Chapter 3459 Xiaoyuan, get out of here!

"Xiaoyuan!" Baosheng Yongmeng called Bailiyuan.

All eyes fell on Baili Yuan.

Because next, Bailiyuan and Baosheng Yongmeng will determine their fate!

Bailiyuan took a deep breath, then supported the drive with one hand, picked up the "Extraordinary Action X" cassette with the other, and put it in front of him with a serious expression.

"I've seized the future!"

[Extraordinary action X! 】

The game field unfolded, and item boxes fell one by one, all over the palace.

It coincides with Palade's game field, in which there are various energy items floating.


The cassette is inserted into the drive.

[click! 】

The light curtain enveloped Bailiyuan.

【Who are you? 】

[I am Kamen Rider! 】


Pull the trigger.

Skip the canned man stage directly and upgrade to the humanoid stage.

Although Bailiyuan was just a child, after Bailiyuan completed the transformation, Bailiyuan's body shape also grew to the same appearance as that of Baosheng Yongmeng after transformation.

Therefore, the body shape of Kamen Rider after transformation is fixed.

accurate value?

It depends on the height and weight of the actor in the leather case.

"This is my transformation!" Baili Yuan raised his head and looked at Palad.

"The crusade level - 50!"

Temporary action player lv50!

Because of [the level of temporary workers], Bailiyuan's level is fixed at level 50.

Jing Feicai and the others looked at the transformed Bailiyuan with mixed emotions.

"Is Xiaoyuan really okay?" Tomorrow Na was still a little worried.

"We can only trust Xiaoyuan now." Jing Feicai said seriously.

I clenched my teeth and clenched my hands into fists, looking unwilling. This sense of powerlessness made him feel disgusted with himself.

Sayizi and Jiutiao Guiliya didn't say a word, their eyes hidden behind the mask and hood were fixed on Bailiyuan.

Even Xima Nicole, who was hung on the palace, forgot to scream, and looked at Bailiyuan in astonishment, "Transformed?"

And Bailiyuan...

"Wow, is this the transformation of Kamen Rider? It's so cool and powerful!"

Baili Yuan, who was still calm just now, broke his skills in an instant and began to feel around.

From time to time, he looked between his legs and touched his butt with his hands, not knowing what he was feeling.

"It's obviously tights, but it doesn't crotch at all, and the buttocks don't get caught in the fabric."

Everyone: "..."

Why do you pay attention to such strange things when you become a Kamen Rider?

Baosheng Yongmeng couldn't hold back anymore.

Because Bailiyuan used his transformation device, and the transformation was also his appearance.

When Bailiyuan made these actions, he always felt that he was playing with him, which made him feel chills.


Palade looked at Baili Yuan and smiled slightly.

"Oh, it looks interesting, casual player?"

Baosheng Yongmeng quickly adjusted his mentality, stared at Palad seriously, and said loudly: "Xiaoyuan, come on!"

"Okay!" Baili Yuan came back to his senses, replied, and stared at Palad.

Palad stood in front of the throne, without moving, just smiled lightly.

With a light leap, Bailiyuan jumped up to a high place and confronted Palad.

"Watch me pass the level with my life!" Bailiyuan said handsomely.

Then Bailiyuan twisted his body excitedly, looking excited, "I said it, so handsome~"

Baosheng Yongmeng: "..."

Everyone else looked at Baosheng Yongmeng.

Silence, or silence.

When Baili Yuan raised his hand, the Destroyer Hammer appeared in his hand.

"Anyway, let's go~"

Bailiyuan rushed towards Palad.

"I hammer! I hammer! I hammer!"

Prallad twisted his neck, smiled disdainfully, faced Bailiyuan's hammer blow, raised his hand lightly, and easily received all the attacks.

"Oh, mere..."

Then Prallad felt a pain in his crotch.

Looking down, he found that Bailiyuan had not only hammered, but also kicked.

If it weren't for the Kamen Rider's suit having enough defensive functions, this kick would definitely explode.

Palad: "..."

The men watching the battle below all showed sympathetic expressions and gasped.

