Chapter 3415 Kujo Guili Ya: Not dead yet, don't dissect

Saiko hid in a construction site with the seriously injured Kujo Kiriya.

Because of the rain, construction has been suspended here, and now there is no one here.

On the way, Kujo Kiriya woke up. So Saeko lowered Kujo Kiriya from her shoulders, but put Kujo Kiriya's arms on her shoulders.

However, Kujo Kiriya, who was awake, was in a very bad state.

In addition to the serious injuries caused by the battle, Kujo Kiriya was still clutching his chest, with a very painful expression on his face.

It seems to be a characteristic of game sickness attack!

It was also because of the onset of game sickness that Kyujo Kiya was unable to escape, so he could only be temporarily taken by Saeko and hid in this construction site.

Saeko supported Kujo Kiriya, and let Kujo Kiriya sit on a fairly clean ground to avoid the heavy rain outside.

Because of Japan's special climate, it will rain at Christmas.

Then Saeko took out her phone with a serious face.

"Persist a little longer, I'll call now and call the computer rescue center for support!" Said Saiko.

The grace of saving lives should be able to subdue Kujo Kiriya.

Maybe Kutiao Kiriya can be his dog.

Kujo Kiriya grabbed Saiko's hand holding the mobile phone, panting, and said with difficulty: "It's useless, it's too late."

A few simple words made Kujo Kiriya weaker and coughed unceasingly.

This is a symptom of stress.

The source of stress is related to Tan Lidou, and it is also related to the imminent death.

Between life and death there is great terror.

Kujo Kiriya could feel that his physical condition was rapidly deteriorating.

This is a game sickness, but it is not an ordinary game sickness.

Because Kujo Kiriya could feel that the game disease he was suffering from was to speed up the speed of death!

At most ten minutes, he will completely disappear.

Kutiao Guiliya couldn't help laughing at himself, and thought to himself: "I lie to people all day long, but this time I was tricked by someone, and it cost my life."

Under Saeko's watchful eyes, Kujo Kiriya's body collapsed in an unstable state, as if the TV signal fluctuated, causing the screen to flicker.

This is a sign that the patient is about to disappear.

At the same time, Kujo Kiriya felt great pain.

"How did this happen? How did the situation get so bad? Why did the game sickness attack so quickly?" Saeko was very surprised, because the game sickness that Kujo Kiriya had developed at this time was very similar to what she had learned about the game sickness. Big difference.

Is there at least a day or two between the agreed game attack and the patient disappearing?

How come it will kill you!

Saiko's expression became serious, and she hurriedly squatted beside Kujo Kiriya, and began to quickly check Kujo Kiriya's physical condition.

"Is it painful here? Is there any sensation? Do you have auditory and visual hallucinations..."

"It's useless, I'm hopeless." Kujo Kiriya calmed down, showed a free and easy smile, and said somewhat self-deprecatingly.

"Don't talk nonsense, answer my questions, and don't interfere with me recording the clinical data of game sickness. Your special state is very valuable for recording and research, and is an important reference sample. Come on, open your mouth, ah~~"

Saying seriously, Saeko squeezed Kujo Kiriya's mouth open and peeked inside.

Well, the flat conductors are not inflamed.

Kujo Kiriya was slightly taken aback.

Because he suddenly saw some familiar shadows from Sayizi.

Oh, that was the status and flow of his autopsy on the body.

etc! I'm not dead yet!

How did you start the autopsy?

Where did you get the scalpel in your hand? !

Kujo Kiriya suddenly realized. Rather than saying that Saeko is saving him, it is more appropriate to say that Saeko wants to study him.

But there is no time to waste!

Kujo Kiriya grabbed Saeko's hand that was licking his eyelids.

"Hey, don't move around!" Sayizi frowned, looking unhappy, "After I finish collecting the data, if I still have time, I might give you some benefits."

Think of it as a reward for those who have made contributions to medicine.

He's already like this, what else can't he do?

Since you can't accept being a dog, then study it carefully.

Saeko joined the computer life-saving center not simply to save game sickness patients, but because she is very interested in game sickness!

Not only must she find a way to cure the game disease, but she must also find a way to control the Bengyuan virus!

The collapse virus should have a more special value, maybe through the collapse virus, we can find better ways to treat more diseases.

If she can really do it, it will benefit more people.

She will also have a share of the future Nobel Prize in Medicine.

She will become a god in the medical world!

Healing patients is not in conflict with having ambition.

But hearing Saiko's words, Kujo Kiriya couldn't hold back anymore.

"Who wants welfare! I'm not that kind of person!"

But the wet doctor's white coat, plus Saeko's appearance and figure... Bah, what am I thinking?

After Kujo Kiriya slapped himself, he stared at Saeko's eyes and spoke seriously.

"Wait a minute, I have something very important to tell you. It is the truth about the game disease. You must take the information back to the computer rescue center..."

Saeko was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, and listened seriously.

Obviously Kujo Kiriya's information feels more valuable.

Dan Lidou wanted to kill Kujo Kirinya's mouth, naturally because Kujo Kirinya got something that could threaten Tan Lidou.

"Listen, game sickness didn't appear just five years ago. In fact, game sickness appeared more than ten years ago!" Kujo Tatsuya braced himself up, and when he talked about it, he opened his mouth like a bombshell.

After Saeko was startled, she became serious.

"Is what you said true?"

Saeko asked.

Kujo Kiriya nodded and continued speaking.

"The culprit who caused the gaming sickness is Tan Lidou, and the first gaming sickness patient is Baosheng Yongmeng!"

"What?!" Saeko was shocked.

Kujo Kiriya's words didn't stop there.

Next, is the key.

"I already have a cure for gaming disease, it's in my personal computer, go find that computer..."

Just when Kujo Kiriya was about to entrust everything to Saeko, the sound of trampling on the water came from outside the construction site, which startled Kujo Kiriya.

Sayizi also heard a strange voice, and immediately stood up vigilantly, staring at the direction from which the voice came. At the same time, he held the scalpel tightly in his hand, and he took it out from nowhere.

Kujo Kiriya also struggled, unexpectedly bursting out of strength from nowhere, stood up reluctantly, and stood in front of Saeiko.

Finally, the person who came out of the rain and stepped on the water came into the sight of the two of them.

It was a red and blue Kamen Rider.

Facing the two of them sideways, he didn't turn his head to look at them, but stopped in front of them.

Prove that the other party is here to find them.

"Kamen Rider, Ultra?!"

Both of them immediately recognized the identity of this figure, and they were shocked.

"He came after him! Isn't he fighting Tan Rito?" Kujo Kiriya grinned.

Now that I am in this state, I can't fight, and I can't run away.

I hope I can delay for a while, so that Saeko has a chance to evacuate...

Instead, Saiko calmed down and supported Kujo Kiriya.

"You are an official, right!" Saeko said.

From the few words that Bailiyuan and Tan Lidou exchanged before, she guessed that Ultra is a pirated version of Kamen Rider developed after the official stole the knight system.

Since it is an official person, there is still a chance to negotiate.

Baili Yuan turned to face the two of them, and smiled.

"It's very smart, then guess what I came to you for?"

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