Chapter 3407 I hope you never understand


Tan Lidou calmed down, unable to hide the joy in his heart, and his spirit began to boil uncontrollably.

This is what he had planned long ago, and everything was in plan.

Because from the day he used the prototype cassette, he knew that there would be problems with his body.

Even he couldn't ignore the side effects of the prototype cassette.

There's no way he's going down without the game being fully finished.

So he had already started preparing for this scene.

All for dead data!

Taking himself as the experimental subject may seem crazy, but in fact it is crazy, but it is the operation that best suits his personality.

If he wasn't crazy, the game wouldn't be where it is today.

In fact, Tan Lidou was originally scheduled to let official players such as Baosheng Yongmeng defeat him.

But because of Bailiyuan's appearance, his plan was disrupted.

The superimposition of the dual prototype cassettes made his symptoms gradually worsen, and he could not drag on any longer.

Moreover, since Bailiyuan dared to intervene in his game, he would have fun with Bailiyuan and Bailiyuan's "power behind him".

Fortunately, ten types of cassettes are now in the hands of Baosheng Yongmeng and others.

It symbolizes that the experiment is completely completed!


clap clap...

Under Tan Lidou's puzzled gaze, Baili Yuan clapped his hands.

"Sbarasi! I've seen something very powerful, I'm so happy!"

"what do you want to say?"

When Tan Lidou saw Baili Yuan congratulating him, his joy was inexplicably halved.

Shouldn't it be that the other party saw his identity exposed, then he was shocked, and then he was shocked by his own operation, and finally couldn't close his legs?

The enemy is not shocked, and the pleasure is less than half.

"It's nothing, I just think Mr. Tan Lidou is really very human."

Bailiyuan really felt that Tan Lidou was very powerful.

At least he couldn't think of a way to avoid death other than resurrection.

However, he doesn't really care about such things.

"Then." Baili Yuan put down his clapping hands, "The ten cassettes are all collected, when will the game boss appear?"

"You actually know this." Tan Lidou squinted his eyes, "That's right, those people must have investigated a lot of things, but with their ambition, it's not that they want to attack the BOSS and save all the patients so kindly .”

Bailiyuan didn't affirm or deny it.

"I just want to know, BOSS, how did it appear? When did it appear?!"

For the boss, Bailiyuan has been looking forward to it for a long time.

Although Bailiyuan has only seen the tenth episode so far, the tenth episode has all the cassettes, and the next step should be to summon the BOSS.

What? Kamen Rider can't be this short?

That's because you don't understand Kamen Rider!

Who said that the boss will come to an end?

The BOSS is summoned, then the knight is defeated and killed, and there will be another wave of resurrection.

Get a child of the moon, Kamen Rider Ex-aidRX.

Is there a problem?

no problem.

After a wave of operations, another thirty or forty episodes can be filmed.

Bailiyuan doesn't care whether Baosheng Yongmeng can defeat the boss or not.

It doesn't matter, he will make a move anyway.

As a Kamen Rider, his maximum is level 5.

But as a Bengyuan body, he has already stood at the pinnacle of the game, his level is - Lv99!

As long as the BOSS appears, he can retrieve Caroline.

With Caroline's help, this game will be completely conquered by Bailiyuan.

Tan Lidou moved his body, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

he laughed.

"Do you want to conquer the final boss and then control the game? You guys think my game is too simple!"

"What I want to make is the ultimate game that surpasses the past, the future cannot be surpassed, and changes the world!"

Tan Lidou opened his hands and said loudly.

Then he looked at Bailiyuan.

"Right now, the game has just finished its closed beta."

"A new game is about to start!"

Tan Lidou was pulled into the game field and disappeared.

is Parad's game field.

Bailiyuan was a little silent.

He unplugged his cassette.

Undo the transformation.

Bailiyuan turned back into a child.

There was no one else around.

Bailiyuan's expression was a bit distressed.

