Chapter 3501 There is a more powerful one over there

The last three patients just gathered around Jing Feicai.

After hearing the story of Xiao Xingzuo and Hamburg Mengbengyuanti, Jing Feicai and the other two patients felt a little emotional.

They didn't expect that human beings could still become friends with the Bengyuan body?

What an eye opener!


In the bunker.

Jing Feicai stood up, took the holy sword, and aimed at the Hamburg Mengbengyuan body.

"Let me cut it off!"

After finishing speaking, he struck out with a sword.

"Be careful!" Xiao Xingzuo hastily pulled away the Hamburg Mengbengyuan body.

Can barely dodged the sword.

Hamburg's Mengbengyuan body was shivering under the protection of Xiao Xingzuo.

"Sure enough, Kamen Rider is scary." Hamburg Mengbengyuan wanted to eat a hamburger to calm down.

The other two patients hadn't reacted yet.

You were fine just now, why did you suddenly kill someone?

The atmosphere in the bunker suddenly became tense.

Xiao Xingzuo was very puzzled.

Xiaoxing made so much talk to persuade Jing Feicai, wanting to impress Jing Feicai so that Jing Feicai would not attack Hamburg Mengbengyuan.

How could he act decisively after hearing the story?

Is your rectum cold too?

"Why do you have to attack Pokémon?!" Xiao Xingzuo asked Jing Feicai with a sad face.

Jing Feicai held the holy sword in his hand, and said coldly: "It's the Bengyuan body, and I'm a Kamen Rider, so I want to destroy it!"

"But Pokémon has never hurt anyone else!" Xiao Xing defended.

"If you don't destroy it, you will disappear." Jing Feicai said.

If it was before, Jing Feicai wouldn't care about such things, as long as Xiao Xingzuo said he didn't want to have an operation, he would turn around and leave without saying a word.

Respect individual destiny.

But now, Jing Feicai has changed.

In Jing Feicai's heart, the weight of the patient is even more important. Even if he is hated by the patient, he has to fulfill his responsibility.

Xiao Xing was in a hurry.

"I think you're not good at it!" Xiao Xingzuo roared angrily, and then showed an angry expression, as if he was about to make a move.

Jing Feicai's eyes sank.

If Xiao Xing Zuo made a move against him...

"Take me and run away!" Xiao Xingzuo shouted.

Xiao Xingzuo didn't make a move, and he didn't have the strength to make a move. Xiao Xing did it to scare Jing Feicai, and then fled with the Hamburg Mengbengyuan body.

Hamburg Mengbengyuan instinctively obeyed Xiao Xingzuo's orders, and started to run away with Xiao Xingzuo.

Xiao Xingzuo is still somewhat cunning.

Jing Feicai stayed where she was, a little dumbfounded.

He was tricked?

Then Jing Feicai was about to catch up.

But I didn't forget to bring the remaining two patients.

In order to be safe, the two patients could only keep up with Jing Feicai.

Even the two of them have their own thoughts on this matter.

The patient who was rescued by Xiao Xingzuo and Hamburg Mengbengyuan body felt that Jing Feicai did not do a good job, "That Bengyuan body doesn't look like a bad guy, why must it be eliminated?"

"It's the Bengyuan body after all, wouldn't it be good to keep it? And didn't you hear what Kamen Rider said, if you don't destroy the Bengyuan body, that man will disappear." The rescued patient said.

Both patients were somewhat silent.

They have no way to intervene in this matter, and they have no ability to intervene.

It's better to protect yourself first.

The Hamburg Mengbengyuan body has an advantage in the game.

For example, when escaping, fighter jets will not attack it, and the small star operation is also very safe.

Instead, Feicai took the mirror of the two of them, and because the target was relatively large, it became the focus of fighter jets besieging them, and fighter jets continued to besiege them.

Jing Feicai had to protect the patient while destroying the fighter. The speed of travel was delayed.

But what is surprising is that Jing Feicai was not thrown away.

For this reason, Jing Feicai also worked hard.

Regardless of physical exertion, just chase after.

