Chapter 3386 I said why there is no ending song

In order to face the crisis, the Kamen Riders of the Computer Rescue Center also need to upgrade their level, that is, to obtain the power of level 3.

Their enemies are not only the monsters with collapsed bodies.

And Genm.

Facing Genm's oppressive force, they all felt the pressure.

The performance is that every time Jing Feicai mentions Genm, he can't stop eating desserts to relieve stress.

Oh, they still don't know the name of Genm, otherwise they would know the origin of Genm from this name.

Who made Genm the English name of Fantasy Games?

Tan Lidou named his transformed form after the name of the company, which shows that he really loves his company very much.

In normal times, Tan Lidou has to pretend that he doesn't know anything, so that he can appear to be the most solid supporter of the computer rescue center, and even occasionally plays the role of a close brother to enlighten Baosheng Yongmeng, an intern doctor. .

"The most important thing is the patient, for the sake of the patient, don't give up!"

"Come on, Ollie!"

"And we are behind you!"

Yes yes yes, nothing wrong.

Yes, it is like that.


While waiting for an upgrade at a computer rescue center.

Dan Lidou brings good news and bad news.

The good news is that four upgrade cassettes are ready.

The bad news is, bang, soon, without preparation, all four cards were stolen.

Fortunately, the company has on-site monitoring.

Surveillance captured the face of the thief, who was a handsome young man.

At this time, Baosheng Yongmeng called and said that he had encountered a game patient.

I have to say that Baosheng Yongmeng's luck is really not simple when he encounters game sickness patients on the way to work.

Tomorrow Na rode his beloved medical scooter and went to the patient's place with Jing Feicai.

"So, Xiaoyuan, when did you get on the motorcycle?"

On the way, he found another Bailiyuan who was on a motorcycle for some reason.

I always feel that this scene seems familiar.

Jing Feicai also widened his eyes.

He was sitting in the back seat, why didn't he notice Baili Yuan's existence?

And Bailiyuan was sitting between him and tomorrow.

Bailiyuan put his arms around tomorrow's waist, showing a bright smile.

"I've been on the motorcycle, it's just that you guys are discussing things about the patient and ignore me."

"Get out of the car quickly, you can't go there!" Jing Feicai said directly with a frown.

What's up with the kids?

Bailiyuan looked at Jing Feicai, and looked Jing Feicai up and down.

"Why, what's the matter?" Jing Feicai was puzzled.

"Where's your big Ben? Why aren't there two nurses accompanying him?" Baili Yuan asked curiously.

Jing Feicai looked serious, "They have jobs, and they ride motorcycles faster."

The two nurses who came back with Jing Feicai have already joined the hospital and still have jobs, so it is impossible for them to be by Jing Feicai's side 24 hours a day.

"Then have you ever considered whether it would be inappropriate for two nurses to cooperate with your transformation operation?"

"I said it all, you need an assistant during the surgery!"

"Huh~~ It's so embarrassing that I have picked out three rooms and one living room with my toes, but to be honest, I am envious, very envious."


Jing Feicai stopped talking.

Tomorrow that didn't kick Bailiyuan off the car either.

They also have to rush to the sick.

They also don't want anything to happen to patients because of their lateness.

Soon, the three arrived at the patient's location.

Baosheng Yongmeng has already taken out the cassette and drive, ready for the transformation operation.

And tomorrow Na and Jing Feicai saw the patient.

"It's him!"

"That thief!"

The patient's face was that of the thief who stole the cassette.

Baosheng Yongmeng was stunned.

Bailiyuan took a deep breath.

Even without watching the original film, Baili Yuan recognized the other party's identity.

"Chiliu, that's the smell!"

It's you - Gullafat!

I am very familiar with the smell of the collapse virus on your body!

Obviously, the patient is the human form of Gurafat.

He pretended to be a game sickness, and even Baosheng Yongmeng didn't suspect it, because the Bengyuan virus was indeed detected from Gu Lafat.

To be honest, Bailiyuan can also imitate.

But Gulafat in disguise looked at Bailiyuan at some point.

For some reason, Gurafat always felt that this child was not simple.

It's a warrior's intuition!

But for planning.

Gu Lafat remained calm, suddenly pushed Baosheng Yongmeng away and ran away.

They are on the road.

Baosheng Yongmeng is also Gullafat picked up on the side of the road.

It can only be said that it is not Baosheng Yongmeng's luck, but other people's arrangements.

The three of Baosheng Yongmeng naturally chased after them.

