Chapter 3382 Knights collapse virus body troops!

"Sparasi!" Bailiyuan sighed loudly.

In the dim laboratory, the faint blue electric light hit the lower half of Baili Yuan's face, and the upper half of his face was shrouded in black shadow.

He doesn't look like a good person!

What he is studying at the moment is really not a good thing for human beings.

That's right, it is the collapse virus.

As a complete Bengyuan monster, what happened to researching Bengyuan virus?

Bailiyuan integrated the newly acquired Bengyuan body data into his cassette.

Then transform to feel the change.

First of all, after Bailiyuan's transformation, the overall quality improved slightly again. However, he still hasn't reached the gold level. It seems that he needs some data to complete the level jump. That is, it becomes level 3.

Bailiyuan suspected that it might be another cassette that could be turned into armor. Because Genm has demonstrated it to Bailiyuan before.

Because it uses the knight cassette transformation developed by others, it is natural to follow the rules of the game developed by others.

I decided to get a similar cassette when I have a chance.

Well, I just want to find a chance to vote for Genm.

Secondly, as expected, the number of attacks of his pixel-style staff increased by one again, and now it has gloriously evolved into a twelve-shot staff.

It's a pity that this wand has not changed much except for increasing the number of shots. The power of the staff depends entirely on Baili Yuan's level.

Therefore, Bailiyuan didn't even bother to give the staff a name.

In the end, the reason why Baili Yuan expressed his emotion was that the cassette that incorporated the data of the Leaver's Bengen body obtained the ability to summon assault troops similar to the Lifer's Benevolent body.

To be precise, what was summoned was the Knight Bengyuan Virus Troop!

These Knight Bengyuan Viruses, like the Assault Bengyuan Virus, can continue to increase in power over time, and even evolve.

It's a pity that only the Knight Bengyuan virus body in the game field has this ability.

Outside of the game field, the Knight Bengyuan virus body is no different from the original one.

Bailiyuan also tried to integrate some of the data of the Levre Bengyuan body for himself, but this was still the case, and it was impossible for the knight Bengyuan virus body to gain improved abilities outside the game field.

The game space is the condition for the ability to activate.

Think about it too, after Lifer's collapsed source body was separated, it had already summoned a lot of assault collapsed source virus bodies, but it was not until the game field was opened that the strength of those assault collapsed source virus bodies was improved and their evolution was completed. .

Otherwise, as long as the Lifer Bengyuan body has a little brain, it will know that the Bengyuan virus body must evolve first, and then trouble the Kamen Rider.

It's not that I don't want to, but I can't do it at all.

Who made the incomplete Lifer Bengyuan body unable to open up his own game space?

The game space was opened by Brave friendship.

But this ability is still strong enough.

And because this data is directly integrated into the cassette.

Bailiyuan didn't need to transform, or distribute the Bengyuan virus by himself. After pressing the button on the cassette, the game field expands, and at the same time, you can choose to summon a certain number of Knights and Bengyuan Virus Troops.

The Knight Bengyuan Virus troop summoned in the game field is somewhat different from the ordinary Knight Bengyuan Virus.

Mainly manifested in the weapons used.

The general knight Bengyuan virus body has no weapons, just bare hands, and has a certain level of fighting.

But it will use real-world weapons, but limited to cold weapons.

Such as sticks and machetes.

Give them an AK-47, and they won't rattling, just snapping.

Hold the muzzle of the gun and hit people with a circle, because the physical attack of the gun stock is more powerful.

Don't ask how Bailiyuan knew.

As long as these knights' Bengyuan virus body can do it, they didn't go with a stick when they went to charge the Lifer's Bengyuan body.

The individuals in the knight's Bengyuan virus body army all hold pixel-style guns. A pistol and a rifle are standard configurations. It looks like a bit of an army style.

These weapons can shoot normally, and they have unlimited ammunition, which is more powerful than police pistols and AK-47.

The knight Bengyuan virus body with the painting style of the gangster club suddenly changed to the army painting style, which made Bailiyuan feel a little uncomfortable.

continue waiting.

With the passage of time, the strength of each individual in the Knight's Bengyuan Virus Troop is improving, and finally came to the edge of evolution.

That is to say, it is about to evolve from a bronze level to a silver level.

"Assault Bengyuan virion evolves, it has the same appearance as Leaver Bengyuan virion, it can be called Lifer Bengyuan virion. My Knight Bengyuan virion evolves, will it be the same as my Bengyuan virion? The appearance of the weirdo is similar, right? What is it called? Otterbone virus body?"

Just as Bailiyuan was thinking wildly, the Knights Bengyuan virus body evolved.

But it didn't evolve directly.

Instead, three selection boxes appeared in front of Bailiyuan.

"There is an evolutionary branch!" Baili Yuan was surprised.

The three selection boxes correspond to the three evolutionary directions.

The one in the middle is called [Elite Evolution]. Just as Bailiyuan thought, it evolved into the same shape as Bailiyuan's Bengyuan body monster, and was named the Aotebengyuan virus body. The overall quality has been improved, the level of fighting and shooting has been greatly improved, and the ability to penetrate armor has been obtained.

The one on the left is called [Fire Power Evolution]. Evolved into Mailin Bengyuan virus body. The body has become stronger, and the firearm has evolved into a machine gun, which has a bit of the shadow of Lifer's collapse body.

The one on the right is called [Magic Evolution]. Evolved into a magic bullet collapse virus body. The body shape has not changed much, but there is an extra mage robe on the dress, and the firearm in his hand has become an enchanted gun, which can fire bullets with magical attacks. Rifle bullets randomly have burning and smashing effects, pistol bullets have healing effects, you can shoot each other and heal your companions.

Obviously, the three evolutionary routes correspond to the data of Bailiyuan, Alhambra-bengyuan body and Liferbeng-yuan body.

It is also all the collapse source data integrated into the cassette.

"If in the future I get more data of the Bengyuan monsters and incorporate them into the cassette, will there be more evolutionary routes?" Bailiyuan thought.

But it is certain that if his Knight Bengyuan Virus Troops complete the evolution, the power that can be erupted will be amazing.

And facing the final boss summoned with ten cassettes, he has more confidence.

Isn't it just to use the team to pile up the boss?


Five years ago, Fantasy Games Company developed ten games, but without exception, due to unknown reasons, there was a crash virus.

Then a zero-day event was triggered.

That's why, the monsters with the Bengyuan body that appear are all copied data of the characters in the game.

To this end, Fantasy Game Company improved four of the cassettes, developed matching drives, and created Kamen Rider.

In other words, the cassettes that can transform into Kamen Rider are unique.

Then the cassette of Baosheng Yongmeng was snatched away by the Hua family.

For this reason, Tan Lidou had to come to the computer rescue center in person to explain the matter to everyone.

He apologized deeply for that.

He said that he just thought that the Hua family would help me fight monsters, but I didn't expect him to attack players.

At the same time, it said that the company is producing four brand new game cassettes, which will soon be handed over to the Kamen Riders to contribute to the fight against the collapse of the source.

However, no one knows whether Tan Lidou's words are true or not, or if they are just pure lies.

When Dan Rito transforms into Kamen Rider Genm and goes off in person to promote a certain game, his position cannot be speculated.

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