I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3513 Game World

The Prime Minister and the Secretary to the Prime Minister are still alive!

Everyone in the computer rescue center naturally knew about this.

They also guessed that the prime minister and the prime minister's secretary were pretending.

This must be the work of Ultra and the forces behind him!

However, they dare not act rashly and expose the lies.

Because once this matter is exposed, the whole society will be in turmoil.

On the contrary, the environment that continues to calm down now is beneficial to them.

But these things need Hyuga Kyoutaro to worry about.

Now everyone in the computer rescue center is busy with other things.

In the last game, because Bailiyuan cleared the level, a patient was qualified to transform into a Kamen Rider.

But that patient, because he saw Baili Yuan's death, instinctively refused to become a Kamen Rider.

Be a hero, yes!

will die? no!

So, the cassette was handed over to the computer rescue center.

The people in the computer rescue center finally have something to study.

Then the problem arises - there is no research and development personnel in the computer rescue center!

Kyoutaro Hinata could only find connections on his own, find a team, and devote himself to research.

I don't know if it's a coincidence, but the research team hired by Kyoutaro Hinata is from the Next Generation Gene Research Institute.

It is the research institute where Michihiko Zaizen, whose wife was kidnapped by Kyoutaro Hinata, works.

However, after contacting Kyoutaro and the research institute that day, he learned that Michihiko Zazen had disappeared six years ago.

Also missing were several researchers who worked with Michihiko Zaizen.

At that time, it brought a lot of disturbance to the Institute, and also affected the research projects of the Institute.

After learning about this incident.

Hyuga Kyoutaro mourned for a few seconds, and then began to discuss cooperation with the research institute.


Because of Bailiyuan's "game over", everyone in the computer rescue center was very depressed.

Mirror Gray Horse and Hyuga Kyoutaro were silent for a long time after they knew this.

Mirror Gray Horse is also worried that Bailiyuan's "adoptive parents" will come to the computer rescue center because of this.

However, the two just came and quietly took away everything from Bailiyuan, without talking to anyone, and without showing any emotions or expressions.

People can't understand.

The only thing left for everyone is a photo of Bailiyuan and everyone.

But every time he saw the photos, Baosheng Yongmeng became even sadder.

the days after.

The optimistic Tomorrow Na is also often in a daze.

Baosheng Yongmeng always inevitably recalls Bailiyuan.

Jing Feicai suppressed her emotions and devoted herself even more frantically to work and surgery.

Saeko simply chose to ask for long-term leave.

Ahem, no one in the computer rescue center knew that Saeko had gone to work for someone else.

They all thought that Sayizi couldn't accept Baili Yuan's death and chose to escape.

Don't even go home.

If it wasn't for Kyoutaro Hinata, he could still contact Saiko through his mobile phone and confirm that there is nothing wrong with Saiko. Everyone almost suspected that something happened to Saiko.

Because Saeko is not a Kamen Rider, her absence doesn't have much impact.

But even in the face of blows, the work must continue.

The computer rescue center welcomed a new patient—Xiao Xingzuo.

In the isolation room.

Xiao Xingzuo was lying on the hospital bed.

Hamburger held a hand-made hamburger and fed it to Xiao Xingzuo.

This scene looks very warm.

The premise is to ignore Xiao Xingzuo's body that is about to disappear, and the appearance of Hamburg Mengbengyuan's body.

Outside the isolation room window.

Both Baosheng Yongmeng and Jing Feicai watched this scene.

Jing Feicai said in a cold voice: "The surgery can't be delayed any longer, I will carry out this surgery!"

Baosheng Yongmeng couldn't help asking: "Bengyuan body and human beings, can't really coexist? Just like Poppy."

"Poppy is special!" Jing Feicai replied, with hatred in his eyes, "Besides, the appearance of other Bengyuan bodies will only cause misfortune to others! The same is true for Xiao Ji, and the same for Xiao Yuan!"

After speaking, Jing Feicai left.

Hearing Bailiyuan's name, Baosheng Yongmeng hesitated to speak, and finally fell silent.

Stand quietly outside the window of the isolation room.

Baosheng Yongmeng saw that Jing Feicai walked into the isolation room.