Bailiyuan followed behind.

Baili Yuan knew about the next plot.

They went to chase the human being disguised by Gurafat, but they lost it. They met the Bengyuan monster transformed into a brand new cassette, and the cassette was inserted into the head of the Bengyuan monster.

The name of the game is "Striking Robot", and the image of Bengyuan Body Monster is a robot with a huge fist.

Obviously, this time, as long as you defeat the weirdo, you can directly get the weirdo's cassette.

Because this time the Bengyuan body weirdo was bred directly with the Bengyuan virus, with the cassette as the core, and has no wisdom.

These brand new cassettes are used to upgrade the level, so they can be called upgrade cassettes.

Two against one, the advantage lies in Kamen Rider.

As a result, Genm suddenly appeared, beat Baosheng Yongmeng and Jingfeicai, and then fled with the Bengyuan body monster.

Kujo Kiriya then appeared, revealing that he knew Genm's true identity, saying that it was Gullafat's human body.

Afterwards, there was chaos caused by the Bengyuan monster, and the four Kamen Riders arrived at the scene one after another, each wanting to snatch the upgrade cassette.

It turns out that Tan Rito contacted Kujo Kiriya and Hana Daiga, two non-computer rescue center Kamen Riders, in advance to inform them of the news that the upgrade cassette had been taken away, and hoped that they could help get the cassette back.

However, they all have the idea that the cassettes they grab belong to themselves.

Four against one?

No, it's three on three.

Kamen Rider Genm appears again, transformation level 3.

Gulafat also appeared, turning into a monster with a Bengyuan body.

Seeing Gulafat, Hua Jiada and I suddenly couldn't calm down, and launched a fierce attack on Gulafat, as if they had hatred.

Genm played one-on-two, and Kyohiro and Kujo Kiriya were powerless to fight back.

Why did Baosheng Yongmeng just watch?

Because Jing Feicai said that he wants to kill solo, the upgrade cassette belongs to him, and the intern doctor should not interfere.

Then Jing Feicai was counter-killed.

Compared with Bailiyuan's second-level anti-killing third-level, Jing Feicai and Jiujo Guiliya, who were wiped out by the group in two-on-one, did not perform well.

It can only be said that as fighters, they are still too immature.

During the process, Kujo Kiriya also revealed that he knew Genm's true identity because he witnessed the process of Genm's transformation.

Therefore, he was beaten especially badly. He fell into a coma on the spot, was the most seriously injured, and was almost killed directly.

The Hua family and I were also defeated by the complete Gurafat, and were seriously injured and forced to cancel the transformation.

In the end, Baosheng Yongmeng was irritated and transformed directly to start a duel with Genm.

Then he played a trick of Mingxiu plank road and dark Chen Cang. It seemed to attack Genm, but in fact he went to attack the monster with the collapsed body turned into an upgrade cassette.

The Bengyuan body weirdo had no intelligence in the first place, and was attacked by a sneak attack, and was immediately killed in seconds.

In this way, Baosheng Yongmeng got the upgrade cassette, successfully upgraded to level 3, gained armor, and beat Genm violently.

Genm eventually escapes.

It's all over.

Bailiyuan, who knows everything in his heart, eats melon seeds and watches all the battles.

"The upgrade cassette is already in hand." Baili Yuan smiled.

Baosheng Yongmeng got it, and Bailiyuan used it to play, isn't it normal?

However, Bailiyuan didn't fully watch the show either.

Bailiyuan caught the trace of Gurafat.

Last time, Bailiyuan obtained Gulafat's data. With the data of Gulafat in the cassette, Bailiyuan developed a small program to track Gulafat.

This is what Bailiyuan can only do after improving his proficiency in cassette development.

The applet is called the enemy tracking function by Bailiyuan.

Anyway, idle is idle.

Go beat Gullafat.

As a result, when Bailiyuan found Gulafat, he found that Gulafat was with Palad, and they seemed to be waiting for someone.

Then, the escaped Genm appeared.

Bailiyuan realized that this episode is not over yet!

Genm unplugged the cassette, released the transformation, and revealed the appearance of Dan Ridou.

Then Dan Lidou yelled "I'm afraid of my talent", not as elegant as before, like a madman.

Bailiyuan didn't show up, he silently took out the plot CD.

"Co-author, there are only five episodes in total, you haven't played the fifth episode yet, I said why there is no ending song for the fifth episode?"

The plot about Genm's identity was cut! ! !

I have something to do today, two more first

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