Chapter 3510 The game of Kamen Rider Lazer is over, what's the matter with my collapse body Ult

game over!

Symptoms of game sickness disappeared.

On the contrary, Xiao Xingzuo's body is still solidified a lot.

"Great, Xiao Xingzuo." Hamburger cheered from the side.

Xiao Xingzuo also smiled, "Hamburger, I can stay with you for a while longer."

The patients all cheered when they saw that their game disease was cured.


The field of play starts to disappear.

"What, M is useless at all, but that child has conquered the game. Hmph, he has some talent, maybe we can play games together in the future." Sima Nico said, the corners of his mouth still curled up.

For the sake of that child's performance this time, I will visit that child with the Hua family. The kid looked a little hurt.

But then, Shima Nicole noticed that, opposite to the cheering patients, none of the Kamen Riders smiled.

Tomorrow's eyes widened even more, with an unbelievable look.

"What's the matter? Is there anything else I overlooked?" Sima Nicole was puzzled, and also restrained her smile.

The smoke and dust from the bombing dissipated, and Palad was lying in the center of the bombing, and his transformation had been lifted, but he smiled.

"It's time to clear the game. But, Baosheng Yongmeng, do you know the price of not playing with me this time?"

Not just this time the game is over.

Bailiyuan is also game over.

Because Tan Lidou has opened up his own game field, and in this game field, Bailiyuan can't exit safely when he is still alive.

So his last knight slot was also emptied by the explosion.

"Xiaoyuan!" Baosheng Yongmeng called out loudly. Using both hands and feet, he rushed in the direction of Bailiyuan in an extremely embarrassing manner.

Baosheng Yongmeng only felt that his hands and feet were weak, which made him so embarrassed.

He knelt beside Baili Yuan, hugging Baili Yuan with trembling hands, his eyes filled with disbelief.

At this moment, Baili Yuan's body was showing symptoms similar to game sickness, and his body was rapidly becoming transparent.

"Xiaoyuan, Xiaoyuan..." Baosheng Yongmeng called Bailiyuan softly, as if he was afraid that his voice would be louder and hurt Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan opened his eyes with difficulty, looked at Baosheng Yongmeng, and smiled.

"Brother Yongmeng...the game has been cleared."

After finishing speaking, Bailiyuan groaned in pain, and the symptoms of game sickness on his body became more serious.

Through Bailiyuan's body, Baosheng Yongmeng saw his hands.

"Xiaoyuan, hold on, I'll take you back right away, it's impossible..." Baosheng Yongmeng spoke incoherently.

However, Bailiyuan just kept smiling, and stuffed the drive at his waist, together with the cassette on the drive, to Baosheng Yongmeng.

"Brother Yongmeng." Baili Yuan said weakly, "Next time... let's play games together..."

"Feel sorry."

Baili Yuan slowly closed his eyes, and dropped his hands weakly. The entire body completely disappeared, turned into countless data bubbles, and dissipated in Baosheng Yongmeng's arms.


The drive, along with the cassette, fell to the ground.

As for Baosheng Yongmeng, he could only stare blankly at his hands.

Bailiyuan completely disappeared!

"No way! How could it be!" Sima Nicole's eyes widened in shock, and she covered her mouth with her hands, unable to think for a while.

Tomorrow's teardrops will fall, "Xiaoyuan..."

Hua Jiada and I also stared wide-eyed, with an unbelievable look, and wanted to step forward, but forcibly suppressed the thoughts in my heart. He's an avenger and shouldn't have excess emotion, grief makes him weak!

Neither Saiko nor Kujo Kiriya made a sound.

Saeko was equally sad, and in disbelief.

Then Saiko looked at Kujo Kiriya's hand holding her arm.

This time Saiko didn't open Kujo Kiriya's hand.

Because Kujo Kiriya's hand was very hard.

Saiko knew that it was because Kujo Kiriya was trying to restrain her impulse.

Kujo Kiriya's feet had already left a deep mark on the ground.

In order not to reveal their identity.

Kujo Kiriya could only grit his teeth and restrain himself.

But how can emotions like sadness and anger be restrained!

The child who trusted him, just died like this?

"Hahaha——" Only Palad laughed.

Tan Lidou was a little surprised by the situation in front of him, but he didn't think much about it, he just let out a cold snort.

Then Dan Lidou smiled.

"In this case, while the game field has not disappeared..."

Tan Lidou made a dodge and appeared beside me, the elder of the Hua family.

"What?!" The Hua family surprised me.

But Tan Lidou slapped the Hua family's eldest self with a slap, and at the same time snatched the Hua family's eldest self's cassette.

bring it you!

The Boom Shooter cassette and the Jet Fighter cassette.

In this way, Tan Lidou got four cassettes.

I still have Exide and Lazer cassettes left.

Tan Lidou's sudden action made the others vigilant again.

"Big me!" Xima Nicole exclaimed, and hurried to Hua's big me.

"Dan Lidou!" Kujo Guiliya suppressed his anger, let out a low growl, and punched Dan Lidou without hesitation.

It's because of the man in front of me!

His game killed Xiao Yuan!

Shayizi frowned, she calmly knew that fighting Tan Lidou at this moment was not the right choice.

But Saiko still followed Kujo Kiriya and chose to help Kujo Kiriya.

Bailiyuan's death also made Shayizi feel very uncomfortable.

The attacks of Kujo Kiriya and Saiko stopped Tan Lidou from walking towards Baosheng Yongmeng.

However, after the game ended, the temporary level disappeared, and the two returned to their normal level of level 20.

Under the level difference, Tan Lidou simply repelled the two of them.

Tan Lidou looked at the two of them, a little surprised, then snorted coldly.

"You dare to attack me, and you just happen to get rid of the two of you together."

Baise Xiaoji picked up the sickle and wanted to make a move.

However, at this moment, Tan Lidou's movements stopped.

Saiko and Kujo Kiriya were also taken aback.

Because, behind Tan Lidou, a figure appeared, staring at Tan Lidou.

white figure...

"Ultra!" Tan Lidou hastily turned around, looking warily at the figure that suddenly appeared behind him.

Ultra is only the most basic form, but it makes Tan Lidou have to be vigilant.

Because Tan Lidou was also afraid that Ultra would take out some unknown cassette, and then kill him.

It was Baili Yuan who arrived!

Hi, hello, I'm alive again!

Just died, and then appeared at the scene of his own death.

To be honest, this feeling is quite strange.

What? Bailiyuan is the game over?

Kamen Rider Lazer's game is over, what's the matter with my Bengyuan Body Ultra?

This is true.

Bailiyuan turned into Bengyuan data, and it reappeared in another place.

It didn't even use the chance of death revival.

This is the resurrection ability of the complete body collapse source body!

Then Bailiyuan put on Player U's vest and hurried back to the game.

Bailiyuan had no intention of fighting Tan Lidou.

Now that Tan Lidou got the cassettes of Jing Feicai and Hua Jia Dawo, let Tan Lidou go back to complete their upgrade cassettes.

Otherwise, the transformation levels of Jing Feicai and Hua Jiada would not be able to keep up with the game version.

"Your game is very interesting." Baili Yuan praised, "I hope there will be more games that make me feel interesting next time."

Baili Yuan turned and left, saying at the same time: "Okay, the game is over, we should go too."

Baise Xiaoji obediently left the game field.

When leaving, I took one last look at Jing Feicai who was unconscious in the distance.

Kujo Kiriya still wanted to make a move, but was lightly stopped by Saiko.

Saiko shook her head at Kujo Kiriya.

In the end, Kujo Guili reluctantly followed Saiko and left.

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