Chapter 345: The Boy Running With a Big Tongue in the Sunset

Bailiyuan followed Angela into the black market on the old coast.

The black market on the Old Coast has a sea smell, because the black market is built under the seafood sales area.

The situation in the black market in the Old Coast is similar to that in the black market in Hualan City, but Angela said that there is actually a difference between the black market in the Old Coast and the black market in Hualan City.

The biggest difference is the difference in the power they belong to.

Angela has been in the black market for so long, and has also collected a lot of information about the black market.

Almost all cities with some value will have a black market, and the larger the city, the larger and higher-end the black market will be.

Moreover, the black market belongs to different forces, and the products that may appear in the black market will also be classified into grades.

Most of the black markets belong to the gray forces, among which an organization called Black Street is relatively well-known in Guandu, mainly operating the black market business.

However, it does not mean that all black markets belong to black streets.

For example, the black market here on the Old Coast belongs to Team Rocket!

The reason why Angela refused to do trouble in the black market on the Old Coast was because the rabbits didn't eat grass beside their nests, and the Rockets were not easy to mess with.

With the support of the Rockets, the black market of the Rockets is very stable, and the internal products are also very rich, the service is also very good, and the girls are also very nice.

With expectations for Charmander, Bailiyuan followed Angela into the black market on the old coast. At this time, Bailiyuan changed into Ezreal, and Angela also changed, although she was still the big sister. , but she is another big sister.

When you go out, you still need to wear a vest.

In fact, Angela has never been to the black market in the old coast, but people who often hang out in the black market have a way to find the black market.

Angela also inquired about the black market when she was in the black market. The black market most likely to appear in the Yusanjia is only the black market of the Rockets, the largest evil force in Guandu. The black markets of other gray forces do not have the ability or the courage to touch the Yusanjia.

However, it should be noted that the Yusanjia that appeared in the Rockets' black market is not necessarily intact, and there may be defective Yusanjia.

After all, no one can tell the origin of these Yusanjia.

Fortunately, the Rockets will not deliberately deceive people, and the defects will be listed. As for whether you buy it or not, it is your own business.

However, to Bailiyuan's disappointment, he still couldn't find Little Charmander after looking around, not even the other two Yusanjia.

But Bailiyuan saw two Yusanjia from other regions.


The Yusan family was gone, and Bailiyuan's heart sank temporarily, and he began to prepare to get the little fire dragon from the handheld.

Bailiyuan didn't plan to make a flashing fire-breathing dragon, but set his target on the little charmander in the miracle exchange, because elves cultivated since childhood are easier to get out of the shackles of the handheld.

Early in the morning, Bailiyuan was squatting by the lake in the manor, staring at the big tongue shell basking in the sun.

As his initial Pokémon, Bailiyuan felt that it was necessary to train him well.

Seeing Baili Yuan staring at him, Big Tongue Shell shyly closed his shell.

The meaning is obvious - don't look at others.


The structure of the clam is similar to that of the clam. The interior is surrounded by a sharp and hard shell, and the upper and lower shells have two sharp spines. The eyes are in the black soft body inside the shell, and it always sticks out its tongue.

According to the introduction in the illustrated book, the big tongue shell is relatively timid and not naturally combative. When it encounters a strong enemy, it will mostly retract into the strong shell to seek protection.

In fact, it is very difficult to catch the big tongue clam in the river or sea, because the big tongue clam is naturally timid and will not bite the hook at all.

But timidity is not a problem, personality can be cultivated, and the personality mentioned in the handheld is just most of the personality.

If Bailiyuan cultivates it well, maybe he can cultivate this big tongue shell into a good combat power.

It is the first time how to cultivate a newly born Pokémon Bailiyuan from scratch. Therefore, Bailiyuan also pays more attention to the cultivation of the big tongue shell.

For this reason, Bailiyuan also asked Caroline to search the Internet for a lot of information about the cultivation of the big tongue clam, and even invaded the internal database of the alliance, and then planned the optimal breeding plan for the big tongue clam.

Now that the external conditions can keep up, the rest depends on Da Tong Bei himself.

The qualifications of the big tongue shells received from Ms. Joy are very good, after all, they have paid for them.

According to the different characteristics of the clams, the cultivation method should also be changed.

The term "characteristic" has just appeared in today's Pokémon world not long ago, and it is not yet popular, but many trainers pay more attention to it.

Although the characteristics of many elves are not very sure and not very clear, the characteristics of some common elves have been thoroughly studied and uploaded to the illustrated book, including the big tongue shell.

There are a total of three known characteristics of the clam shell, two of which are very common, and one of which is relatively rare. This relatively rare characteristic is called a hidden characteristic.

It is not to say that hidden features are necessarily better than frequently-appearing features, and the ones that are suitable are the best.

The most common traits of the Big tongue clam are hard shell armor and continuous attack, and the hidden trait is dust resistance.

The trait of the globule is the most frequently occurring continuous attack.

Continuous attack: If you use continuous moves, you can always use the highest number of times.

Combined with the data, according to the continuous attack characteristics, the big tongue shell needs to learn two main skills, namely shell breaking and ice pick.

Although breaking the shell sacrifices defense and special defense, it increases attack and speed, and the damage caused by the continuous attack of ice picks is very powerful.

However, meals have to be eaten bite by bite, and training has to be done step by step.

The big tongue shell has not been born for a long time, and has not yet mastered these two skills, and it is impossible to master these two skills with the current physical fitness of the big tongue shell. Therefore, the training should start from the basic skills.

"So, let's run together starting today!"

Big Tongue Shell: "..."

You need to be hard to strike the iron, what should you do if you get bored after two shots?

No Snickers bars here.

So, from the second day on, a fishing boy with a big tongue clam running against the sunset appeared on the beach.


Bailiyuan took the big tongue shell to train on the beach every day, and he knew the situation on the old coast very well.

Bailiyuan discovered that many strange trainers came to the nearest old coast.

Because there are always trainers to challenge Bailiyuan, which greatly affects Bailiyuan's training progress.

Thus, Bailiyuan called out the Giant Claw Crab to let these trainers who came to make trouble understand what the horror of crab punch is!

Although the level of the giant claw crab is not high enough, but its physical fitness is strong, compared with the "twenty times crab fist" of ordinary giant claw crabs, it clearly arranges those who come to challenge and the opponent's elves.

Then Bailiyuan heard another thing—Miss Joy from the Old Coast was missing!

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