I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3565 Blue Warrior! Speed ​​miracle!

Bailiyuan left and went to the next game field.

Saeko and Kujo Kiriya naturally followed behind Bailiyuan.

Seeing that Bailiyuan was missing, Poppy suddenly thought that something was wrong, and realized that another Bengyuan body was about to be killed, so he hurriedly pursued it.

"Ultra, don't run!"

After finishing speaking, Poppy no longer fought with Baise Xiaoji, and disappeared into the game field after turning around.

Baise Xiaoji couldn't stop Poppy, feeling a little helpless.

Kamen Rider Poppy's ability is so disgusting.

What dodge ability is that?

Cut ten knives, nine knives will result in MISS, can this game be played?

Most importantly, there was a Jing Feicai next to him, who kept asking questions there.

Originally, attacking MISS made Moise Xiaoji feel very bad, so Jing Feicai came directly to add fuel to the fire.

Now Baise Xiaoji really wants to give Jing Fei a knife.

Then she gave Jing Fei a colorful knife.

Ordinary knife.

There is no MISS.


Baise Xiaoji also left this game field.

Baise Xiaoji's ordinary knife naturally did not cause any damage to Jing Feicai, and it didn't even penetrate the armor.

But that's not the point.

The point is that Baise Xiaoji hasn't answered Jing Feicai yet!

Jing Feicai hurriedly chased Baise Xiaoji.

"Mercy, don't go, answer my question!" Jing Feicai shouted loudly, and hurried to catch up.

Once again, a group of knight players were left looking at each other.

"The wild monster (Kamen Rider) brushed the BOSS (collapse source body)? What should we do?"

Isn't this just that Papa Hong went to the dragon pit to slap Dalong twice?

"Zhuo, I don't play this game anymore!"

Immediately, a player dropped the cassette in his hand to the ground.

"Shit! Fantasy dream!"

There are also some knight players who have their own goals, unwilling to end the game like this, and rush to the next game field.


The third game area.

Livr collapse source body game field!

There was a hail of bullets and explosions.

The battle in this area of ​​the game is more intense.

On the one hand, it is because of the characteristics of the Leaver Bengyuan body. The assault Bengyuan virus body it summons can become stronger and evolve as the battle time goes by.

On the other hand, it is because of the Hua family who entered this game field. The Hua family directly launched an indiscriminate attack on the knight players and the Benyuan body.

After hearing Poppy say that Kamen Rider is a special monster in the game, and that he has high-end equipment, the knight players naturally couldn't wait to attack the Hua family.

But the Hua family is different from Jing Feicai, he will not be used to knight players.


You want to grab my cassette?

Have you never died? !

"Anyone who stops me from clearing the game, whether it's a Bengyuan body or a human, is an enemy!" Hua Jiada directly activated his own special martial arts cassette.

A Gatling machine gun full of sense of technology and gunpowder appeared in the hands of Hua Jia Dawo.

Snipe Specialized Martial Arts - Merlin Gatlin!

blazing green~

Even if the Hua Family Dawo is only level 4 after transforming, with a special weapon in hand, the Hua Family Dawo can still cause damage to enemies above level 50!

The huge power of Merlin Gatling made Huajia Da my hands numb, but this is not a problem, the greater the power of Merlin Gatling, the more I like Huajiada!

As a result, a three-party melee broke out in the game field, and the Hua family and Li Fuer's Bengyuan body both had heavy firepower.

On the contrary, it is armed by knight players, which feels the same as a fire stick.

So here comes the question, how will the situation develop in a situation of two strong and one weak?

Of course, kill the weakest first!

Even if the two strong players lose in the end, they cannot be taken advantage of by the weakest.

If it weren't for the large number of Cavaliers players and several game teams organizing defenses and counterattacks, otherwise there would have been heavy casualties.

But it still frightened many players not to continue the game, and hastily withdrew from the game field.

This battlefield is too real, even if he knew it was a game, he didn't have the courage to try to charge.

The most important thing is that being hit really hurts!

The Hua family is pretty restrained, as long as the player quits the game, he will not continue to hunt down.

And the Hua family and I will also attack the Bengyuan virus body together, so that the knight players are not completely without a chance to breathe.