Even if you haven't been kicked, it still looks painful.

"In the future, you must never let Xiaoyuan get close to my crotch." Kujo Kiriya couldn't help but murmured.

Palad felt the teasing and was a little dazed.

Bailiyuan twisted her buttocks, and with a snap, Parade flew out.

"Although the movement is strange, it seems to be unexpectedly effective." Tomorrow Na couldn't help but speak out.

"This is children fighting!" I said coldly, the eldest of the Hua family.

Baosheng Yongmeng covered his face.

I really didn't see it.

Kujo Kiriya chuckled, "There's still mental damage."

Prallad's anger was ignited, and after standing firm, he sneered.

"Shameless brat, let me teach you how to play the game!"

""Complete Elimination" is a matching game that freely manipulates all substances in the game field, and even those different items in other game fields can be unified."

With a wave of Palad's hand, a wave of power spread out, smashing all the prop boxes around, revealing all kinds of props hidden inside.

And transform these props into energy props that he can use.

Then Prallad waved his hand, and all the props were gathered in front of him for him to choose.

"There's also the ability to combine different props," continued Palade.

Seeing Palade's actions, Baosheng Yongmeng immediately realized what Palade was going to do.

When she ascended the 100th floor, Saeko shared the scanned panel of Palad. Bao Shengyong had already been prepared for the important ability of Palad.

"Xiaoyuan, be careful!" Baosheng Yongmeng hurriedly reminded, "Get out of the way!"

Bailiyuan heard Baosheng Yongmeng's instructions, chose to believe in Baosheng Yongmeng, and hurriedly dodged aside.

Palad chuckled.

He has already chosen the props.

【elasticity! 】

【Tempering! 】

The two props merged into Palad's body, and Palad's body became soft, and a metallic luster shone on his fists.

Palade punched Bailiyuan, his arms extended like springs, and the fist was covered with metallic light.

Spring Steel Fist!

Bailiyuan managed to dodge ahead of time, but Palad suddenly turned his body, his fist was like a flexible python, and slammed on Bailiyuan's body hard, sending Bailiyuan flying.


The smashed Bailiyuan screamed and crashed into the wall of the palace, and the knight trough dropped severely.

On the 100th floor, the damage increase effect still exists.

Standing on the same spot, Palade could extend his fists continuously, and his fists were like metal, giving Bailiyuan a hard blow.

Baili Yuan lying on the ground could only roll over in embarrassment, trying to dodge.

But there will still be fists hitting Bailiyuan, causing Bailiyuan's knight bar to continue to drop.

"Xiao Yuan!"

Everyone exclaimed.

Jing Feicai, Hana Dawo, and Kutiao Guiliya can't wait to go up and beat up Parad, but they can't transform now, rushing up will not only fail to help Bailiyuan, but will also become a drag.

Sima Nicole, who was hung above, closed her eyes in fright.

Saezi's breathing was a little short, obviously emotionally unstable.

Tomorrow's eyes were already red.

Baosheng Yongmeng had a tense expression, secretly thinking something was wrong, thinking about countermeasures quickly.

Knowing the capabilities of the enemy is one thing, but being able to deal with them is another.

Baosheng Yongmeng can't guarantee that he can dodge all the attacks brought about by the fusion of different props after transforming.

In fact, with Baili Yuan's reaction speed, he could completely dodge them all.

But can he do it?

He can't!

Don't forget, his current character is an ordinary child, or a child suffering from severe game disease.

Palad smiled smugly.

Baosheng Yongmeng forced himself to keep calm, and shouted loudly: "Xiaoyuan, hold on! Go left! Go right! Keep your legs..."

While Bailiyuan scolded Palad for being inappropriate, he tried to act according to Baosheng Yongmeng's instructions.

Sure enough, the attacks received were much less.

Finally, when Bailiyuan was down to about half health, Prallard stopped beating him up.

Because the prop effect is over.

And Palade is going to change the way of fighting Bailiyuan.

Prallard smiled and pulled out his own cassette, spinning the wheel on the cassette once.

Sound effects sounded.

【Fighting Fighter! 】

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