So now Kujo Kiriya is taken in by Saiko and lives in the apartment that Saiko rents.

Saeko doesn't live at home for work, and rents an apartment alone.

Well, yes, the two are living together.

The Hua family is older, I mean he is familiar with this.

Baise Xiaoji and Bailiyuan live in the base.

Xiaoji Baise planned to ask Bailiyuan where he got the cows later, but she didn't even know there were cows in the base.

By the way, where did those ninja soldiers come from? I haven't seen them before.

However, before leaving, Saeko stopped Moose Xiaohime.

"Xiao Ji."

"What's wrong? Sister Saeko?" Baise Xiaoji was a little confused.

"Did you fight Jing Feicai today?"

"Ahem, he is the one who took the initiative to catch up and fight me."

"Then you and Jing Feicai are really a couple?" Saeko said meaningfully.

Immediately, Baise Xiaoji blushed with embarrassment, her eyes averted, "You, you all know."

Although her identity had been exposed long ago, the thin-skinned Baise Xiaoji was still a little embarrassed to have her relationship exposed.

"Is there any problem? Sister Saiko?" Baise Xiaoji wondered why Saiko brought this up on purpose.

Saeko just shook her head.

Kujo Kiya reasoned with his eyes, and said with a smile, "I just sigh, your feelings are really... fierce."

Baise Xiaoji frowned, feeling something was wrong, "Fierce? What do you mean?"

It's obviously cute to walk by yourself!

"Right now Jing Feicai is still in the intensive care unit." Kujo Kiriya smiled, with repressed anger appearing in his eyes.

Both Saiko and Kujo Kiriya felt that if Momose Hime was really Kagami's girlfriend, then she had really gone too far.

But is the person who can play such a heavy hand really Jing Feicai's girlfriend?

The two had to reassess Baise Xiaoji's situation.

This is also a trial.


Baise Xiaoji was extremely shocked.

He hurriedly asked: "What's the matter? When I left, Fei Cai was still fine!"

Saiko and Kujo Kiriya were taken aback.

"However, when Jing Feicai was sent back to the computer rescue center, he was seriously injured, his arms were broken, and his internal organs were bleeding. There was a flaw in Xiaoji's expression.

However, what Saiko and Kujo Kiriya saw was the shock, doubt, worry and panic of Momose Kohime.

"I'm going to see Feicai!" Baise Xiaoji left in a panic and rushed out of the base.

Saeko frowned involuntarily.

Kujo Kiya watched the back of Momose Xiaohime leaving, and said in surprise: "It doesn't look like it's pretending."

"Probably, there is someone else who seriously injured Jing Feicai. But who can seriously injure Brave at level 50?"

"By the way, is there any news from Yongmeng?" Kujo Kiriya continued to ask.

Saeko shook her head, then let out a long sigh.

"It's getting more and more chaotic."

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