Then, as soon as Bailiyuan came to this game field, he saw the Hua family Dawo and Li Fuer's Bengyuan body chasing and killing the knight players.

"Snipe betrayed?" Kujo Kiriya asked in shock.

Saeko: "He's not from the computer rescue center."

Fortunately, the Hua family is not completely hard-hearted after all, he is more likely to force back and intimidate the knight players.

When the knights retreated far enough away, Hua Jiada directly turned his gun and aimed at the Liferbengyuan body and its assault troops, firing a burst of fire.

A large number of Assault Bengyuan virus bodies were instantly wiped out.

Li Fuer's Bengyuan body is not afraid of the Hua family at all.

Although it is also a primary boss, it has level 20!

Plus a group of evolved Assault Collapse Virus.

The firepower is not weaker than that of the Hua family.

After all, the Hua family and I are only one person.

Moreover, using the anti-shock force of Zhuanwu made Hua Jiada's hands feel a little loose, and I couldn't hold on for long.

The arrival of Bailiyuan and others naturally attracted the attention of both parties.

"Ultra, are you here to grab the head too?" I asked Bailiyuan, the elder of the Hua family.

"Hmph, Kamen Rider again? Let me kill them together!" Lifer's Bengyuan body was very brave.

Baili Yuan chuckled, "You are so brave if you dare to attack me! See if I'm real or not, and you're done!"

After speaking, Bailiyuan rushed forward.

Facing the hail of bullets, Bailiyuan held Jing Longshi's sword and danced wildly, creating an impenetrable wall of sword wind, blocking all the bullets.


Bailiyuan's operation shocked the few mortals present.

That's right, that's Saeko, Kujo Kiriya, and Hana Taiga.

Even if they turned into Kamen Riders, they haven't exaggerated enough to block so many bullets with cold weapons.

And they suddenly felt that this scene seemed familiar.

Saeko: "Are you on the hook?"

Kujo Kiriya: "It's definitely on!"

Hua Jiada, I looked at Gatling in my hand, "It's broken, I was restrained by Ultra!"

"So what if you can block bullets? I have the entire assault force! You will be wiped out by me sooner or later!" Assaulting the Bengyuan virus troop seems to have given Lifer's Bengyuan body infinite courage. Not only did he not run away, he even yelled at Baili Yuan.

"My favorite thing is to break the illusions of self righteous people!"

Bailiyuan snorted coldly, pulled out a cassette, and inserted it into the slot on one side.

Monster Cassette!

[Blue Warrior! 】

"A cassette I've never seen before." Saeko said in surprise.

"It seems to be somewhat similar to the previous red warrior." Kujo Kiriya followed up.

That's right, the "Blue Warrior" cassette is the "Red Warrior" cassette.

The "Red Warrior" cassette corresponds to the strong form, and the "Blue Warrior" cassette corresponds to the agile form!

[Blue Warrior! 】

[Speed ​​miracle! 】

【Shine the future! 】

The blue armor appeared and instantly put on Baili Yuan's body.

Compared with the red armor, the blue armor is more slim, which makes Baili Yuan's figure more slender and vigorous.

It was also the moment when Baili Yuan's transformation was completed.

Bailiyuan hit the cassette, and the power of the cassette covered Bailiyuan's whole body.

"Clock Up~"


Outside time seemed to slow down.

The bullet flew towards him like in slow motion, Baili Yuan easily dodged it, and even had enough strength to bounce the bullet away with his fingers.

In fact, it was Bailiyuan who accelerated!

The speed that surpassed mortals erupted, and only Baili Yuan's consciousness, which also surpassed mortals, could react at such a speed instead of just rampaging.

The real power of "Blue Cassette" is to allow Baili Yuan's armor to keep up with Baili Yuan's speed without disintegrating.

Sweep away all the bullets with Jinglong Shizhe sword, and lightly swipe across the bodies of all the assaulting Bengyuan virus bodies in front of him.

Then a sword pierced through the head of Lifer's collapse source body.

Finally, he came behind Lifer's body and posed a handsome pose.

The acceleration effect ends.

Exactly thirty seconds.

For the others, it was just a blink of an eye, and they saw Baili Yuan pass through the entire assault force and appear behind Lifer's Bengyuan body.

And then.


All the monsters died suddenly.

[Game clearance! 】

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