Chapter 3534 determination

Jing Feicai was injured, which inspired Baosheng's belief in Yongmeng.

Poppy's death also took away Baosheng Yongmeng's fighting spirit.

Who is more important in Baosheng Yongmeng's heart, I think everyone already has the answer in their hearts.

cough cough.

Well, the problem now is that Jing Feicai woke up, and then saw the side of Baosheng who was never able to achieve what he dreamed of.

If it wasn't for the flames blocking him, he couldn't rush over, Jing Feicai rushed up high and low, and gave Baosheng Yongmeng two slaps.

The Hua family and I also have the same idea.

He pointed the muzzle at the mirror-image collapse bodies, wanted to fire, but moved the muzzle away hesitantly.

Repeated back and forth several times.

Because now the mirror-image collapsing source bodies are embracing the dream of eternal life.

If it attacks, it will definitely attack Baosheng Yongmeng.

Originally, Baosheng Yongmeng no longer had the will to fight, and if he was dealt a severe blow, that would add fuel to the fire.

The Hua family was so angry that I cursed at them.

"Exaid, stand up and fight for me! You are a waste of that card, don't give it to me! You are the most talented player M, you are not even as good as N, bah! Disgusting!"

Sima Nicole, who was shivering because of fear of ghosts in the distance: "Did someone poke me?"

Baise Xiaoji kicked the mirror Brave away, and her boots inevitably corroded, which made Baise Xiaoji very upset.

"Tsk, troublesome guy."

Being attacked will break the defense, attacking will also break the defense, it is a foul!

And looking at the brave mirror image, Baise Xiaoji always felt that it was Jing Feicai who was doing something to her.

What is this?

Baise Xiaoji saw Baosheng Yongmeng on the other side, and wanted to say something.

But Bailiyuan stopped him.

"Trust him, he can get out. Don't forget, he has his own companions."

Bailiyuan's condition is not bad.

With Jing Longshi holding the sword, Mirror Image Snipe couldn't hurt Baili Yuan at all.

Or it can be said that if Bailiyuan didn't choose to paddle, Snipe, the mirror image, would have been killed by now.

Kujo Kiriya, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, also saw that Bailiyuan was paddling.

"What exactly is Ultra going to do?" Kujo Kiriya was very puzzled.

You said that you came to participate in this game, isn't it just to show off your special martial arts cassette?

After showing off but not leaving, and still paddling and fighting, I always feel that something is wrong with you!

Sayizi said meaningfully: "The poisonous snake didn't attack because the prey hasn't appeared yet."

Mercy is worried about Jing Feicai's situation. Does she have anything to do with Jing Feicai?

Then Ultra, does it have a special connection with certain people?


Jing Feicai thought about it again and again, and tried to use the mouth cannon for remote support.

"Intern doctor!" Jing Feicai shouted loudly, "Have you forgotten the forensic doctor and Xiao Yuan? If you give up now, what is the life of the forensic doctor and Xiao Yuan?!"

Hearing Jing Feicai's voice, Baosheng Yongmeng's eyes finally wavered.

Baosheng Yongmeng clenched his fists, and his body shook, shaking away the mirror image collapse bodies lying on his body.

"I, I... can't fall down yet." Baosheng Yongmeng raised his head, looked at Tan Lidou, and then stood up from the ground, "Fei Cai is right, what I am carrying now is Kiriya and Xiao Yuan left me with hope!"

Baosheng Yongmeng seemed to have seen the "souls" of Kujo Kiriya and Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan \u0026amp; Kujo Kiriya: Ah, yes, yes, yes.

Jing Feicai smiled and breathed a sigh of relief. Although he is not good at talking, he knows what Baosheng Yongmeng cares about.

Three sentences restore Baosheng Yongmeng's fighting spirit!

Get it right, family~

Jing Feicai didn't know that Baosheng Yongmeng's eyes behind the helmet were still dead silent.

Baosheng Yongmeng stood up again.

Not fighting out of anger and sadness, but because he knew, he had to fight!

Only in this way can an explanation be given to the dead life!

To end all tragedies.

