I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3516 lack of talent like you

Tan Lidou tapped the keyboard one last time.

Record data to cassette.

There seems to be a flash of fluorescence on the cassette.

"In this way, this cassette is complete!" Tan Lidou pulled out the cassette from the development device with a smile on his face.

Impressively, it is the double beta of playing cassette gear.

The included upgrades, Exploring Fantasy and Boom Boom Simulator, have been completely done.

In other words, Kamen Rider can be upgraded with this cassette.

But that's just theory.

Whether you can successfully use the cassette to upgrade depends on whether the transformed person can bear it.

Palade watched Tan Lidou quietly from the side, he put down the game console in his hand rarely today.

At this moment, the light in the base was very dim, and the lights were not turned on. Only the display in front of Tan Lidou was shining brightly.

Since the last game, there have been some problems in the relationship between Tan Lidou and Palad.

Palad is annoyed at Tan Rito meddling in his game.

Tan Li Dou is dissatisfied with Palade for disrupting his plan.

After the new cassette was completed, Tan Lidou threw the cassette to Palade.

Palade looked at Tan Lidou suspiciously.

"I'll give you one last chance." Tan Lidou said, raising his chin slightly, "In the next game, go and bring back the Exide and Brave cards to me."

"Oh?!" Palad stood up, showing a strange smile to Tan Lidou, "What do you mean by giving me one last chance? If I can't get the tape back, do you want to be my enemy?"

Tan Lidou sat on the chair, looked at Palade looking down at him, and his smile remained unchanged, "How come, the final game still needs your help, you are also looking forward to the final game, right? Don't you want to be in the final game, with Is Baosheng Yongmeng fighting?"

"What I want to say is that if you don't succeed this time, then next time I will do it myself. By then, your dream of defeating Baosheng Yongmeng with your own hands may be shattered."

Hearing that Tan Lidou threatened himself with Baosheng Yongmeng.

Palad immediately put away his smile.

"You'd better not do unnecessary things."

After speaking, Palad left the base and began to prepare for the next game.

When Palade left, Tan Lidou also put away his smile and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Palad probably felt that he needed Palad's help.

Today, however, Tan Lidou is confident that without Palad, he can achieve his ultimate goal - to complete the ultimate game.

"Kamen Rider and Bengyuan Body are just part of my game. You will only become pawns to realize my talents in the end."

Tan Lidou stood up, tidied his clothes, and then took out a suitcase.

The suitcase contains everything he needs.

Includes Dangerous Zombies cassette, and faulty drive.

There is also the unfinished, ultimate game cartridge.

In addition, there is a set of equipment for developing cassettes, and a special cassette that Parad has never seen.

Tan Lidou rubbed this special cassette with his fingers, "The data has been collected almost, it's time to leave."

After standing up, Tan Lidou looked around. He had lived in the secret base for several months, and he still had some feelings.

Too bad it's not safe anymore.

Last time someone broke in and took the prototype cassette.

It proves that it is likely to have been exposed here.

As for who broke in, it doesn't matter anymore.

Because Tan Lidou decided to abandon this place.


He will be abandoned by Tan Lidou along with this game.

Tan Lidou gave Palade a chance to perform, but unfortunately Palade did not seize the opportunity.

Palad only wants to play games, but Dan Lidou is doing business.

The two were destined to part ways.

"Then, let's solve everything in the next game." Tan Lidou smiled slightly.

His body suddenly showed symptoms of game sickness.

The physical discomfort made Tan Lidou feel pain, but it also made Tan Lidou laugh wildly.

Under the erosion of the Bengyuan virus, his spirit has become a little abnormal.

But isn't this all forced?


When Palade is preparing for a new game and selecting new players.

Baosheng Yongmeng and Jingfeicai are trying to treat Xiaoxingzuo.

Jing Feicai wants to kill Hamburger and save Xiao Xingzuo, using the same operation method as before.

But was blocked by Baosheng Yongmeng.

Baosheng Yongmeng used the "Jizui Burger" cassette to transform, obtained the ability to make hamburgers, and then successfully cleared the game according to the process in the game.

Not only the game disease of Xiao Xingzuo was cured, but Hamburger Mongoose no longer had to be wiped out.

Being able to pass the level in this way is naturally due to the mechanism of the game, or it may be because of this card, which was made by Xiao Xingzuo.

After all, it is a bit different from ordinary cassettes.

After Kohoshisaku was cured, he was valued by Kyoutaro Hinata.

Because Xiao Xingzuo independently produced the Cavalier Cassette!

The computer rescue center needs such talents!

The Next Generation Gene Research Institute can only carry out basic cooperation, and has not yet gained the trust of Kyoutaro Hyuga.

For Hinata Kyoutaro's invitation, Xiao Hoshisaku did not choose to join the computer rescue center directly.

Because under the leadership of Tan Zhengzong, the fantasy game company has returned to normal and is developing prosperously.

Xiao Xingzuo does not intend to choose to resign.

However, because of the incident in Hamburg, Xiaoxing, as a thank you to Baosheng Yongmeng, expressed his willingness to help the computer rescue center to develop a new upgrade cassette.

Because of his special status, Hamburger also temporarily lives in the computer rescue center.

Tan Zhengzong expressed his support for this.

In exchange for the favor of everyone in the computer rescue center.

After all, now Tan Zhengzong's character design is decent character design.

been a victim.

The unique plot of fatherly love and son filial piety in Kamen Rider shed.

After getting support from Xiaoxing, I learned that I have the ability to develop new cassettes.

The most excited one is Jing Feicai.

Because Jing Feicai's cassette was taken away, he needs his own cassette now.

These situations were all seen by Saiko and Kujo Kiriya.

They informed Baili Yuan of this information.


this day.

Everyone from the computer rescue center came to Fantasy Games Company to discuss the newly developed cassette with Xiaoxing.

However, an unexpected guest arrives.

Sima Nicole took the Hua family with me, and walked swaggeringly in the fantasy game company.

Sima Nicole is still dressed as a game girl in the past.

Hua Jiada's injury has improved, and he changed into normal clothes, but instead of the white coat, he dressed in the same game style, with a bright yellow coat.

At first glance, it looks like the clothes Xima Nicole designed for the Hua family.

Hua Jiada and I followed Xima Nicole, with black hair and an impatient expression.

"Hey, what are we doing here?" The Hua family asked dissatisfied.

Sima Nicole looked around curiously, seeing that it was her first visit.

Hearing the question from the Hua family elder, Xima Nicole tilted his head and said, "Didn't I tell you? I came here to make a new cassette for you." Then Xima Nicole looked at the Hua family elder in a strange way, "Can you do it, you have dementia at a young age?"

"You bastard!" The Hua family said with anger on my face.

It's hard, the fist is hard.

But then, Hua Jiada and I showed a mocking expression.

"Hehe, the cassettes that can be used for transformation are not the ordinary cassettes that are sold on the market. If you want to find a cassette for transformation, you are looking in the wrong place."

Sima Nicole was not angry because of this.

Instead, he revealed a meaningful smile.

"Pinch hey~"

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