Chapter 3461 Use technology to defeat technology!

"I hate the beluga!" Sima Nico murmured.

She was so stunned that she forgot even the fear of fighting.

Although Bailiyuan should have come to save her, but, but, but...

This is too European!

"Me too." Baosheng Yongmeng expressed that he also hated the sturgeon.

"Let's just ask, the props in "Extraordinary Action X" all appear randomly, right?" Hua Jiada and I were full of doubts.

"That's right." Baosheng Yongmeng said, as the transformer of the cassette, he said that he didn't even know what the props that were opened from the stone were.

"Hulus are generally very short-lived." Saeko looked at the screen in her hand, as if she had searched for important information from the Internet.

"Hey, hey, Xiao Yuan is lucky, why do you all look unhappy?" Kujo Kiya said dissatisfied.

Jing Feicai snorted coldly, "Intern doctor, the battle is not over yet!"

"Oh, yes." Baosheng Yongmeng came to his senses.

Others also hurriedly looked in the direction of the explosion.

The flames of the explosion gradually dissipated.

The figure of Palad was revealed.

The ability of music trap is indeed not weak.

Against an opponent of the same level, it can directly make the opponent near death!

However, dying does not mean death.

Prallad got up from the ground scorched and black, and was in a mess, but he was still laughing.

Laughter is cold.

"Hmph, hehehe, hahahaha... Are you cheating in the game?"

"I, Bailiyuan, didn't hang up!" Bailiyuan shouted loudly.

Xiao Tou is not hanging!

Parad: You think I trust you?

But that doesn't matter anymore.

Don't listen to M's command, play games and cheat.

Then there is no need to compete with him.

Palad pulled out the cassette and spun the wheel.

Morphological transformation.

Puzzle Player!

All props are again controlled by Palad.

This time, Bailiyuan had no choice but to use props to plot against Palad!

Everyone's complexion changed suddenly.

"Oops!" Baosheng Yongmeng frowned with a serious expression on his face.

Without the aid of the props, and the props are still controlled by Palad, Bailiyuan will once again fall into a huge disadvantage when facing Palad.

"Enjoy, your last game." Palade smiled at Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan took a deep breath.

"Hmph, the one who falls will be you!"

Bailiyuan pulled out the cassette - "Illusion Myth: Poison Root Hydra"!

"I didn't expect that I would use this cassette. It was promised that I would never use it." Baili Yuan shook his head in his heart, and now he could only really enjoy it.

Who knows, if Bailiyuan didn't open the script, the only way he could think of to fight against Palad was this card.

This hatred, the child remembered it!

"Does Xiaoen want to use that cassette?" Kujo Kiriya said nervously.

As the only person who used that cassette, Saeko also had a nervous expression.

"That cassette will make people stronger after use, but it should make people lose their minds?" Jing Feicai looked at Kujo Kiriya and Saiko and asked.

Kujo Kiya nodded, "That's true. Although that cassette can double your strength, it will make people fall into a state of rage, gradually lose control of themselves, and lose their minds."

"Is there no remedy?" Tomorrow Na hurriedly asked.

Saiko also looked at Kujo Kiriya, she also wanted to ask this question. Obviously Kujo Kiriya can stay sane longer than her.

Kujo Kiya shook his head, "You can only rely on your own will to resist the impact of the berserk. Even I have gradually adapted to the berserk mode, so I can use that cassette to fight for a while. I only hope that Xiaoyuan can lose the power of the berserker after completely losing his strength." Defeat Palad before you come to your senses!"

Everyone was silent.

They couldn't help but worry about Baili Yuan.

"Xiaoyuan, you must maintain yourself!" Baosheng Yongmeng reminded loudly.

But it didn't stop Bailiyuan.

Because, obviously, the time has come to get desperate.

If Palad doesn't have a puzzle mode that can match and use props at will, Baosheng Yongmeng can still try to cooperate with Bailiyuan's show-off skills.

But the enemy develops technology.

Being able to use other people's props, and even using two props at a time, is outrageous.

They can only choose to use technology to deal with technology.

Although Bailiyuan still has half blood, Bailiyuan has no normal means to fight against the player form of the Palad jigsaw puzzle.

Fortunately, Palad's knight gauge has reached the end.

As long as Bailiyuan can successfully hit Palad once before losing his sanity, with the "increased damage" feature of the floor.

Should be able to crush Palad completely.

Bailiyuan also activated the cassette at this time.

[Fantasy Myth: Poison Root Hydra]!

Cassette inserted.

[Pollen scattered! 】

【Excited! 】

[Rage mode! start up! 】

Bailiyuan is flooded with pollen.

Exide's eyes turned an unusual red.

This is the performance of berserk mode.

Bailiyuan said with difficulty, "The crusade mode--fury!"

Then it rushed towards Palad, bursting out at a speed beyond the ability of the naked eye to capture.

Even Huajia Dawo and Baosheng Yongmeng, who had the best dynamic vision, couldn't keep up with Bailiyuan.

Kujo Kiriya opened his eyes wide and said nervously: "That's it! Take advantage of the moment of transformation to explode and deliver a fatal blow!"

"This is the only moment where you can stay sane, and the only chance!"

As for Saeko's situation where she can maintain her sanity and fight for a while.

It was entirely because of the anger supporting Saeko.

The moment of transformation in berserk mode can maintain sanity, but not much. The sanity at this moment can only allow the player to determine which is the enemy.

The moment Bailiyuan disappeared.

Prallard exclaimed, "So fast!"

In the blink of an eye, Bailiyuan rushed in front of Palad.

Fist out.

Parad suddenly laughed at this moment.

"I lied to you!"

Palad was impressively prepared.

Having witnessed all the previous battles, Palad naturally has an understanding of the effects of various cassettes.

Music traps, there's no way Prallad can ignore them.

And this kind of cassette that makes people fall into berserk mode, while having huge advantages, also has very obvious disadvantages.

Palad had already figured out how to deal with it.

Two props prepared by Palad long ago were integrated into Palad's body.

[Ironization! 】

[Ironization! 】

Double steel!

The defense is super doubled!

In an instant, Palad seemed to have turned into a metal man.

Bailiyuan's fist slammed heavily on Palade's chest.

boom! ! !

There was a sound of metal colliding.

squeak --

Prallard was knocked out backwards.

Double steeling not only super doubles Palad's defense, but also doubles Palad's weight.

At this time, Palad is like a humanoid statue cast in high-density metal.

The quality reaches 100 tons!

But still being punched by Baili Yuan, he slipped out backwards.

It can be seen that Bailiyuan's punch is powerful.

However, it failed to cause damage to Palad.

Because Palade's greater improvement is defense!

Iron state is over.

Palad is still intact, and the last value of the knight slot has not disappeared.

Everyone's complexion changed drastically.

"Not good!" Tomorrow Na exclaimed.

Prallard let out a mocking laugh, "Ha ha."

Because at this moment, Baili Yuan seemed to have completely lost his mind, rushing towards Palad like a wild beast.

Palad just moved his body lightly, dodging Bailiyuan's attack and counterattacked.

After kicking Bailiyuan away, Palade twisted his neck.

"Next, let me finish you." Another two props were controlled by Palad and absorbed into his body.

【Speed ​​up! 】

【Muscularization! 】

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