Chapter 3436 The crooked version is limited!

Baosheng Yongmeng and others came a step late, and Tan Lidou left after getting the Bengyuan virus from the Motas Bengyuan body.

Bailiyuan didn't stop him, because Bailiyuan had recovered his own Bengyuan virus and data.

"Damn it, let him run away again!" Jing Feicai said angrily.

"But, we seem to be unable to beat him." Baosheng Yongmeng said bluntly.

Jing Feicai: "..."

The young returnee didn't speak, but gave Baosheng Yongmeng a hard look through the helmet.

Why is there such a big difference in the personality of this intern doctor after his transformation? Now I'm going to say sad things!

Baosheng Yongmeng felt something, and instinctively shrank his neck.

I snorted coldly from the Hua family, looked at Bailiyuan, then at Baosheng Yongmeng and Jingfeicai.

Finally choose to retreat.

What else to do?

Stay and be besieged?

And now that the Hua family is growing up, I am in a very bad mood.

Because of his small clinic, it was bombed.

I don't know where to go after that.

Need to find a place to live again.

The big Hua family pulled out the card and exited the game.

Baosheng Yongmeng and Jingfeicai looked at Bailiyuan.

Because Bailiyuan still has the cassette of "Rampage Motorcycle" in his hand.

Who knew that Bailiyuan didn't keep this cassette, but threw the cassette back to Baosheng Yongmeng.

Baosheng Yongmeng hurriedly grabbed his cassette, and then looked at Bailiyuan with some doubts.

"I had a great time playing this game, I will leave this cassette with you for now, I am looking forward to the next game."

After finishing speaking, Baili Yuan left, leaving Baosheng Yongmeng and Jing Feicai looking at each other.


"Why did you return the cassette to Baosheng Yongmeng? Last time, you also asked S to give that cassette to Baosheng Yongmeng. There must be some secrets in that cassette that I don't know? Do you want to treat me this way?" The previous owner of the cassette, please reveal it?"

In the secret base.

Kujo Guili asked Bailiyuan with a smile, but he was actually testing Bailiyuan's thoughts.

Shayizi stood aside and looked at Bailiyuan curiously.

Bailiyuan still maintained the transformation posture.

The reason he already made up.

"A carpenter has a carpenter's work, and a blacksmith has a blacksmith's work. They must be in the right position and hold the right tools to create value."

"Get ready, Tan Lidou is about to act."

After leaving a word without beginning or end, Bailiyuan left.

The last sentence is a reminder to the two of them.

He didn't want the two little brothers and sisters he had recruited to be killed by Tan Lidouga in any accident.

After Bailiyuan left, Kujo Kiriya and Saiko fell into thinking.

After a while, Kujo Guiliya said in a deep voice: "He really is plotting against Yongmeng and them!"

Saeko was noncommittal.


True secret base!

Baili Yuan maintained his transformed form, recalling today's battle, writing and drawing on the virtual screen in front of him.

He is summarizing the trial experience of this cassette today.

Before, it was all in the laboratory for data testing.

This is the first actual combat test.

It turned out that there was no problem.

As expected of him.

Collecting the experience and data of this actual combat can accumulate experience for developing new cassettes and upgrading existing cassettes.

"Okay, that's all. The speed and strength still need to be improved. But the current transformation form is still very qualified as an upgrade template."

There are new ideas for the development of upgrade cassettes.

The development of new game cartridges should also be put on the agenda.

Bailiyuan did not forget.

Dan Lidou's zombie player is level 10.

After Baosheng Yongmeng, he printed a schizophrenia cassette, which is a double 10 level.

According to Palade, double 10 is level 20.

Bailiyuan thinks that Palade may understand mathematics, but he should not understand games.

How can two level 10 players be considered a level 20 player?

The numbers are incomparable.

It's like saying that two bicycles with two wheels can run as fast as a sports car with four wheels.

But I can't be sure, it's really incomparable. Maybe if the family splits, it will really split from the tenth level to the twenty level.

Don't jump to conclusions about the game.

Speaking of Palad, he's also a big deal.

Tan Lidou actually gave Palad a technology.

The last episode of the short movie, episode 15, where Parad transforms for the first time.

Transformed into Kamen Rider Para-DX (Paradox), has a puzzle player and a fighter player dual form.

There are actually fifty levels!

If it weren't for Palad's lack of murderous intentions, Baosheng Yongmeng and the others might be wiped out in one go.

Level 20 and level 50 are like two big mountains, making Bailiyuan, a level 99 Bengyuan body, feel like he can't breathe.

Moreover, Tan Lidou was about to start dealing with him, and he didn't know what kind of moths he would make.

So Bailiyuan needs to make more preparations.

Therefore, Bailiyuan took out the prototype "Dragon Knight Hunter Z" cassette.

This cassette was temporarily taken back by Bailiyuan.

It's not about fighting with this cartridge.


"Perhaps we can add a new little brother." Baili Yuan said.

Bailiyuan learned from the fact that Palad used the prototype card to instill him with viruses, and then he used those viruses to cultivate the Motas Bengyuan body.

Bailiyuan has some experience in cultivating the Bengyuan body.

Therefore, Bailiyuan planned to re-train Gu Lafat from the prototype "Dragon Knight Hunter Z" cassette.

Even crooked.

It's not bad to have that giant dragon that can grow, and add a mount to yourself.

It would be best if Gulafat, because Gulafat is not only good at fighting, but also has enough wisdom.

What is certain and certain is that Gulafat will definitely still cling to the matter of ruling mankind, and will not be of one mind with Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan didn't care.

There are already two Er Wu Zai, and it's okay to have one more.

Anyway, it can be handled by it.

With Bailiyuan's hearing ability, even if he didn't monitor the conversation between Kujo Kiriya and Saiko, he could hear everything they said.

I have to say that with the help of Saeko, I feel that Kujo Kiriya has a thorough understanding of the matter.

They all guessed that he was not human anymore.

Let Gu Lafat deal with Tan Lidou, just right.

"I don't know how Tan Lidou and Palad will feel when they see Gulafat working under my subordinates, will they feel a little heavy on their heads?" Baili Yuan laughed.

Niu's subordinates are not shabby.

So, relying on his feelings, Bailiyuan began to use his own Bengyuan virus to invade the cassette and stimulate the power of the cassette.

A large piece of the collapse virus fell off the cassette.

Then these collapsing viruses began to gather and gradually took human form.

Bailiyuan was looking forward to it, and felt a little excited.

This link is like drawing a card.

The card pool is the various monster characters that appeared in the prototype "Dragon Knight Hunter Z" cassette game.

The six-star characters are Gurafat and Dragon.

There are some other monster characters, but they are all five-star and below characters.

The strength of other characters is naturally no match for the two six-star daddies.

If you can get a six star, Bailiyuan will not lose.

I just don't know if a cassette can be drawn a second time.

However, when Bailiyuan saw the condensed appearance of Bengyuan, his eyes widened immediately.

"This, this is..."

Bailiyuan realized.

I drew my card crookedly

The collapse source body that appeared was not Gulafar.

Not a dragon either.

The six-star daddy is gone.


"Mom and Dad who are far away in the Kingdom of Light, your son, I'm out of version limit!"

I saw the condensed Bengyuan body, which looked like a girl in a white dress.

Its name is Baise Xiaohime!

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