Chapter 3405 Pirated Knight, your end is here!

Four people share the power of a cassette, and each cassette corresponds to a part of the power of a complete flying dragon.

At this moment, the transformation is started at the same time.

The flying dragon appeared, broke down into four pieces of equipment, and put them on the four people.

Upgraded sniper with the [Gun] part of the cassette, the left hand is equipped with the electromagnetic cannon "Dragon Knight Cannon", and the left shoulder and left leg have also received light armor-hunter shooter lv5·Flying Dragon Hunting Cannon!

The hero who upgraded with the [Sword] part of the cassette is equipped with an electromagnetic blade "Dragon Knight Holy Sword" on his right hand, and has light armor on his right shoulder and right leg-hunter mission player lv5·Flying Dragon Holy Sword!

Cyclonus, who was upgraded with the [claw] part of the cassette, turned into a human form, and was equipped with an electromagnetic blade "Dragon Knight Holy Sword", an electromagnetic cannon "Dragon Knight Cannon" and combat boots "Dragon Knight Claw". Both shoulders, wrists, legs and feet are all armed——Hunter Motorcycle Player lv5 Dragon Claw!

Finally, Exide was upgraded with the [Teeth] part of the cassette. The attack device "Dragon Knight Fang" is equipped on the head, and the shield wing "Gale Dragon Wing" is equipped on the back. The head, chest and back are armed——Hunter action player lv5 Dragon fangs!

Bailiyuan also started to transform.

Prototype "Dragon Knight Hunter Z" inserted into the cassette.

【upgrade! 】

The right hand is equipped with "Dragon Knight Holy Sword", the left hand is equipped with "Dragon Knight Cannon", the head is equipped with "Dragon Knight Fangs", and the back is equipped with "Gale Wind Dragon Wings".

Legs, shoulders, chest, back, head, all armed!

——Hunter Ultra player lv5 complete dragon!

The five people completed their transformations and confronted each other, and the atmosphere gradually became anxious.

Poppy could not help but wince her neck.

Compared with the picture on the screen, seeing the transformation of the four people in real life, Bailiyuan will inevitably feel more shocked.

After the transformation, the five people obviously had a few more pieces of equipment.

Baili Yuan's gaze inevitably fell on Cyclonus.

"By the way, why do you have so much equipment?"

When watching the plot, Bailiyuan had this question.

"Perhaps it's because I'm handsome." Kujo Kiriya displayed his shameless spirit, then raised his hand and started shooting at Bailiyuan.

The others couldn't bear it either, Hua Jiada and I also started shooting.

Jing Feicai rushed towards Bailiyuan.

Baosheng Yongmeng followed closely behind.

Traditional performing arts—just gang fights~

Naturally, Bailiyuan went forward without fear and confronted the four of them.

Although this battle was doomed from the very beginning.

But it's impossible for Bailiyuan to act and not to act, just go up and touch it twice and then lie down on the ground.

That's not called sending equipment, that's called touching porcelain.

I saw Bailiyuan go up, one right whip leg, one left Zhengdeng, and then a set of lightning five consecutive whips.

Then Bailiyuan was sent flying.

Don't look at the four of them shouting and killing each other before, but during the battle, they cooperated unexpectedly.

Baili Yuan secretly nodded in satisfaction.

"Have the four Kamen Riders realized the power of their companions?"

Then the four of them activated the kill at the same time.

Seeing this, Bailiyuan also got up from the ground, and then turned on the kill.

"The final blow!" Baosheng Yongmeng shouted loudly.

"Don't underestimate me!" Baili Yuan shouted.

Both sides attack at the same time.

Dragon Knight Crit Onslaught VS Dragon Knight Crit Onslaught!

The moment the attacks collided, the four people's kills were combined together, breaking Baili Yuan's kills.

"What?!" Baili Yuan was really surprised this time.

The combination of the four people's kills was even more powerful than the kills he released with the complete cassette.

Transformation with a divided cassette will be weaker than transformation with a complete cassette. But the joint kill is actually stronger than the single kill of the complete cassette.

