Chapter 35 Teaching Assistant's Work (Part 2)

"Your speed is too slow!" The chief instructor stepped forward and began to lecture.

"You are here for training, not for tourism. From now on, everyone must arrive at the playground within ten minutes after hearing the whistle, otherwise the training content of the day will be doubled!" said the instructor.



"Ya Butterfly~"

The students started moaning and showing bitter faces.

"Shut up the group!" The chief instructor shouted loudly.

All the students shut their mouths.

The chief instructor pointed at Bailiyuan, "Even a five-year-old can come out within ten minutes, are you not even as good as a five-year-old?"

When Bailiyuan raised his head, he was bewildered.

What does this have to do with me?

However, even though the students turned their attention to Baili Yuan, Baili Yuan remained calm.

According to the book, just pretend to be stupid at this time.

"Everyone is there, stand at attention!"

Seeing the students standing up straight, the chief instructor nodded.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Gvass. You can teach me my nickname "Red Bull". I am from the Cloud City Guard. I am a berserker by profession. I am a high-level fighter. I am invited by the academy to be the chief instructor of your training!" The chief instructor shouted loudly.

"Hello Chief Instructor!" All the students said in unison politely.

"Behind me are my team members, and also your instructors for this training." Gevas pointed to the nine people behind him.

"Hello instructors."

"In this training camp, you will be divided into different instructors according to your occupations. We will serve as your instructors and train you in the next half month. I hope that the students will actively cooperate and perform well. After all, everyone should I know that the end-of-term training is linked to your future class placement."

The students all nodded.

"Besides, if students perform well, they will get the Yuncheng Guard Badge issued by me. Those who hold the badge can accept the task of the Guard during school, and the Guard will give priority to admission after graduation. The person with the badge!" While talking, Kvass took out a white flower badge from his pocket.

Bailiyuan knows the shape of the flower. It is the city flower of Yuncheng. It is called "Fanyun". , although there are many cloud flowers in other places, most of the high-quality cloud flowers only come from Yuncheng.

In Yuncheng College, there is a large flower bed dedicated to planting this kind of flowers. Of course, it is not allowed to pick them casually.

Moreover, in the homes of ordinary people in Yuncheng, they will specially raise a few pots of cloud flowers, which are not only beautiful, but also purify the air.

After hearing what Kvass said, the students were a little excited.

Bailiyuan can understand.

Although the Yuncheng Guard is called the Guard, its power is not low, and it also has very generous benefits and remuneration. Although it works a little harder occasionally, overall it is still very good.

But this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is the honor you get after joining the guard, because only the strong can join the guard!

The first-year students are at the age of fantasizing about heroes, and the glory of the strong is undoubtedly extremely attractive to them.

"Okay, let's talk about the training plan." Gevas clapped his hands, attracting the attention of the students.

"Every morning after the whistle sounds, you must gather at the playground within ten minutes for morning exercises. After the morning exercises, you will have an hour of free time for free activities. The morning training will start at nine o'clock. It will be led by the instructor assigned to you. The assembly time The location and location are freely arranged by the instructor. The training time in the afternoon starts at 2:00 and ends at 6:00. Any of the instructors, mentors, and the four seniors of the teaching assistants, they will help you."

"Are you clear about the above?"

"Understood!" The students replied neatly.

Gevas nodded in satisfaction, showing an excited smile.

"Everyone has it. The morning exercise starts. All are ready. Two columns. The morning exercise content... run ten laps around the mountain!"

"What?" The students were dumbfounded.

Baili Yuan felt that his ears might be a little lame.


Originally, Bailiyuan thought that Kvass might have a big tongue, and he couldn't tell the difference between "ten" and "four". However, the facts told Bailiyuan that he was overthinking it!

Kvass really meant to run ten laps around the mountain!

And still running at the foot of the mountain!

Although Cloud Mountain is not too big, it is more than 20 kilometers in one lap. After ten laps, hundreds of kilometers, it will really run to death!

Sure enough, most of the students didn't persist for half a lap. Even Bailiyuan, who had been running in the mountains for more than half a month, only ran a little over half a lap.

Then, Bailiyuan stuck out his tongue, lying on the ground, and carried Bailiyuan back with a hoppy walk.

Fortunately, Bailiyuan's body is not big, and the walking grass has grown up recently, and it is more than one meter high, otherwise the walking grass might not be able to carry Bailiyuan back.

As for the other elves, they all went to practice on their own, and had no time to talk to Baili Yuan.

Only walking grass and flashing gas bombs that have nothing to do and don't need to practice can bring Bailiyuan back.

However, although the flash gas bomb looks very cute, it is covered in poison. Even Bailiyuan rarely touches the gas bomb, for fear that he will accidentally inhale the poisonous gas and be poisoned.

It may be because of the flash, but the gas bomb is really poisonous!

Usually, the members of the monster breeding team check the body of the gas bomb carefully, and are very worried that the gas bomb will be stimulated and spray poisonous gas.

Mary, on the other hand, always found a gas bomb to collect the gas he spewed out, and used it for cooking or boiling bath water.

Bailiyuan thought it was a very miraculous thing that Mary was not poisoned to death or killed by a gas explosion.

Ten instructors stood on the top of the mountain, holding their chests and looking at the children whose faces were full of despair when they were tired down the mountain, looking very happy.

"It's still not far away." Gervas said.

"Okay, it's time to have breakfast."

It was the instructors who left one after another.

The five tutors put away the notes they used to record the students' performance, and turned away with smiles on their faces.

"Okay, we should go down." Emilyka said.

"Oh?" Ikki was taken aback, "Aren't we going to have breakfast with the instructors?"

Ying Lili gave him a contemptuous glance, "Do you know what a teaching assistant is?"

After finishing speaking, he ignored Ikki's reaction and jumped off the mountain on his own.

"Yihui, in fact, the main job of the teaching assistant is to move the exhausted students back." Heiqi explained with a wry smile.

"What?" Ikki was startled, and there is such an operation?

"Let's go, there are only more than fifty children, and the move will be finished soon." Emilyka said, and then jumped off the mountain.

Ikki looked up at the sky.

"Can anyone tell me what is the point of all this operation?"

"What's the point?" Heiqi shrugged his shoulders, "If I can think of it, I don't need to be a teaching assistant here, but an instructor."

"Let's go, Ikki." The black knight...Of course it is impossible to jump directly, he doesn't have the strength, so he can only turn around and walk down the mountain.

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