Chapter 3530 Reprogramming

As a Hua family, I'm still envious of Baosheng Yongmeng's new cassette.

the other side.

Saeko scanned the panel of Baosheng Yongmeng at this time.

[Name: Kamen Rider Exaid/Extreme Player

Level: lv99

Features/Powers: Ultimate Armor, Reprogramming]

[Extreme Armor: Armor that brings ultimate strength to knights, all data reaches the limit, and has many auxiliary abilities. Wearable and removable, it will not affect its own strength and level. In the separated state, the knight can still manipulate the armor to assist in the battle, but it needs to be distracted. ]

[Reprogramming: The power brought by the special program in the cassette can reprogram the target by attacking and change the target's characteristics/power. ]

"Is this what you expected?" Sayizi asked Bailiyuan.

She had already thought that Bailiyuan gave her the cassette and asked her to bring it to Baosheng Yongmeng just for Baosheng Yongmeng's extreme player form at this moment.

"Lazer is offline, Brave and Snipe have corresponding upgrade games, and Exaid will naturally catch up to the level. The game will only be happy if everyone plays together."

"Besides, Genm has opened technology, and players need to sanction him. Since we are playing the game together, we must pay attention to the balance of the game."

Baili Yuan hugged her chest and said.

"Is it by the power of reprogramming? Are you going to let Baosheng Yongmeng use reprogramming to change the abilities of zombie players?" Kujo Kiriya said thoughtfully.

Then Kujo Kiriya's eyes fell on Bailiyuan's special martial arts cartridge, "Your special martial arts should also have the ability to reprogram, why don't you use that cartridge yourself? Instead, send out the extreme player cartridge ?”

"The special martial arts cassette is just a special martial arts cassette. The underlying program in it is different from the transformation cassette. Only Baosheng Yongmeng can activate and use that cassette." Bailiyuan explained with a smile.

It is by virtue of the reprogramming ability that Bailiyuan can break through the game mode of the Jiechuan Bengyuan body, bypass the conditions, and directly attack the Jiechuan Bengyuan body.

Kujo Kiriya and Saiko remained silent.

Apparently they realized that Bailiyuan seemed to know more about Baosheng Yongmeng than they did.

Inevitably they became worried.

Will the person Ultra is eyeing next be Baosheng Yongmeng?

Bailiyuan didn't continue to speak, Baise Xiaoji and Bailiyuan paid attention to the battle together.

Their evaluation is - a mess.

There are no fighting skills at all, it's all emotions.

Every punch carries private goods.

In the face of the power of extreme players, Tan Lidou was undoubtedly suppressed.

It's not that Tan Lidou's attributes are low.

The current zombie player, level X, has the effect of having the maximum level in the game version and the highest game value.

Theoretically speaking, the levels and values ​​of Tan Lidou and Baosheng Yongmeng should have reached the limit of the game.

Are the same.

So the problem is with the player.

On the one hand is Baosheng Yongmeng who is serious.

On the other side is Dan Lidou, whose mentality has collapsed.

Baosheng Yongmeng printed the card face to face again, directly breaking Tan Lidou's mind.

Just finished talking about what Baosheng Yongmeng couldn't do, but Baosheng Yongmeng did a big job.

Baosheng Yongmeng, a player who can print cards face to face, is the biggest challenge to his Tan Lidou talent.

Therefore, Tan Lidou's fist contained anger and killing intent.

Correspondingly, Baosheng Yongmeng's fist is also full of anger, which is the anger generated by carrying the lost life.

However, Baosheng Yongmeng's mentality was more stable, and the battle was still organized, so he suppressed Tan Lidou.

But as the battle continued, Baosheng Yongmeng gradually felt great fatigue.

"This form consumes so much energy?" Baosheng Yongmeng was shocked.

On the other hand, Tan Lidou climbed up from the ground again after being defeated.

Baosheng Yongmeng has not yet realized the ability to reprogram.

As his physical condition declined, Baosheng Yongmeng gradually became anxious.