This is not visible on the screen.

"Oh, I made a mistake." Baili Yuan made a defensive posture.

Then Bailiyuan was hit by the kill, was sent flying, and rolled on the ground.

The knight slot dropped rapidly, and Bailiyuan's life was like a candle in the wind.

After all, it is a complete flying dragon, even if it loses in the ultimate duel, the thickness of its blood bar is still very powerful.

Baosheng Yongmeng stepped forward and said, "Ultra, hand over the cassette!"

"Hehe, I didn't expect the joint kill to have such power. I really lost to you, so as a price, I will reward you with this cassette." Bailiyuan smiled and took out the "Energetic Sports" cassette, and threw it It gave Baosheng an eternal dream.

None of the four expected that Bailiyuan would be so upright, and they would hand in the cassette directly if they lost.

They thought that Bailiyuan would run away.

Kujo Kiriya and Jing Feicai were ready to intercept Bailiyuan.

Both of them had a little more affection for Baili Yuan.

Baosheng Yongmeng hurriedly raised his hand to catch the cassette.

Then he was shot from behind.

The Hua family and I gave Baosheng Yongmeng two shots, passed Baosheng Yongmeng, and grabbed the cassette of "Energetic Sports".

He also aimed his gun at Bailiyuan just now, trying to intercept Bailiyuan. Unexpectedly, Bailiyuan was very cooperative, and the raised gun... couldn't be put down casually.

It happened to give Baosheng Yongmeng a few shots.

"Hey, Hana family, what are you going to do?" Kujo Kiriya hurriedly stepped forward to ask.

Jing Feicai silently protected Baosheng Yongmeng behind her back again.

"Kamen Rider, I'm enough!" Hua Family Dawo said while pointing his gun at Baosheng Yongmeng, who were teammates just now.

Baili Yuan, who was standing by the side, was suddenly left alone.

Even though Bailiyuan has other cassettes, they are not required for game clearance.

Bailiyuan: "..."

Bailiyuan took back what she said earlier.

These few people don't know what a partner is at all.

There are fits, but not much.

Bailiyuan wanted to sigh before, the doctors in this world are a bit awesome, not only can fight, but also have a lot of tricks.

Just do what you say.

Seeing the four people confronting each other and wanting to continue fighting, Bailiyuan suddenly felt that he was a bit redundant.

So he waved his hand and left the game field directly.

His goal has been achieved, and he will take the cake to the computer rescue center later to brush up his favorability.

As for the outcome of the fight between the four, it has nothing to do with him.

However, Bailiyuan, who left the game field, failed to return to his stronghold.

Instead, it was pulled into another field of play.

It is the game field of "Extraordinary Action X"!

Obviously, someone had their eyes on Baili Yuan.

"Those who can open this game field..." Baili Yuan narrowed his eyes and began to analyze.

At this moment, he suddenly felt danger from behind.

Quickly dodge.

A big purple mouse flashed past Baili Yuan's side.

By the way, I want to give Bailiyuan a shot.

Baili Yuan keenly sensed the attack, and turned his head to avoid it. He felt the movement on the drive again, but he didn't stop it.

When he stood firmly again, Bailiyuan looked up and found that it was Genm.

Dan Lidou appeared.

Another sneak attack.

He was a little upset that he didn't get rid of the last bit of blood from Baili Yuan.


Tan Lidou raised his hand, looked at the cassette in his hand, and couldn't help but smile.

"got it!"

In the hands of Tan Lidou, it is the pirated cassette of "Farfire Ultra X"!

Mingxiu planned the plank road and darkened Chencang, Tan Lidou had two goals.

Knock off Baili Yuan's last blood skin.

And grab the cassette of Bailiyuan!

He hit a goal.

This battle is not just a battle for Baosheng Yongmeng to win the cassette.

Start Tan Lidou's plan to eliminate Bailiyuan!

"Pirate Knight, your end is here!" Tan Lidou raised the cassette in his hand and shouted at Bailiyuan.

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