"I'm careless, I didn't expect that the closed beta would not include the BOSS, what kind of rubbish game is this?"

Immediately, I felt that the busyness and dedication during this period were all in vain.

He is ready to take out the new cassette, give Tan Li some fun, and let him release the boss.

I didn't expect to find out now that Tan Lidou's game has just begun.

Bad old plan, very bad~


Bailiyuan smiled again.

"Christmas is coming soon, and I must give Tan Lidou a big gift at that time."


Baosheng Yongmeng, Jingfeicai, Huajia Dawo, Jiutiao Guili Arrow.

Four Kamen Riders, four players.

Today, they have collected all ten cassettes.

However, what they did next was not to find a way to summon the BOSS, but—to fight each other!

Because the four are not in agreement.

The Hua family is older than me, the man who gambles everything and bears everything, is an avenger. He thinks that Kamen Rider alone is enough for him, the BOSS is defeated by him, and he wants to regain everything he has lost.

Kujo Kiriya also put in all her efforts, carrying the life of her friend on her back, trying to uncover the truth of everything. But because he lost trust with other people, he became alone and became the target of being robbed of the cassette.

Baosheng Yongmeng and Jingfeicai are both people from the computer rescue center. They seem to be in the same group, but in fact, they also have conflicts.

That is, they are not at ease in handing over the task of challenging the boss to each other.

Baosheng Yongmeng: "I absolutely do not agree with your attitude towards patients! I will never completely entrust the safety of patients to your hands!"

Jing Feicai: "Hmph, mere intern, there is no place for you here!"

Computer Help Center.

Baosheng Yongmeng and Jingfeicai started their daily quarrel.

This is how they have been since collecting all the cassettes.

By the way, Baosheng Yongmeng finally got the cassette of "Energetic Sports".

Both wanted to convince each other, but neither backed down.

The cake brought by Bailiyuan could not attract Jing Feicai anymore.

Poppy stood between the two, his head was getting bigger from the quarrel, and he had to complain to Bailiyuan, "Why can't they cooperate? The four of them transform together and use that level 5 cassette together. Isn't it easier to challenge?" Was the boss successful?"

Bailiyuan swallowed the cake in his mouth calmly, then patted Poppy on the shoulder, and said in relief: "Those who like big sisters will also like Loli, because Luoli can grow into big sisters, and those who like Loli , but definitely won’t like Big Sister.”

"What do you mean? (ΩДΩ)" Poppy tilted his head, expressing that he couldn't understand.

"I hope you will never understand." Baili Yuan shook his head, sighed deeply, and did not explain.

Poppy: She thinks that Bailiyuan is fooling her, but she has no proof.

In the end, Baosheng Yongmeng and Jing Feicai still did not argue for a high or low.

Bailiyuan shared two cakes for the two of them.

Baosheng Yongmeng left with the cake, not wanting to watch Jing Feicai eat the cake.

Jing Feicai ate the cake, looked at the back of Baosheng Yongmeng leaving, but frowned slightly, as if he was entangled in something.

He refused Baosheng Yongmeng to challenge the boss, not because Baosheng Yongmeng was just an intern.

It was also because he noticed something strange about Baosheng Yongmeng.

In the process of fighting with Baosheng Yongmeng, Jing Feicai discovered that Baosheng Yongmeng didn't even know what the suitable surgery was.

Then under his persecution, the mirror gray horse told him the truth.

That is, according to the records, Baosheng Yongmeng did not undergo suitable surgery, so he could directly use the drive and knight cassette to transform into a Kamen Rider.

This made Jing Feicai a little uneasy.

His creed is not to invest more emotion in patients. Let him realize that there is something wrong with his worry about Baosheng Yongmeng, which violates his consistent purpose.

"No, Baosheng Yongmeng is not a patient, I'm just thinking normally, and I'm just worried that he might make a mistake." Jing Feicai made excuses for himself.

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