I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3557 Exaid, you have recovered a life

Bailiyuan took three pets and watched the battle from a distance.

Bailiyuan: "Irfang, come on~"

Dead Sauce: "Zizizi~(Master, come on~)"

Three evil dragons: "Aw~Aw~ (Come on master, the evil dragon roars~)"

Hellhound: "Wow~ (Hey hey~ hey hey~ what happened?)"

After Irfang forced Jing Feicai back.

Several shells suddenly landed on Irfan's body.

Irfan didn't have time to defend.

Boom boom boom——

The explosion engulfed Irfang.

However, when the smoke cleared, Irfan stood up again unscathed.

It's just that the light of the shield is dimmed.

【Shield value: 14→11】

The attack did not hurt Irfang, but was offset by the shield on Irfang.

"Tsk, it's troublesome." The Hua family said dissatisfied.

"So that's it." Baosheng Yongmeng knocked his hand, "The shield value should only count the number of attacks on the body, not the attack power, so Snipe can reduce the shield value."

I understand the Hua family, but I feel that Baosheng Yongmeng is saying that he is weak.

When I wanted to say a few words back to Baosheng Yongmeng in the Hua family, Baosheng Yongmeng had already rushed towards Irfang.

"Let me conquer the boss, let me pass the level with my life!" Baosheng Yongmeng shouted loudly.

Jing Feicai also regrouped, holding the holy sword, and charged towards Irfang, "There is nothing I can't cut!"

Jing Feicai, who was closer, was the first to kill, and slashed out with the holy sword in his hand, but was held back by Irfang with a bone axe.

Yi Erfang's arm was crushed away by a huge force, and Jing Feicai was half-kneeling on the ground under the pressure.

"good chance!"

Baosheng Yongmeng leaped high and attacked from behind Irfang. He raised the keyboard sword with both hands and chopped it down.

Just at this very moment.

Irfang's huge body twisted flexibly, and the round shield on the other arm blocked Baosheng Yongmeng's charged blow.

"Huh?!" Baosheng Yongmeng was taken aback, he didn't expect Irfang's reaction speed to be so fast.

Moreover, his attack was completely blocked!

The round shield absorbed all the damage of Baosheng Yongmeng!

Jing Feicai and Baosheng Yongmeng's attacks were successfully blocked, so Irfang's shield value was not reduced.

It seems that as long as you attack Irfang, you can reduce Irfang's shield value. In fact, it is not easy to attack Irfang.

Jing Feicai seized the opportunity, and at the moment Irfang was distracted, he exploded with strength, raised the bone axe, and quickly retreated.

Baosheng Yongmeng also raised his foot and kicked on the round shield, distanced himself from Irfan.

Baise Xiaoji: Kick me, right? I have written down this grudge, let you sit at the child's table!

At the same time, Huajia Dawo's shells fired, submerging Irfang again.

However, the smoke dissipated.

Irfang crossed the bone ax and the round shield, blocking all the attacks.

[Shield value: 11]

"Trouble..." Baosheng Yongmeng laughed.

"Snipe, I have an idea." Jing Feicai said.

"Hehe, it's exactly what I want." The eldest of the Hua family said coldly.

The three unexpectedly reached a tacit agreement.

At this time, Yi Erfang opened his arms, let out a roar, and rushed directly to the Hua family.

A deep pit was stepped on the ground by Irfang, and Irfang rushed towards the Hua family, bringing up an afterimage, and the speed surpassed the ability of ordinary people's eyes to capture it.

The Hua family didn't have any dodge or defense, but raised the tank muzzle on my arm, aimed at the front, and made an attacking gesture.

Because he knew that someone would help him block the attack.

Baosheng Yongmeng also brought up an afterimage, blocking the path of Irfang's sprint.

The speed of extreme players is undoubtedly revealed.

"Stop!" Baosheng Yongmeng shouted, "Armor!"

His armor fell from the sky, covering Baosheng Yongmeng.

The bone ax fell.


The bone ax struck the armor, and the terrifying force pushed Baosheng Yongmeng backwards, plowing two ravines on the ground.

But Irfan stopped the sprint.

Baosheng Yongmeng was not harmed.

Moving quickly in a flexible form without armor, and then putting on armor to resist damage can be said to be operations.

Then Baosheng Yongmeng raised both hands, firmly grasping Irfang's right hand holding the bone axe.

"Hey, I caught you!" Baosheng Yongmeng smirked.

Immediately afterwards, Jing Feicai activated the ability of the armor, teleported and appeared behind Irfang, and chopped off the holy sword in his hand.

