Chapter 3453 [Level: lv50+]

Baosheng Yongmeng is a kind and just person.

But also a person with mental problems.

The mental problems of Baosheng Yongmeng can be roughly divided into the following stages——

Before becoming a doctor, he was a strong and domineering genius player M with a flamboyant personality.

After becoming a doctor, it was Baosheng Yongmeng, an innocent and kind pediatrician.

As a Kamen Rider, it is Kamen Rider Exide whose personality changes when he plays a game. Personality is constantly changing between kind and assertive.

After using the level 5 "Dragon Knight Hunter Z" cassette, even if Baosheng Yongmeng did not play the game, his personality changed.

——In the view of Saeko, a professional psychiatrist, Baosheng Yongmeng's mental problems have begun to become serious. This kind of personality change has the possibility of split personality.

Split personality can be regarded as a psychological defense mechanism, usually when very terrible things happen, splitting a person to bear these.

Fortunately, Baosheng Yongmeng's main performance is only a change in personality. The real personality has not changed yet, and the memory is still his own.

If it is treated and Baosheng Yongmeng lives in a peaceful environment, his condition should be able to heal itself.

However, as a Kamen Rider, the environment in which Baosheng Yongmeng lives cannot be peaceful.

Finally, in this tower mode.

Baosheng Yongmeng was completely split.

Not only is the schizophrenia broken, even the person is split!

That's right, it's the current situation. After Baosheng Yongmeng was upgraded, two people transformed into him!

What has six legs before it enters the alley, and two legs when it comes out? —It's Batman!

What has two legs before transforming and four legs after transforming? ——It's Exelde!

One person transforms, two people appear.

This scene greatly challenged the worldview of all those who followed the battle.

"What's going on?" The Hua family stood up in shock.

"Why did Exide become two?" Jing Feicai also got up from the ground.

Tomorrow Na stood aside, looking at the two Exides. Look left, look right, want to carefully distinguish the difference between the two Exides.

Baili Yuan tapped his hand, "Understood, this is the division and reproduction of human beings!"

Tomorrow Na: "..."

Saiko looked at Kujo Kiriya, who waved her hands hastily and innocently, expressing that she didn't know either.

Even Baosheng Yongmeng himself didn't know what happened.

After the two Exides looked at each other, they both reacted instantly, and then asked each other at the same time.

"Who are you?" ×2

"I am Baosheng Yongmeng! / I am M!"

"No, I am M! / No, I am Baosheng Yongmeng!"

"it's me!"

"I'm the!"

The two Exides started arguing over who is Baosheng Yongmeng and who is M.

Head to head, it looks like a fight is about to start.

At this moment, a bone ax struck horizontally, and the two Exides hurriedly squatted down and jumped up, narrowly dodging the attacking bone axe.

If they hadn't been able to hide quickly, this bone ax could double kill two Exides at once!

The bone ax flew back to Saeko's hand in a whirl.

Saeko apologized: "I'm sorry, my hand slipped." It's just that people can't feel her sincerity.

When the two Exides stood firm, they all looked at Saeko.

"Hey, you bastard, keep an eye on your axe, it's dangerous!"

"This guy, you actually engage in a sneak attack, can't you afford it?"

"Have the ability to single out!"

"I singled out her!"

"My mother! Do you want to fight?"

"You're making it hard for me!"

"Don't do it if it's difficult!"

As the two Axels were talking, they quarreled again.

Tomorrow Na hastily leaned over and persuaded: "Don't quarrel, don't quarrel."

"Who the hell are you all?" Tomorrow Na asked helplessly.

The two Exides looked at Tomorrow at the same time, pointed at themselves and introduced.

"I am Baosheng Yongmeng!"

"I'm M!"

Bailiyuan raised his eyebrows.

Obviously, both Exides have a sense of identity with Baosheng Yongmeng and M's identity, but one of them agrees with Baosheng Yongmeng's identity more, and the other identifies with M's identity more.

This also caused one of them to be an intern and the other a genius player.

It's like the Tiger Talisman that separates good from evil.

That cassette separated Baosheng Yongmeng's two identities as an intern doctor and a genius player.


Saeko's sneak attack was unsuccessful and she did not continue to attack.

Kujo Kiya suggested with a smile, "S, why don't you take advantage of their quarrel now and get rid of one of them first, or if they join forces later, you will be the one who will be in danger."

Saeko rolled her eyes, "Do you think I'm stupid?"

Don't look at the two Exides who are arguing fiercely now, but once there are foreign enemies, they will definitely be the first to unify.

Because their goal is to defeat Saeko, the dispute is over who will defeat it.

What's more, the levels of the two Exides are both [level: lv50+] at this moment.

After upgrading, they have already reached level 50!

Level fifty is the upper limit of the game mode.

Lv50+, representing the level of two Exides, has exceeded the upper limit.

Because when calculating the level, Tan Lidou never thought that there would be a cassette exceeding level 5.

And this is the last level, all experience points have been distributed.

There is no way to modify the level and experience.

Therefore, for the two Exides that exceed the maximum level, their displayed level is lv50+.

Temporary upgrades are excluded.

Two Exides after the upgrade, each also has lvXX (20)!

Only Shayizi of lv49 would go for a 1v2 when his brain was kicked by a donkey.

Kujo Kiriya was a little disappointed that Saiko was not fooled.

If possible, Kujo Tatsuya doesn't want Saiko to win.

Without worrying about revealing his identity after losing, Kujo Kiriya still hopes that Baosheng Yongmeng can win.

Because Baosheng Yongmeng represents the computer rescue center, and Saeko represents the high-level people behind Ultra.

Even if Kujo Kiriya developed some affection for Saeko, he didn't want to benefit from using their Ultra and the people behind him.

Ultra and the people behind him benefited, which made Kujo Kiriya more uncomfortable than Kujo Kiriya being cheated.

Although Sayizi didn't choose to sneak attack again, she didn't just stand aside and watch the fun either.

Shayizi opened her mouth and suggested, "By the way, you are already at level 50, shouldn't you try to see if you can go to level 100?"

Saeko discovered Huadian.

Why are they fighting?

In order to snatch the opponent's experience, and then upgrade to level 50, to obtain the qualification to enter the 100th level!

Now that both Exides have reached level 50, do they still need to fight?

When the two Exides heard Saiko's words, the quarrel disappeared in an instant, and then turned their heads to look at Saiko at the same time.


"Yes!" ×2

"Me first!" ×2

The two Exides squeezed each other, and rushed to the entrance of the passage leading to the hundredth floor with the fastest speed.

【Level satisfied! 】

A prompt appears.

Everyone smiled in surprise.

"Great!" Tomorrow Na cheered.

Then another prompt appeared.

[Entry quota: 1! 】

Everyone's smiles froze on their faces.

Only one person can enter the hundredth floor!

"That must be me!" M shouted, trying to sneak away.

Then M, who was sneaking away, felt his ankle tighten, his body lost his balance, and with a slap, his face hit the ground hard.

M got up, looked back, and found that Baosheng Yongmeng flew over and grabbed his ankle.

"I was the one who saved the patient!" Baosheng Yongmeng said, pulling M back to his side forcefully.

"Release me!" M kicked Baosheng Yongmeng with the other foot and shouted loudly at the same time.

Everyone: "6."

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