Chapter 3469 Lao Deng, I can't throw the ghost fire outside the door, right?


in the living room.

Kyoutaro Hinata looked at Saeko and the unknown object she brought back in front of him, the corners of his eyes twitched wildly.

He was dressed in a hip-hop style, with a few holes in his pants, his hair was dyed red, and his hairstyle was flamboyant. Fingers, wrists, necks, trouser waists, ears... all kinds of metal ornaments are worn everywhere on the body. From time to time, he swayed his body rhythmically, as if beating the beat in his heart.

For Hyuga and his wife, this kind of art is still too avant-garde.

Mrs. Hyuga had a delicate expression, then got up and said apologetically, "I'm going to make some hot tea, you guys talk first."

After finishing speaking, Mrs. Hyuga left with the still steaming tea in a hurry.

Kyoutaro Hyuga was left alone, facing Saiko and some unknown object in front of him.

Shayizi was still dressed in the old days, with a sweater and tight leather skirt inside, and a white coat on the outside.

Leaning on the body of the unknown object, smiling.

"What kind of UMA (unconfirmed creature) is this?" Kyoutaro Hinata asked Saeko seriously.

"Father!" Saeko said dissatisfiedly and rolled her eyes at the same time.

The man Saeko brought home was naturally Kujo Kiriya in disguise. Under cognitive interference, Hinata Kyoutaro failed to recognize Kujo Kiriya.

Regarding Hinata Kyoutaro's words, Kujo Kiriya just smiled indifferently.

How could he take this matter to heart?

Really don't care at all.

However, a matter of loyalty.

Since it was to pretend to be Saeko's boyfriend and to impress Saeko's parents, he should greet him politely first.

"Old Deng, I'm staying outside the door, can't I throw it away?" Kujo Kiriya asked like a gangster.

Outside the door, parked a locomotive covered with colorful lights and with an exaggerated shape.

"Old, old Deng?" Kyoutaro Hyuga stared at him.

He recalled what he saw just now—the other party was riding a modified ghost fire with two wheels, carrying his precious daughter, and parked the car at the gate of the mansion.

Hinata Kyoutaro couldn't help covering his stomach.


On weekdays, they have to think hard about the future of this country, and they are the few people in the government who do practical things.

When I go home, I have to worry about my daughter's future.

Who knew that Saeko would give him such a shock today.

Doesn't Shayizi usually drive four wheels? When did you fall in love with riding two wheels?

As far as the thing that Saeko brought back is worthy of praise, it is probably that face.

I have to say, he is really handsome.

Hinata Kyoutaro thought that the other party's face had a bit of the charm of his youth.

But what's the use of being handsome?

The first time he saw the other party, Kyoutaro Hinata began to think about how to make the other party leave his daughter.

When Kyoutaro Hyuga had a stomachache.

Kujo Kiriya also grinned suddenly.

The ferocious appearance made Hinata Kyoutaro feel even worse.

The reason Kujo Kiriya did this was entirely because Saiko, who was still smiling sweetly, secretly had a hand pinching the soft flesh of Kujo Kiriya's waist.

Kujo Kiriya hurriedly grabbed Saiko's hand with her hand.

"Stop, if you continue like this, the meat will be deducted!" Kujo Kiriya whispered in Saeko's ear.

Sha Yizi replied with a half-smile: "I asked you to play the role of a gangster, not to give my father eye drops, so don't let people think that there is something wrong with my eyesight!"

"But if you find such a person as your boyfriend, no matter how you think about it, it's not just because of your bad eyesight!" Kujo Kiriya muttered.

He felt that there was something wrong with Sayizi's brain.

Wouldn't it be good to take him home and pretend to be a boyfriend, and follow the normal routine?

Let him pretend to be a social elite, fool Hyuga and his wife, and he can easily get through.

In this way, her parents are at ease, and she is also at ease.

Why let him pretend to be a will-o'-the-wisp to kill Matt?

