Chapter 343 The fused giant claw crab, Angela who came back to life

after dinner.

The elves helped wash the dishes, Bailiyuan leaned on the chair, while the system was knitting a sweater.

The system is not in the outside world 24 hours a day, and Bailiyuan has a radiant bracelet. With the improvement of Bailiyuan's strength, the ability to absorb light has also improved.

This also makes the system physical and will not affect Bailiyuan's recovery of power too much.

And the system also helped Bailiyuan a lot outside.

At least the laundry, cooking and taking care of the elves made Bailiyuan a lot easier.

Now Bailiyuan is waiting half a month at the old coast to get the initial Pokémon.

At this time, Baili Yuan's expression changed, the synthesis was completed!

Baili Yuan got up and walked out of the house, then came to the open space of the manor, and released the large claw crab after the synthesis.

As soon as the claw crab came out, the light of evolution bloomed on its body.

Bailiyuan raised his eyebrows, and the synthesis actually promoted the evolution of the claw crab.

However, judging from this evolution, the claw crab should still belong to the Pokémon.

The giant claw crab has only one stage of evolution, and the evolutionary type is the giant claw crab.

Compared with the giant claw crab, the body of the giant claw crab has turned red. The head of the giant claw crab is covered with bumps. The pincer on the left has grown a lot, and the mouth has many teeth. Only the head and pincers of the body are red, and the rest is white.

Moreover, the average giant claw crab has a body size of about one meter and a weight of more than one hundred catties.

The light dissipated, and the giant claw crab appeared in front of Bailiyuan. Bailiyuan took a closer look, and the giant claw crab did not change much from the impression it had in mind, except that it was a little bigger than the ordinary giant claw crab. Not much different.

Bailiyuan took out the illustration book and scanned the giant claw crab.

"Giant Claw Crab, Pincer Pokémon, is the evolution of Claw Crab. The hard claws have the power of 10,000 horsepower."

In addition to the introduction, there is also the level of the giant claw crab and the ability to master it.

At this time, the level of the giant claw crab has reached level 30!

However, the giant claw crab that just emerged from the synthesizer is still a little dazed.

Is this an evolution?

what's the situation?

It seems that I have become stronger, but... where exactly is my strength?

Bailiyuan took out the giant claw crab's elf ball, put the giant claw crab away, and handed it to the flying intelligent robot Xiaobai.

"Caroline, take the giant claw crab down and check it."

"Okay, please wait."

After a while, the results of Caroline's inspection were sent to Bailiyuan.

Looking at the data comparison displayed on Xiaobai's screen, Bailiyuan nodded in satisfaction.

The improvement of the giant claw crab is a positive improvement.

The hardness of the giant claw crab's carapace is at least thirty times higher than that of ordinary giant claw crabs!

This is a very terrifying improvement.

The carapace of the space crab itself is very hard, so it is not surprising to have this improvement.

The force of the pliers has also increased twenty-fold.

In addition to the improvement in these two aspects, the giant claw crab has two other aspects that can be said to have evolved.

One is that the bubbles spit out by the giant claw crab are highly corrosive, because the stomach of the giant claw crab contains strong gastric acid, which can be spit out along with the skills.

The other is that the vitality of giant claw crabs has been greatly improved. In the future, whether it is lifespan or strength growth, giant claw crabs will have a considerable improvement.

These are changes that can be detected temporarily.

Bailiyuan is very satisfied with this.

Cosmic crabs themselves are not a powerful race. Although the level of life is far beyond that of life on earth, they can only be reduced to food in the universe.

The space crab disc creature researched by the Black Stars should be the pinnacle achievement of the space crab family, but it has many flaws.

If the genes of powerful cosmic monsters that are genetically similar to the elves can be fused with the elves, then the elves will improve...

Thinking of this, Baili Yuan's eyes couldn't help but brighten up.

But soon Bailiyuan calmed down.

The evolution of life does not happen overnight, even the Otto family experienced a painful early stage of evolution.

The successful fusion of giant claw crabs does not mean that there are no defects, and it may be that they have not been discovered yet.

Convergent evolution does not guarantee success, so it must take the long view.

Compared with this kind of sudden evolution, in fact, that little bit of transformation and evolution is more stable and secure.

So, let's observe the giant claw crab for a while.

Bailiyuan held the giant claw crab's poke ball.

"You can follow me during this time."

Saying that, Baili Yuan pinned the Giant Claw's Poké Ball to his waist.


Half a month passed by in a flash.

"Giant Claw Crab, Crab Punch!"

On the beach, the Giant Claw Crab jumped high, and then suddenly dropped its pincers, hitting an Eevee on the beach.

Ibrahimovic lost his fighting power, but the giant claw crab won.

Bailiyuan smiled.

A rookie girl trainer opposite Bailiyuan rushed to the field and hugged his Ibrahimovic.

"Ibrahimovic, are you okay, wake up."

"Don't worry, Ibrahimovic just passed out." Bailiyuan brought the crab to the trainer's side.

"So that's how it is." The girl trainer smiled sheepishly.

"Your giant claw crab is really strong. I heard that there is a powerful giant claw crab here. I didn't expect it to be true. This is my challenge fee."

Offering milk to the victor... Ahem, money, isn't it common sense?

Saying that, the girl trainer handed over 1,000 yen to Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan accepted it bluntly.

"By the way, the last move should be called the Crab Claw Hammer." The girl trainer said suddenly.

"I'd rather call it Crab Fist, what the hell!" Baili Yuan said angrily.

The girl trainer left angrily.

Bailiyuan put away a thousand yen, smiled and shook his head.

A big sister in cool clothes walked up to Baili Yuan's side, hugged Baili Yuan with a smile, and buried Baili Yuan's head in her greatness.

"Xiao Yuan, bullying newcomers is rare~"

"No no no..."

This milk is very pure.

In order not to suffocate herself, Bailiyuan reluctantly broke free from her opponent's embrace.

The visitor had a charming and mature aura, and his appearance was exactly that of Angela.

Angela returned to the old coast after finishing the game.

At this time, Angela was only wearing a beach swimsuit with sunglasses on top of her head.

But at this moment, Angela's eyes looked unusually agile, and they were no longer cold.

After Angela came back, Bailiyuan tried to give Angela life with the mouse charm, but unexpectedly succeeded.

If Bailiyuan didn't do it himself, even Bailiyuan couldn't believe that Angela was actually a Terminator.

At this time, Angela is like a living person, who not only needs to eat and drink, but also has normal physical activities, and has feelings at the same time.

Moreover, once Angela takes out the Rat Charm, she can reincarnate as a terrifying Terminator again.

In this way, Bailiyuan created a living cousin for herself.

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