I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3361 Reincarnation Lolita

The world of the moon.

The first champion of the Dark Conference is about to be born.

Bailiyuan also returned to the god seat to watch the finals.

The dark conference is also a black conference, not only because the elves in the competition are all black elves, but also very dark behind the competition.

Anyway, Bailiyuan is just the organizer, everything else is almost decided by all the contestants themselves.

Bailiyuan did say some rules, but don't forget that the players are not ordinary humans, and the rules that can restrict ordinary humans often have loopholes for the players to exploit.

However, the players have nothing to complain about. Since they choose to participate in the Dark Conference, they have to bear the risk of the Dark Conference.

As long as you don't use strength to oppress, there is no problem at all.

On the contrary, many dark operations are quite exciting for the players, making them unable to stop.

What dark duels, desperate battles, horror games...etc.

In fact, it is similar to the kind where whoever loses goes streaking.

Because in the world of the moon, the apostles are immortal, and the value of life is greatly reduced.

Gambling on life is not as valuable as betting on chrysanthemums.

Every contestant who can make it to the final has to go through countless crises of dignity and personality.

on the field.

One player stood on the field early.

It is—Antamir, a giant race player.

In the battle on the Isle of Heroes, Antamir was exceptionally brave and could be called a macho man.

He was crossing his arms, closing his eyes and resting his mind, adjusting his state.

Antamir's main battle elf is a blackened iron arm, and the other elves are also powerful fighting elves.

The blackened iron arm is very similar to the appearance of the iron palm wrestler. It comes from a future Pokémon universe and is the ancient appearance of the iron palm wrestler. The attribute is fighting + electricity.

Regardless of the embarrassing situation in the world of fighting spirits, fighting spirits in the world of the moon, combined with the fighting skills taught by strong men from various races, are more likely to produce powerful individuals.

The other player did not show up for a long time.

Seeing that the other player is about to be disqualified from the competition.

Someone came in a hurry, shouting loudly.

"It's bad, the dwarf player who played against Antaimer was kicked out in the locker room!"


Baili Yuan rubbed his arms, feeling a little chilly.

It's fine to be an angel, at least Kamel's appearance is really high, with a neutral appearance, both men and women can be used.

But the dwarves... If Bailiyuan remembered correctly, that dwarf player was not the kind of dwarf in the second dimension who was either a lolita or a gentleman, but an old man with a beard and muscular body.

When the dwarves were found, they were lying naked in the locker room, their eyes turned white, and they had lost consciousness. The elves they were carrying were also locked in the cabinet.

Fortunately, the dwarves' chrysanthemums are still intact.

An Taimir, who was going to fight against him, immediately became the biggest suspect.

Because Antamir is the most profitable.

But as long as Antamir's brain is not broken, he shouldn't do this.

After all, in the world of the moon, the apostles are immortal. When the dwarf players wake up, everything will become clear.

Soon, the dwarves came to their senses.

Bailiyuan personally investigated.

After a few minutes, he left without a word.

The truth about the dwarf player being pouted did not have anything to do with Antaimir, and the dwarf player was not being pouted either.

It involved a twilight love that was hundreds of years late.

It all started when the dwarves participated in the dark conference and conquered the elves while exploring and traveling in the world of the moon.

During the trip, the dwarves met their young partner - a female dwarf.

When they were in the big world, they had adventured together when they were young.

They even secretly have feelings for each other.

Later they discovered that the two tribes they belonged to were actually hostile. And they, one is the prince of their own tribe, and the other is the princess of their own tribe. They are born with the responsibility of protecting the tribe, and they are not qualified to abandon the tribe and stay together desperately.

In the end, they had no choice but to separate, and from then on, in their own tribe, they would concentrate on practicing and never talk about love. Each has become the regret of the other's life.

Until, as a guardian representative, he went to participate in the World Conference, and then both died in the World Conference.

They unexpectedly reunited during their journey in the Moon World so miraculously.

Without the constraints of the tribe, during the journey, the two gradually rekindled their old relationship and entered the final together. Encouraged by love, the male dwarf entered the finals and was only one step away from winning the championship.

It's a pity that on the eve of the finals, one didn't control it well, and the dry wood blazed up in the locker room.

Then the dwarves passed out in the process of doing things because they were too excited.

The female dwarf disappeared because the matter was too embarrassing. She chose to secretly find a friend from the healing department and came back to treat the male dwarf.

Don't want to alarm anyone.

Who knew that when he came back, he found that the locker room was full of people.

The two dwarves just fell into autism.

This kind of thing was discovered, and a group of people were watching, one can imagine the mentality of the old mandarin ducks!

When I was alive, I have been a guardian for so many years, but I have never experienced such an embarrassing thing!

In the end, the dwarf player missed the competition and unfortunately won the runner-up.

An Taimir became the champion, but he didn't feel happy either. Because he suddenly discovered that he has been single until now and has never been in a relationship.

I always feel like I won the game but lost my life.

Giants also want sweet love!

The dwarf player said that he will definitely win the championship in the next competition, and this time the championship will be handed over to Antaimer.

The fact is that the results of the dwarves are just like his waist, which is going from bad to worse.

As the champion, Antaimir was also sent by Bailiyuan through the moon to a parallel world of the Pokémon world as promised, and descended in the form of a human being.

Before coming to the different world, Antamir vowed that in the different world, he would not only win the championship, but also obtain a sweet love.

After all, the appearance of giants and humans is roughly similar, but the difference in size is too great.

But if you reincarnate as a human, there is no problem.

Therefore, in order to improve the efficiency and probability of mate selection, Antamir chose a human posture with the highest appearance.

The result was that Antamir was in a different world, the champion was soft, but the girl didn't find one.


As Antamir's choice of descent posture, she is a loli girl with silver hair and red eyes!

All the beautiful women are talked about as best friends by her!

An Taimir: I was careless, I only cared about choosing the one with the best looks, and forgot to look at the gender!

Bailiyuan had also confirmed with An Taimir, whether his choice was intentional or careless.

As a result, An Taimir was unhappy because he was fed a mouthful of dog food, so he didn't think much about it, saying that he did it on purpose.

For a time, Bailiyuan was amazed at the giant's preferences.

Indeed, as a woman, Antamir can easily eat, go shopping, bathe, and sleep with other beautiful women...but that's not what he wants!

What he wants is sweet love!

No, it should be her. Her reincarnation name is Ann Taimier.

Want to fall in love, but can't meet the right woman.

There are quite a few men who pursue her, and she can't get over the hurdle in her heart if she chooses a man to fall in love with.

——About the story of me, a hunk among giants, reincarnated as a silver-haired, red-eyed little lolita in a different world while chasing sweet love while challenging the Pokémon League.

What a sad (interesting) sad (interesting) story.

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