Didn't you see that Kyoutaro Hinata looks like he's going to eat himself now?

Kyoutaro Hinata: How dare you touch my daughter's hand! And whisper to her! Damn you!

Saeko was kind enough not to see Kyoutaro Hinata's eyes, and introduced him with a smile: "This is my boyfriend, Uchihaya, who is currently a guitar player in a band. He likes death rock and is good at playing the guitar."

Kujo Kiriya made a gesture of playing the guitar in unison.

Kujo Kiriya: "Yo, yo, Cheek Nao~"

Kyoutaro Hinata: "Singer in residence, singer in residence~"

Then Hinata Kyoutaro felt his stomach hurt even more.

Saeko asked Kujo Kiriya to pretend to be like this, so she naturally had her thoughts.

Kujo Guiliya is on the third floor.

Saeko is on the fifth floor.

Hyuga and his wife are not fools, they understand their daughter just like Saeko understands her parents.

Although the sudden shock made Hyuga and his wife's brains buzzing, they couldn't figure it out for a while.

But Saeko knew that when the two of them calmed down, they would know that this so-called Uchihaya was a fake boyfriend.

Based on Saeko's character, even if Saeko was blind, she would not be able to find such a boyfriend.

Saeko deliberately made her parents realize that she was someone pretending to be her boyfriend.

The purpose is simple.

That's cheating, but not quite cheating.

The Hyuga and his wife could understand Saeko's meaning - she didn't want to find a boyfriend, and there was still work to do if she urged her again.

If the two urge them again, maybe the three of them will come back next time.

The only one who was injured was Kujo Kiriya who was a clown.

But didn't you still give Kujo Kiriya a handsome face~

Just when the plan is going well.

Kyoutaro Hinata suddenly fell down on the sofa, and then let out a painful groan.


The complexions of Saeko and Kujo Kiriya changed drastically.

Could it be that Kyoutaro Hyuga had a heart problem because he couldn't stand the stimulation?

The two hurried forward.


"Your Excellency Hinata!"

At this time, he didn't even bother to pretend.

However, when the two of them helped Kyoutaro Hinata, their expressions changed drastically.

"Husband, what's the matter?" Mrs. Hyuga poked her head out of the kitchen after hearing the voice, and then saw Kyoutaro Hyuga lying in Kujo Kiriya's arms.

"Husband, what happened to you?"

Mrs. Hyuga hurried to Hyuga Kyoutaro's side.

Saiko and Kujo Kiriya stepped aside, allowing Mrs. Hyuga to see Kyoutaro Hyuga.

"It is!" Mrs. Hinata exclaimed.

Both Saeko and Kujo Kiriya had serious expressions on their faces.

Kujo Kiriya said in a deep voice, "Game sickness!"

At this moment, Kyoutaro Hyuga's body is the symptom of the game sickness, and a light like a stuck screen appears on his body.

"Husband, husband!" Mrs. Hinata panicked.

Kujo Kiriya hurriedly pressed Mrs. Hinata's shoulder, and said in relief, "Madam, don't worry."

Seeing Kujo Kiriya's eyes, Mrs. Hinata gradually calmed down and nodded slightly.

"Your Excellency Hinata will be fine, and..."

Kujo Kiriya paused, then suddenly realized.

Who else?

The Kamen Riders in the computer rescue center are all disabled now!

Oh, there is another one who can transform, Bailiyuan.

Don't mention it.


Saiko was also aware of this problem, and she understood that if Baosheng Yongmeng and the others couldn't fight, it would only be her fighting Kujo Kiriya.

I just don't know what Ultra will think.

But I can't control that much.

"But why did Dad suffer from gaming disease?"

Saeko's cell phone rang suddenly.

"Hi, I'm Saeko..."

The other end of the phone is tomorrow.

Tomorrow's voice was very anxious, and he said in a panic: "Doctor Saeko, it's not good, Tan Lidou is spreading the Bengyuan virus! Those patients who have had gaming disease are suffering from gaming disease again!"


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