Irfang turned around flexibly again, blocking with the round shield in his hand.

Baise Xiaoji: Thank you very much!

Buckler successfully blocked.

Jing Feicai didn't pull away, but with a flick of the cloak behind her, it wrapped around Irfang's shield-holding left hand.

In this way, the armor and mirror flying colors, one left and one right, restricted Irfang's hands.

They all used all their strength.

Let the gate of Ilphon empty open.

Irfan roared angrily, bursting out with strength, trying to shake off the restraints on his hands.

Both Baosheng Yongmeng and Jingfeicai were inevitably dragged by the power of Irfang.

But the time they bought was enough.

"Unlicensed doctor, hurry up!" Jing Feicai shouted.

"Aiming complete!"

The Hua family and I fired in front, and the shells hit Irfang one after another.

Irfan wanted to turn his body and use Baosheng Yongmeng and Jingfeicai to help him defend himself from damage.

But at this moment.


Baosheng Yongmeng broke away from the armor and landed nimbly behind Irfan.

The armor continued to restrict Irfang's right hand, while Baosheng Yongmeng aimed at the weak joints of Irfang's legs with the keyboard sword, and slashed down.

Elfang's armor has been nerfed again.

But not the main purpose.

Because the joints of his legs were attacked, Yi Erfang's legs went limp, he lost his balance, unable to exert strength, and his movements were interrupted.

The Hua family's shells hit accurately.

Shield values ​​are quickly reduced.

[Shield value: 9]!

[Shield value: 5]!

【Shield value: 2】!

[Shield value: 0]!

Finally, the shield on Irfang's body flickered twice and then completely shattered.

The attack fell on Irfang's body, and Irfang's blood bar began to drop.

"It's really capable." Baili Yuan had to praise.

However, the BOSS is not so easy to conquer.

"Roar——" Irfang roared angrily, and the strength burst out from his body, and the armor and mirror flying paintballs that restricted his hands were sent flying.

"What?!" Baosheng Yongmeng was startled.

Under a certain procedure, Irfan put the weapons in both hands behind his back, and then drew out the Odachi on the back of his waist.

[Weapon Alternation] Skill activation.

To put it simply, it means that the form conversion is free from control.

Holding the big sword in his hand, Irfang turned around and swiped at Baosheng Yongmeng.

Baosheng Yongmeng hurriedly lay down on the ground, narrowly dodging the attack.

Then quickly roll over on the ground, exert strength on the waist, and jump directly.


The detached armor came as promised and was worn on Baosheng Yongmeng.

Immediately following was Irfang's great sword.

Irfan, who holds a large sword, has greatly increased his attack speed.

Stab it!

Da Tai Dao slashed at Baosheng Yongmeng's body.

None of the bone axes with the armor-piercing property could cut through the armor, and the Odachi naturally didn't damage the armor either.

Just bring up a spark.

However, Baosheng Yongmeng suddenly had a feeling of being torn apart, knelt down on the ground in pain, and screamed loudly.



Everyone was shocked.

Baosheng Yongmeng's armor is not broken, and the knight slot just dropped a little, why is it called so miserable?

Baili Yuan slapped himself on the face.

This is about to ask Kujo Guiliya.

Don't forget, hellhounds ignore armor attributes!

And Irfan can use the power of Kamen Rider!

However, if Irfang wants to use the power that belongs to the Kamen Rider, he must obtain the consent of the Kamen Rider.

Both Saeko and Momose Xiaohime kept their powers back. Except for the armor-piercing and blocking attributes of the weapons, effects such as poison, paralysis, and instant death were not activated.

Who knew that Kujo Kiriya was confiscated.

Kujo Kiriya: I really don’t blame me, the weapon change was so sudden that I didn’t even react.

Saeko: Hehe.

Baise Xiaoji: Hehe.

Bailiyuan stopped Irfang's attack and did not take advantage of the victory to pursue.

Baosheng Yongmeng was trembling all over because of the severe pain, and couldn't get up from the ground for a long time.

That blow just now was comparable to cutting Baosheng Yongmeng in half.



Jing Feicai and Hua Jiada and I rushed to Baosheng Yongmeng.

Naturally, Bailiyuan couldn't apologize, and it wasn't him who made the mistake, nor did he explain the situation.

"Hehe, it's almost done, I've had enough fun today." Baili Yuan smiled lightly, "Exaid, you saved your life."

Then Bailiyuan looked at Palad and Honglian Gulafat, "I'm looking forward to your ultimate game, I hope it can make me happy, hehehe, hahahaha..."

Just like that, Bailiyuan laughed, hugged the three pets, and left with Irfang.

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