And as Jing Feicai's level increases, the speed of eliminating fighters blocking the way is also faster. Started to keep getting closer to the source body of Hamburg Mengbeng.

When Jing Feicai was about to catch up.

Huge bombers appear.

The prelude to the arrival of the BOSS appeared.

Jing Feicai had to hide in the bunker with two patients.

Xiao Xingzuo and Hamburg Mengbengyuan are also hiding in another bunker.

"Xiao Xingzuo, let me be defeated by that Kamen Rider, please, or you..." Hamburg Meng Bengyuan took advantage of this time and began to persuade Xiao Xingzuo.

In fact, on the way, Hamburg Mengbengyuan wanted to stop and stop running away.

But being threatened by Xiaoxing's own life, Hamburg had no choice but to continue to take Xiaoxing to escape.

"No!" Xiao Xingzuo shouted loudly, with tears in his eyes, "Pokemon, I don't want you to be wiped out. You haven't done anything bad at all, so you shouldn't be wiped out!"

"But, you will disappear. If you lose your life because of me, I will still be a victim." Hamburg Mengbengyuan cried.

"No!" Xiao Xingzuo clenched his fists, "I will definitely find a way for us to live together."

How could Xiao Xingzuo not know that if the Hamburg Mengbeng source body is allowed to exist, he will disappear.

But Xiao Xingzuo is still unwilling to let Hamburg Mengbengyuan be defeated.

As for the reason.

Without him, because Hamburg Mengbengyuan understands him!

Perhaps because the Hamburg Mengbengyuan body was separated from his body, Xiao Xingzuo felt that the Hamburg Mengbengyuan body had a special connection with him.

It's like being a bosom friend.

Their getting along gave Xiao Xingzuo a feeling that he had never felt before.

Occasionally, Xiao Xingzuo thinks that if the Hamburg Mengbengyuan is a painting of a woman, he might fall in love with the Hamburg Mengbengyuan.

Because I don't want to lose the Hamburg Mengbengyuan body.

Xiao Xingzuo has been looking through the information and data left by Tan Lidou in the fantasy game company, trying to find a way for him to survive with Hamburg Mengbengyuan.

Unfortunately, little success has been achieved.

To this end, Xiao Xingzuo has already made psychological preparations.

If there is really no other way, he would rather disappear than let the Hamburg Mengbeng source body continue to exist.

Anyway, his little star is just alone. At such an old age, he gave up love and marriage for the sake of games and career. There are only games and programs in his life.

The emergence of the Hamburg Mengbengyuan body has brought a different color to Xiao Xingzuo's life.

At the end of my life, I felt such a life for a while.

He has nothing to regret.

Let the newly born Hamburg Mengbengyuan body take a good look at the future world instead of him.


The bombing is over.

Jing Feicai led two patients, together with Xiao Xingzuo and Hamburg Mengbengyuan, out of the disabled bunker.

Jing Feicai looked around, looking for Xiao Xingzuo and Hamburg Mengbengyuan.

But it was discovered that Hamburg Meng Bengyuan was carrying Xiao Xingzuo on his back, and had already escaped first.

Jing Feicai had no choice but to chase again.

But, just when Jing Feicai started to chase again.

Hamburg Mengbengyuan body chased back at a faster speed with Xiao Xingzuo on his back.

Jing Feicai was a little puzzled.

"Have you changed your mind?" Jing Feicai asked Xiang Xiaoxing.

But Xiao Xingzuo shouted in horror: "There is a more dangerous guy over there!"

Jing Feicai looked suspiciously at Xiao Xingzuo and the direction they ran back.

The first thing I saw was Bailiyuan who was carrying Baosheng Yongmeng and escaped.

Behind are Saeko and Kujo Kiriya.

"They are..."

In the end, the Bania Bengyuan body floating like a fortress in the sky.

Countless missiles bombard everything at 360 degrees without dead ends.

"Hahahaha... run away, run away! You will still die under my bombing in the end!" Bania Bengyuan body laughed loudly.

Jing Feicai: "'s numb."

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