Perhaps, this will be his last fight as Kamen Rider Exaid!

"Saiko said, this is the cassette left by Kiriya, which can cure the gaming disease! Then let me play the role of this cassette, cure the gaming disease, and end everything completely!"

Baosheng Yongmeng took a step forward.

Tan Lidou saw Baosheng Yongmeng fighting again, his smile gradually disappeared.

He was really convinced.

"Why are these Kamen Riders, like cockroaches, always unable to kill them completely?"

Make a complaint.

Tan Li turned around angrily, and pressed the coffin of the server.

The coffin lid of the server's coffin slid upwards and opened, and black ominous mist floated out from the inside, and the inside of the server's coffin was pitch black, like a black hole.

But Tan Lidou entered into the coffin of the server without hesitation, and lay down in it.

The coffin lid slammed shut.

Both Bailiyuan and Baise Xiaoji noticed Tan Lidou's actions.

Tan Lidou was lying in a dark coffin, the Bengyuan virus turned into a blood vessel-like substance, entwined around him, and he felt the pain.

Tan Lidou snorted, and then endured it.

As the blood vessel-like substance entangles Tan Lidou, Tan Lidou is connected with mirror image collapse bodies and mirror knights.

The battle between the mirror image collapse body and the mirror image knight began to be more agile.

Bailiyuan, Baise Xiaoji and Baosheng Yongmeng all noticed this, and they had to be more serious about the mirror image knight.

This is the real way to use the server coffin!

Breaking the anti-fog and dividing the battlefield are only incidental abilities.

Summoning and manipulation are the core functions!

Baosheng Yongmeng ignored the fog on the mirror image Bengyuan body, and forcibly hammered a mirror image Bengyuan body to death.

Because Baosheng Yongmeng discovered that wearing the armor of an extreme player can resist the damage of fog to a certain extent.

Armor does break, but the self-healing ability of the armor is always in place, and the repair speed is far faster than other armors.

It is also because of this that Baosheng Yongmeng can still stand strong under the corrosion of the mirror image collapse source bodies.

Extreme player power play.

The fifty-level mirror image collapse body is not the opponent of Baosheng Yongmeng at all.

Soon, a few more mirror image collapsed bodies were hammered to death by Baosheng Yongmeng.

Baosheng Yongmeng didn't use a weapon, he chose to attack with fists to the flesh.

It seems that he is also using this to vent his inner emotions.

"Tan Lidou!" Baosheng Yongmeng shouted Tan Lidou's name, stepped over a crack, and approached the coffin of the server.

The mist emitted from the cracks continued to destroy the armor, which then began to repair itself.

Extreme players have become battle-damaged.

Baosheng Yongmeng didn't pay attention to these.

Boom boom boom——

The missiles continued to bombard, blowing away several mirror-image collapse bodies that wanted to besiege Baosheng Yongmeng.

The Hua family took my shot, and he snorted coldly, "Exaid, let me wait for a long time. Since you choose to fight, then show your so-called level beyond the genius player N, which belongs to the genius player M!"

Sima Nicole trembling: "Did someone poke me again?"

With the support from the Hua family and me from a distance to help open the way, Baosheng Yongmeng crossed one crack after another, eliminated one after another mirror collapse bodies, and gradually approached the coffin of the server.

At this time, a figure stopped in front of Baosheng Yongmeng.

It is also the last mirror collapse source body.

Mirror Poppy!

Baosheng Yongmeng pulled out the keyboard sword.

He was going to give the mirror image Poppy a good time.

Now he has made his decision.

What was in front of him was just a clone that looked similar to Poppy.

Just when Baosheng Yongmeng was about to attack, the mirror image Poppy suddenly looked at Baosheng Yongmeng pitifully, and called softly: "Yongmeng, do you want to attack me?"

Baosheng Yongmeng's movements suddenly stopped, his eyes widened instantly, and his breathing became short of breath.



"Isn't it? Did the mirror image talk?" Kujo Kiriya frowned, and then immediately realized, "No, it's Tan Rito who is manipulating it!"

Jing Feicai and Hua Jiada also tensed up in my heart.


"To suffer!"

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