Chapter 3425 Bailiyuan has a game disease!

Prallard heard about games he hadn't played and expressed interest in them.

Bailiyuan was very friendly and pointed out the stores where Palade could buy these games.

It is convenient in Japan, playing this kind of game, there is no need to go online to find mysterious links.

Go to a store and buy a CD, or even a deluxe edition, some with a poster, throw pillow, and small toy.

As a Japanese Bailiyuan who has been to several worlds, he said that he is very familiar with these.

But Bailiyuan's sugar-coated Palad ate it, and as a gift, Palad gave Bailiyuan a cannonball.

"As a thank you, I'll let you join my game." Palad laughed, then took out a prototype cassette and pointed it at Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan: "Huh?"

Prototype "Rampage Motorcycle" cassette!

With the stimulation of Palad, a large amount of Bengyuan virus spewed out, covered Baili Yuan's body, and got into Baili Yuan's body.


Alterbone virus: Here comes the brother?

Runaway Motorcycle Collapse Virus: Can it not be slapped in the face?

Alterbone virus: What do you think?

Then, Bailiyuan burped.

Prade tilted his head and looked at Bailiyuan suspiciously.

Baili Yuan also looked at Parad who was looking at her in doubt.

A light bulb lights up.

Bailiyuan, I understand!

"Ah—it hurts, it hurts, it hurts..."

With a scream, Baili Yuan fell off the chair and screamed loudly while rolling on the ground. At the same time, the body showed the characteristics of suffering from gaming disease.

Seeing Bailiyuan's illness, Prade nodded in satisfaction before Shanshan got up.

"Little friend, I had a great time chatting with you this time, I hope we can meet again, the premise is that you can survive, hahaha..."

Palad laughed and walked away.

Bailiyuan rolled on the ground, sneaking a glance at the skirt of the big sister passing by.

The kind-hearted elder sister came up and squatted on the ground regardless of her wearing a skirt, asking about Baili Yuan's condition worriedly.

"Kid, are you okay?"


Bailiyuan handed over a note with a phone number written on it.

"Little friend, is this your family's phone number?" the eldest sister asked.

"No, it's my phone, call me!"

Two nosebleeds flowed down quietly.

"Ah, why do you have a nosebleed? I'll call you for an emergency call right away."

Bailiyuan was sent to the nearest pediatric hospital.

Affiliated Hospital of Shengdu University.

This is where Baosheng Yongmeng works.

Then Bailiyuan was carried directly into the computer rescue center.

You said it was a coincidence.

Regarding Bailiyuan's sudden gaming sickness, the entire computer rescue center was very worried.

Their perception of Bailiyuan is pretty good.

And Bailiyuan can be regarded as half of his own.

Bailiyuan was indeed one of his own before, but since the matter of the computer lifesaving center was exposed, Bailiyuan's use of the computer lifesaving center was useless.

So Bailiyuan was swept out by the mirror gray horse impatiently.

What is it like to let a child stay in such an important place as a computer rescue center?

What's more, there is someone behind this child, and the person who adopted Baili Yuan is also an official. If Bailiyuan bumped into each other, wouldn't the other party come to trouble them?

In Japan, the adopted sons of some high-ranking officials and chaebols are not easy. Children who can be adopted by high-ranking officials and chaebols are generally raised as heirs.

They will be educated and shaped from an early age, and they only need to wait until the other party becomes an adult and marries their own daughter to inherit their status and family business.

In many cases, the status of adopted sons is higher than that of biological sons!

Because the adopted children who are cultivated and molded are all "self-like"!

In the past, the computer rescue center was worried that Bailiyuan would reveal some secrets by relying on his identity, so he made a compromise. There is no need to worry about this now, and of course Baili Yuan will not let Bailiyuan be presumptuous.

At the same time, it is also the meaning of Kyoutaro Hyuga.

Hyuga Kyoutaro is very worried and sensitive about the dangerous plans of the high-level.

In the past, Bailiyuan was allowed to be in the computer rescue center, and he also had the attitude of winning over and stabilizing the high-ranking officials who adopted Bailiyuan, and wanted to use this to fight against the high-level.

Now they are worried about adopting Baili Yuan's high-ranking officials, so as to intervene in the matter of the computer rescue center.

Actually, to be honest, Bailiyuan asked the prime minister to arrange the adoption, and he never went to the house where he was adopted.

After being kicked out of the computer rescue center.

Bailiyuan was sad for a long time because of this, saying that the friendship for such a long time was all false?

It's a pity that no one stood up for Baili Yuan. Baosheng Yongmeng and Tomorrow Na couldn't stop laughing, Jing Feicai was holding back very hard, and Shayizi personally sent Bailiyuan to the computer rescue center.

Fortunately, the hospital still let Baili Yuan in, and still allowed Baili Yuan to follow Baosheng Yongmeng.

So now Bailiyuan can only be counted as half of his own people in the computer rescue center.

Watching Bailiyuan's jokes is watching jokes, but everyone did not regard Bailiyuan as an outsider.

In addition to being friendly to patients, Baosheng Yongmeng, with Bailiyuan getting along with him, he has already regarded Bailiyuan as his younger brother and helper.

Those children who are difficult for Baosheng Yongmeng to take care of can always be taken care of very well by Bailiyuan. And Bailiyuan can always learn about their troubles from those children, and then tell Baosheng Yongmeng, so that Baosheng Yongmeng can heal the patients' hearts together.

Baosheng Yongmeng asked Bailiyuan how he did it, and Bailiyuan said that it was just a routine torture.

In this regard, Baosheng Yongmeng just thinks that it may be because Bailiyuan is a child that other children can let go of their guard and are willing to communicate with Bailiyuan.

The truth is, Baili Yuan is indeed using his own heart power to torture those children.

It doesn't hurt, it just makes the other party trust you very much and tell all the secrets.

The harder you hit, the higher your trust.

Because of this, Tomorrow Na looked at Baili Yuan with admiration, thinking that Baili Yuan was a useful helper.

Jing Feicai's affection for Baili Yuan was purely aroused by the luxurious cakes that Baili Yuan often brought.

At first, Jing Feicai felt a little embarrassed, and hoped that Bailiyuan would stop spending so much money on cakes.

Bailiyuan said that the cakes are all cheap.

Then Jing Feicai stopped talking, secretly cursing corrupt officials. Eating is even more enjoyable.

They bought all the cakes, only the first one was made by Bailiyuan himself.

Then Bailiyuan discovered that Jing Feicai's favorability increased too much after eating the cake he made himself.

During that time, Jing Feicai didn't look right at him.

Bailiyuan was worried that Jing Feicai would fall in love with her, so she finally decided that she would rather buy some expensive cakes than make cakes for Jing Feicai.

Let Jing Feicai recall for a long time, the taste of the cake that he experienced for the first time.

Now I almost suspect that it is his illusion.

As for the mirror gray horse.

How cruel he was when he kicked Baili Yuan out, now he licks the dog when he welcomes Baili Yuan in.

It's exactly the same attitude as when Hinata Kyoutaro suffered from game disease.

"Xiao Yuan, what's wrong with you? Is there anything you need? Just ask, and uncle will arrange it for you." The mirror gray horse showed a business smile.

"Ah, I want you out."

"Okay, then what?"

"Let Dr. Saeko take care of me, hehehe..."


The mirror gray horse was silent.

This care, is it serious?

As a result, as soon as the mirror gray horse opened the door, everyone rushed into the isolation room, came to Bailiyuan, and asked what happened to Bailiyuan and why Bailiyuan suffered from game sickness.

Could it be because Bailiyuan was kicked out of the computer rescue center and the pressure was too great?

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