"Doctor Jing." Xiaoxing got up, thinking that Jing Feicai was visiting him.

As a result, he saw Jing Feicai took out the drive, and then took out the cassette.

[Rampage locomotive! 】

That's right, now Jingfeicai is using the cassette used by Bailiyuan and Kujo Kiriya.

Because Jing Feicai's transformation cassette and Huajia Dawo's transformation cassette were taken away by Tan Lidou.

After Bailiyuan disappeared.

The remaining equipment at the Computer Rescue Center is very limited.

There are only two drives.

The rest of the cassette is——

"Extraordinary Action", "Rampage Locomotive", "Motivational Sports", "Rage Robot", "Dragon Knight Hunter Z", "Extraordinary Brothers XX", "Illusion Myth: Poison Root Hydra" (Rage Cassette).

And, developed by Xiaoxing Zuo, it belongs to Hamburger, "Zui Zui Burger".

Although Jing Feicai's cassette was taken away, he still has the qualifications to transform, and he can still use the cassette of "Rage Bike" to transform into Kamen Rider Lazer.

That is, when transforming, Jing Feicai paused and thought of Bailiyuan.

at the same time.

When Xiao Xingzuo saw this scene, he realized what Jing Feicai was going to do.

Xiao Xingzuo rolled over directly from the bed, jumping off everyone.

Hamburg subconsciously wants to help Xiao Xingzuo.

Xiao Xingzuo yelled at Hamburger.

"Run! Run! Pokémon!!!"

Hamburger doesn't know why, but it obeys Xiao Xingzuo's orders.

After knocking the mirror away, Feicai rushed out of the isolation room.

Jing Feicai wanted to chase after her, but felt her ankle tightened.

Turning his head to look, he found that it was Xiao Xingzuo crawling over, his hands firmly grasping Jing Feicai's ankles.

"No! Please let Pokémon go!" Xiao Xingzuo begged for mercy loudly.

Jing Feicai felt that her ankle was about to split.

As expected of typing on the keyboard, these fingers are powerful.

Jing Feicai struggled hard twice, but couldn't break free from Xiao Xingzuo's hands.

He was very speechless and wanted to spurt blood.

Let go!

You are not begging for help at all!

Jing Feicai could only watch Hamburger run away like this, missed the opportunity of this operation, and finally gave up struggling speechlessly.

"It's already gone, when will you catch it?!" Jing Feicai asked.

"Ah... oh, sorry." Xiao Xingzuo let go of his hand resentfully.

When Jing Feicai looked towards the window, he found that Baosheng Yongmeng had left there at some point.

Before the lounge.

Baosheng Yongmeng came to Poppy's game room and looked at the game console in front of him.

He took out the "Ji Zui Burger" cassette.

He has an intuition that the way he wants is in this game.


Bailiyuan and Baise Xiaoji didn't go outside to make troubles.

They entered the game world developed by Bailiyuan.

The scope of the game world is hundreds of times larger than before. And in the world, there are many more environmental scenes, even electronic creatures!

Because Bailiyuan has networked the world.

Through the superposition of network data, the space of the game world is constantly increasing.

At the same time, in the game world, there are also many strange scenes and some electronic creatures.

That is, the IQ of electronic creatures is not high, they only repeat the data they have learned, and they have no self-awareness. Not even artificial intelligence.

Bailiyuan stood in front of a shop with dim lighting, the pink light hit his face.

"Come on~"


"Hee hee hee~"

The voices of the electronic succubi came from the crack of the door.

Baise Xiaoji came over with a blushing face and dragged away Bailiyuan who was about to enter the shop.

"There, it's not suitable for children." Baise Xiaoji said, and then complained: "Aren't we here to build this world? Why should such unhealthy things be put in!"

What will appear in the game world depends on the data that Bailiyuan puts into the game world.

"What's unhealthy? It's a very normal thing." Baili Yuan said that he did the right thing.

For this world, he has a heart.

This is the real version of my world!

You can also load any mods yourself.

Bailiyuan didn't put in any unnecessary things.

bloody? Intercept!

Violence? Intercept!

yellow? Ignore the risks and proceed with the installation!

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