Chapter 3493 Prime Minister's Victory

Bailiyuan and Jing Feicai looked at Prade, they didn't say anything, and they didn't do anything.

Parad felt insulted.

You guys at least say something!

However, no.

Even Bailiyuan and Jingfeicai stopped paying attention to Palad.

In this situation, Han Bing thought that the stone man would open up to him, and predicted that the golden body would be released, but the stone man just passed by.

Palad's Ironization is over.

He roared loudly at Baosheng Yongmeng as soon as the steelization was over, and asked, "Baosheng Yongmeng! Why are you?!"

Faced with Prallard's questioning, Baosheng Yongmeng was very calm.

Calm is a little weird.

"The game has been cleared." Baosheng Yongmeng said.

The symptoms of gaming sickness in all patients disappeared, and everyone wept with joy.

At the same time, their temporary cassettes were also broken.

The cassettes on Bailiyuan, Jingfeicai, and Xima Nicole were also broken.

Xima Nicole was a little unhappy, but she didn't say much. She released her transformation and walked towards the Hua family.

The Hua family and I snorted coldly at Xima Nicole, but between the brows, I obviously relaxed.

The field of play starts to disappear.

Instead, Baosheng Yongmeng pulled out his own cassette and canceled the transformation. He stared at Palad with a cold face, and said in a cold voice: "Pallard, I have decided, from now on, I will not play games with you !"

"No, I won't allow it! Baosheng Yongmeng! M! Come and continue fighting with me!" Palad seemed to be stimulated, and rushed directly to Baosheng Yongmeng who had untransformed.

"Yongmeng!" Tomorrow Na exclaimed.

Baosheng Yongmeng didn't dodge anything.

When Palad rushed in front of Baosheng Yongmeng, he suddenly fell out of the game field.

Same situation as last time.

But this time the game field is disappearing faster, obviously the game has been fully developed.

Baosheng Yongmeng continued: "Sooner or later, I will defeat you! Make you pay the price!"

The field of play eventually dissipated.

Everyone returned to reality.

Saeko and Kujo Kiriya leave early.

Tomorrow, Na will take the patients back for examination.

The others remained where they were.

Xima Nico broke the silence with her hands in her pockets. She came to Baosheng Yongmeng and said, "M, I will defeat you sooner or later! You must keep your first time for me!"

Putting down the harsh words, Sima Nicole turned and left.

"Big me, let's go!"

"You bastard! I'm not your little brother, show me some respect when you say something!" Hua Jiada was very upset, but I still kept up with Sima Nicole. Before leaving, I even gave Baosheng Yongmeng a glare. .


Looking at Xima Nicole's back, Baosheng Yongmeng scratched his head in doubt, "Who is she, and why does she always want to beat me?"

In Baosheng Yongmeng's memory, Xima Nicole does not exist.

Bailiyuan and Jingfeicai also released their transformations and walked towards Baosheng Yongmeng.

However, at this moment, Baosheng Yongmeng suddenly showed pain, hugged his head, passed out on the spot, and the cassette fell to the ground.

It is the sequelae of using the "Extraordinary Brothers XX" cassette.


"Brother Yongmeng!"

Bailiyuan and Jingfeicai hurried to Baosheng Yongmeng.

But someone came to Baosheng Yongmeng one step ahead of them.

It is the prime minister!

The prime minister ignored Baosheng Yongmeng, but picked up all the cassettes that Baosheng Yongmeng dropped, and took off the drive from Baosheng Yongmeng's waist.

"It seems that this Kamen Rider will have sequelae after the battle, so these things should be temporarily handed over to the official for safekeeping." The prime minister looked good to Baosheng Yongmeng, and said high-sounding words.

"You shameless bastard, you want to grab something!" Baili Yuan shouted directly.

Such shameless words made the prime minister a little bit overwhelmed.

Jing Feicai also did not give the prime minister face.

His eyes darkened, and he said in a deep voice, "Put those things down!" He had already touched his driver.

The prime minister stopped pretending, he snorted coldly, "I advise you not to act rashly!"

With that said, the Prime Minister took out a cassette.

It was the temporary cassette that belonged to the prime minister.

No, to be precise, it's the official transformation cassette!

It's just that there is no game pattern.

"How is it possible?!" Jing Feicai widened his eyes.

The prime minister smiled triumphantly, "This is my destiny! My destiny is mine!"

Bailiyuan: "Ah, that's right."

After Baosheng Yongmeng defeated Gadun Bengyuan, the clearance certificate was actually given to the prime minister.

Even the Prime Minister himself was very surprised. He didn't expect that he would be qualified to transform in this way.

Now, he was finally no longer helpless!

Some thoughts that shouldn't have started to grow crazily in his mind.

Seeing that the prime minister can also transform, Jing Feicai didn't know what to do for a while.

But Bailiyuan made a decisive choice.

"Go! Fuck him! Let's play two against one, afraid of him?"

prime minister:"……"

The prime minister almost forgot that there was another child here. He hurriedly looked at Jing Feicai with a stern face, "I advise you to think twice, you have to know what the consequences will be if you take action against the prime minister. Your family, you All of your friends will be implicated by you!"

Sure enough, Jing Feicai stopped Bailiyuan.

Jing Feicai gritted her teeth and snorted coldly, "Get lost!"

The Prime Minister's face was very ugly.

How many years have passed, and someone dared to say this word to him?

But sensing Baili Yuan's imminent appearance, the prime minister still chose to give in, gave a bah, straightened his suit, turned and left.

In fact, the Prime Minister was still very excited.

Not only has he obtained the ability to transform, but he can also keep the cassette that Ultra gave him before.

That's right, the hole card that Bailiyuan handed over to the prime minister was a cassette.

It was originally intended for the prime minister to hand over to Baosheng Yongmeng and the others for use.

Now, it was left by the Prime Minister himself.

Immediately after the Prime Minister left, Jing Feicai rushed to Baosheng Yongmeng's direction and began to check the situation of Baosheng Yongmeng.

The drives and cassettes are gone, but there's nothing wrong with people.

Bailiyuan watched the Prime Minister leave, and put away the cassette and drive.

"Hehe, interesting."

If you want to blame, blame the Prime Minister for not seeing Baili Yuan's human appearance.

Bailiyuan also took care of the adoption procedures.

Otherwise, the Prime Minister would not dare to jump like this when he saw Baili Yuan.


After Baosheng Yongmeng woke up, he learned that his drive and cassette had been taken away by the Prime Minister.

Naturally worried for a long time.

But also a little relaxed.

After all, with the lives of too many people on his shoulders, it is indeed a lot of pressure for Baosheng Yongmeng, an intern who has just graduated from university.

The people in the computer rescue center didn't like the Prime Minister any more.

No, to be precise, to become hostile.

Kyoutaro Hinata went to the prime minister in person and wanted to get the drive and cassette back, but was kicked out by the prime minister.

Apparently, the Prime Minister has swelled.

Saiko and Kujo Kiriya also had a lot of ideas.

After Saeko learned of the prime minister's operation to drive her father out, she angrily wanted to kill the prime minister herself.

If it wasn't for Jiutiao Guiliya to stop her, she would really have gone.

In the end, the two decided to start with Ultra and speed up the investigation.

Kyoutaro Hyuga is also working hard to respond, such as recruiting more colleagues to guard against the prime minister's actions.

Among them, Bailiyuan's so-called adoptive parents of high-ranking officials were naturally included.

People are indeed real.

But the problem is...

Bailiyuan and the other party don't know each other either!

"Oops, I'm going to lose my horse!" Baili Yuan panicked.

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