Chapter 3363 Human completion plan and the chosen child

skill seed.

Add the power of space to it.

Add the power of time to it.

buried in his body.

Baili Yuan closed his eyes and prayed with all his heart.

"Give me the ability to travel through time and space, please!"

Then the seeds germinated.

The strong power of time and space gushed out, submerged into Baili Yuan's body, and began to form skills.

There is no doubt that the skills that are about to be formed are time and space skills, and they are very suitable for the skill requirements of time and space travel.

"As expected of me..."

Before Bailiyuan's laughter ended, the power of time and space suddenly erupted.

Then Bailiyuan was wrapped by the power of time and space, and disappeared in place in an instant.

The Institute's prompt sounded at the right time.

"Beep—Xiao Yuan left this world."

None of the people who heard the beep came over to check the situation.

After all, it wasn't the first time for Bailiyuan.


"Genius game player, whose online name is M, whose real name is unknown, and who has won championships many times."

In a solemn office.

The Ministry of Health's Minister's Cabinet Deliberation Officer, the top person in charge of CR (Computer Rescue Center).

Kyoutaro Hyuga flipped through the documents in his hand.

Being able to talk about games in an official Japanese provincial office proves that this topic is necessary, and the person who is the center of the topic is also what the government needs.

"Since you are a genius game player, you must be qualified to be a player driver." A woman stood across the desk and said respectfully to Kyoutaro Hyuga.

Fake Asuka, or Poppy Pipopapo, or Poppy for short.

Not human.

She usually works as a nurse in the form of a human, but her real body is a data creature.

Currently serving as Kamen Rider's navigator and supporter at the Computer Rescue Center.

Kamen Riders, warriors who hide their faces, often possess great strength.

But now the problem is.

There are no active Kamen Riders in the computer rescue center!

Well, not at all, I have had it before, but it's a pity that it's the same as a relationship, and it's over when it's over.

At this moment, the reason why Asuka Kana appeared here was to recommend new candidates for Kamen Rider qualifications.

She's not a freelancer.

Without Kamen Rider, she can only go to the hospital as a nurse every day.

There is no way to do the work that requires Kamen Rider.

Those patients are suffering a life crisis.

So she is in a hurry.

It's just that on the information that Fake Asuka brought, there is only an "M" code name, and there is no specific identity and life history of the other party. There are several pages of game achievements.

Kyoutaro Hyuga found it difficult.

Yes, the Kamen Rider they need should know how to play games, but they can't really just play games!

Because the Kamen Rider needed by the computer rescue center is not only a warrior who fights monsters, but also a doctor who treats patients!

But when he thought about the real identity of Asuna Kino, Kyoutaro Hinata couldn't even get angry, and he couldn't criticize her too much and demand too much from her.

After all, she is a data life, so she cannot be expected to have the same EQ as a human being.

Otherwise, another subordinate would be exiled tomorrow because he walked into the office with his left foot first if he brought such an unclear document.


Five years ago, there appeared on the earth a strange creature that eroded the world-an unknown computer game virus erosion disease, referred to as game disease.

In order to rescue the infected, under the organization of the Ministry of Health, a secret organization, the Computer Rescue Center, was set up underground in the Affiliated Hospital of Shengdu University.

With the assistance of the game company Fanmeng, the Computer Rescue Center has developed a medical machine that can fight against the Bengyuan virus, the player driver, for the purpose of preventing the outbreak of infectious diseases.

It is a prop for transforming into a Kamen Rider, and it is also an instrument for treating patients.

Game sickness has always existed in cities.

But there is no doctor who can cure game sickness.

The reason why Kyoutaro Hinata can still sit firmly in the office is because, as one of the few Japanese officials who are practical and reliable, he already has candidates for Kamen Rider.

A few years ago, he recommended a talented doctor to go abroad for further study, and now the other doctor has returned with enough awareness. It is suitable to become a new Kamen Rider and participate in medical work.

"Tomorrow, don't worry, isn't the qualified person who is about to return not enough?"

Fake Asuka shook his head hastily: "I didn't mean that, I just thought, maybe we can find one more qualified person..."

Hyuga Kyoutaro nodded, he understood that Asuka Kakano was also for the patients.

A Kamen Rider, after all, is still too little.

"Tomorrow, CR's work must resume as soon as possible, and the tragedy of five years ago cannot be repeated."

The tragedy five years ago had a very bad impact...

Just then, there was a knock on the door of the office.

"Come in!" Hinata Kyoutaro said, but he was a little confused.

Isn't today's work done? At this time, who else will come to him?

"excuse me."

A man who looked like a secretary walked in.

Kyoutaro Hinata hurriedly stood up.

He recognized the man's identity, and he was the Secretary-General of the current Prime Minister, known as the former Secretary.

"Original Secretary, does your Excellency the Prime Minister have any instructions?" Hinata Kyoutaro asked.

Fake Asuna watched curiously from the side.

The original secretary first bowed respectfully, and then took out a document.

"Your Excellency Hinata, the Prime Minister and the ministers have discussed and summarized some opinions on the game disease. I hope you can read it."

Kyoutaro Hinata frowned slightly.

He knows it without looking.

It is said to be an opinion, but it is actually an order from the people above.

The game sickness is just a cover, the real target is the Kamen Rider system!

The people above are going to covet the Kamen Rider system again?

Although the Kamen Rider system is said to be a medical system, it cannot deny the combat power brought by the Kamen Rider system.

A scalpel can be used to kill people, let alone the Kamen Rider system?

The people above, after learning about the power of the Kamen Rider system, never gave up their ambition to use the Kamen Rider system as a weapon.

If it weren't for Kyoutaro Hinata's intervention, the threat of game disease, and the disapproval of the system developer's Phantasm Company, the Kamen Rider system would have been unknown for a long time.

Fortunately, Fantasy Company only focuses on making games, and is unwilling to use the system it developed as a weapon.

Gradually let the people above stop thinking about meddling in the knight system, and dare not push too hard.

After all, the sword is in Hinata Kyoutaro's hands.

But I didn't expect that this matter was brought up again now.

Kyoutaro Hyuga had a lot of thoughts in his mind, but he took the file calmly, and then flipped through it.

Suddenly, Hinata Kyoutaro frowned.

"Game disease... universal immunity? What is this?"

Which brain pumping person came up with it?

What was in the document was far beyond Hyuga Kyoutaro's expectations.

It's really related to the game sickness. The Kamen Rider system is only mentioned in a sentence or two.

But the content in it made Hinata Kyoutaro unable to calm down.

You actually said that you want to immunize the whole population against the game disease?

When is the game sick what is the flu?

Even if the people above think with a cerebellum, they shouldn't come up with such a thing, right?

Fake Asuka stood aside with a look of shock.

She couldn't understand, but she was shocked.

"You guys, what are you going to do?!" Kyoutaro Hinata stared at the former secretary with sharp eyes.

The original secretary just smiled slightly, and the smile looked like a hidden knife in the eyes of Kyoutaro Hinata and Asuna Kana.

The former secretary still said respectfully.

"This plan is called—the Human Completion Plan!"

"At the beginning, it will not be extended to the whole people, and only the selected people will be recruited for experiments."

"At present, the most suitable target is the child who likes games the most and has the purest emotion."

"These children were dubbed the 'Chosen Children'."

Soon, Hinata Kyoutaro roared in the office.

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