"Saiko said that the program developed by Kiriya can cure the game disease, but how to operate it? And can it really deal with Tan Rito?"

On the contrary, it was Tan Lidou, who gradually regained his composure after being beaten up by Fatty.

Tan Lidou once again summoned a large number of zombie Bengyuan virions and GenmX clones to stop Baosheng Yongmeng.

Then he planned to retreat tactically.

This time the plan was again disturbed by Baosheng Yongmeng.

But it doesn't matter.

When he returns this time, he will develop a more awesome cassette, and then come back to enjoy the dream of life and death.

And Ultra them!

Ten days is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge.

Well, Tan Lidou thinks he can develop a new cassette in ten days.

However, Tan Lidou wanted to leave, but someone didn't want him to leave.

As soon as Tan Lidou turned around, he saw Bailiyuan and Baise Xiaoji standing behind him.

Bailiyuan holds Jinglong Shijian sword.

Baise Xiaoji held the death sickle.

Bailiyuan smiled and asked, "Genm, where are you going?"

"Continue with the last battle." Baise Xiaoji was eager to try.

As for Saiko and Kujo Kiriya, they have withdrawn from the battlefield because their level is too low.

The Hua family and I also came over, pointed the muzzle at Tan Lidou, and said coldly: "Tan Lidou, you're done here!"

The Hua family, I think, killing Tan Lidou, the source of evil, is easier than clearing all the games.

After killing Tan Lidou, the game sickness should gradually disappear.

I just don't know if this is an emergency avoidance, or an over-defense.

What? Intentional murder?

Who said that? Believe it or not give you a shot?

Baosheng Yongmeng smashed a small dirty hand away with a punch, and secretly wanted to touch the GenmX clone of his ultimate cassette, and then turned on the armor to escape.

The corrosive ability of GenmX clones cannot damage the armor of extreme players, so they can only be used against cassettes, but they are also extremely difficult to obtain.

Baosheng Yongmeng, who looks like an action player lv2, catapulted out, jumped over all the zombies blocking the way, the Bengyuan virus body and the GenmX clone, and fell into the encirclement of Tan Lidou.

"Tan Lidou, don't try to run away!" Baosheng Yongmeng said coldly, and drew out the keyboard sword.

Extreme players can use all the equipment that comes with Exaid.

Although it is out of the armor and only has a level 2 appearance, the attributes of Baosheng Yongmeng have not changed, and it is still an extreme player of level 99.

The armor led all the zombies and GenmX clones to the distance.

Baosheng Yongmeng also noticed that distracting control would consume a lot of mind, so he simply let the armor lure away all the miscellaneous soldiers.

Moreover, after taking off the armor, Baosheng Yongmeng felt that he was much more relaxed, and his physical strength was not exhausted so quickly.

"Tsk, mind your own business." Tan Lidou cursed.

Tan Li Dou saw that he couldn't run away, and he didn't intend to give up resistance.

Summoning the Bengyuan virus body and clone can only be delayed for a while, and if you want to escape from ascending to heaven, you still have to rely on your own strength.

His zombie player is immortal, so what is he afraid of!

You can find a way out with your life!

Then Tan Lidou rushed towards the Hua family.

Why did you choose Huajia Dawo as your breakthrough point?

Because Huajiada has the lowest level, only level 50, and Huajiada I don't have those flower activity cassettes with unknown meanings!

It was because he was worried about Baise Xiaoji taking out some unknown cassettes that Tan Rito didn't choose to attack Baise Xiaoji.

As the Hua family member, I watched Tan Lidou rush towards me, and immediately laughed.

"Since you dare to approach me? Then I will accept your head!"

"with full force!"

Another wave of full power bombing.

However, this move can deal with Charlie's Bengyuan body, but it cannot deal with Tan Lidou.

I saw Tan Lidou summoning a group of GenmX clones.

It's not to besiege the Hua family, but to use the GenmX clones as a cover.

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