I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3356 Heaven God System! real history!

The heavenly god system is the name of the god family where Carmel belongs.

And this god system does come from the Great World.

It was originally a god system in the big world.

The God of Creation is the main one, and the subordinate God is the Archangel. There are thirteen of them in total. There are many other subordinate gods, righteous gods, sub-gods, and divine envoys.

It looks much more prosperous than the earth veins god system.

Because this is a pantheon of pure faith, the faith will eventually be concentrated on the Lord, so it is natural to have a clever name... Ahem, don't let go of any possible way to collect faith, and every way to collect faith has a corresponding god.

What is enforced are the rules of absolute justice and absolute order.

To put it simply, what the Lord said is justice, what the Lord said is order, and everything else is evil and chaos, and evil and chaos will be mercilessly eliminated.

This ensures the purity of faith.

This makes the heavenly god system, in the generation when the gods of the great world stood side by side, also a very powerful god system.

Today's Angel Race, Feather Race, Bright Race, and related branch races in the Great World are all subordinate races of this god system, and are the continuation of the race created by the so-called Lord.

The previous experience is not much different from the situation of the Earth Vein God System.

The difference is that the earth veins gods took the initiative to hide, and the heaven gods fought with other gods and heroes, ran away before fighting, and then hid.

After all, the heavenly god system is strong enough, and the master's style doesn't seem like an existence that would flee without a fight.

Even before being defeated, the heavenly gods thought they could win.

Fortunately, although the heavenly gods were defeated, the main gods of the gods were well preserved.

The master divides a star field and opens up a secret world.

That is the mage world today.

The creatures in the mage world were not created by the Lord.

It is the mortals of all races brought from the great world by the Lord and the angels as bloodline seeds.

This is different from the Earth Vein God System.

All kinds of creatures in the imperial world were recreated by the creation god of the earth veins god system, the earth veins great god. Therefore, the spider mother dotes on the human beings in the imperial world, and chooses to leave the inheritance to the human beings in the imperial world, so that the empire can have its current development.

All kinds of creatures in the mage world are the bloodlines of various races robbed by the Lord and the angels.

The reason for this is because the heavenly gods had wars with the lives of various races, realized the strength and potential of the lives of all races, and chose to "defeat mortals with mortals".

That's right, the Lord felt that sooner or later, he would be able to return to the big world.

The captured bloodlines of various races are naturally not favored by the Lord and the angels, and it is impossible for them to honestly provide faith for the heavenly gods.

The Lord chose to send disasters first, and then collect faith.

So the Lord opened up the abyss world, summoned a large number of demons from the hell plane, and let six of the thirteen main gods merge with the abyss world, turned into abyss demon gods, and regularly sent demon kings into the world to harass.

The Lord led the remaining main gods and angels to create a brave summoning system to guide the lives of all races in the world to fight against the Abyss Demon King in order to collect faith.

The emergence of the hero summoning system is the master's imitation and exploration of the power of heroes in the big world.

First use mortals to defeat mortals, and then use brave men to defeat heroes.

And then... there is no more.

The Lord suddenly disappeared one day.

All the planning had just started, and the master planner who presided over the plan dropped the line.

Kamel said that the Lord disappeared so suddenly that the angels were unprepared, and even the archangels were helpless.

Bailiyuan heard this situation with a very strong sense of sight, and guessed with his tail, he could guess that it was Gaia's hand.

When the Lord's clue appeared again, it was the god with the Lord's aura who slaughtered the angels of the heaven, and the seven archangels desperately drove him into the abyss. kill.

Unlike the flesh and blood god, the god crawled out of the master's corpse, completely devoured the master's power, and became the ultimate body, with terrifying strength.

In order to eliminate the evil, the angels paid a terrible price.

Four of the seven archangels died, including the strongest Michael, and even the inheritance disappeared. The remaining three archangels were also seriously injured. Except for Kamel, the remaining archangels were Healing Angel Raphael and Moon Angel Sariel.

The six abyssal demon gods were all knocked out of their godheads, and their godheads were shattered. The six demon gods split into the current seventy-two demon gods.

The shattering of the god position and godhead caused the demon gods to lose the memory of angels, as well as the majesty of angels, and even possessed gender and the ability to reproduce offspring like ordinary creatures.

"So, I still have the blood of an angel?" Mao's little brain reacted instantly.

The Abyss Demon God was transformed by an angel, but the gods were broken, and the six gods split into seventy-two.

Mao's mother, Vicky, is the heir of the Demon God, and now she has inherited the position of the Demon God.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Vicky said that she could not accept this reality.

"Perhaps, the bloodlines of the queen and princess are more complicated than imagined." The Minister of Finance said, "Don't forget, the first six demon gods were just split apart. They want to have offspring and need to combine with other creatures, while Creatures that exist in the abyss..."


Vicky was silent.

Shocked, the enemy who greets the ancestors of the whole family every day turned out to be his own ancestors? !


This wave of divine calamity has severely damaged the vitality of both the kingdom of heaven and the abyss.

But the remaining angels were not panicked.

Because the heavenly god system is a belief god system, this god system is quite special. Even if the god dies, as long as the symbol and token representing the god are still there, by virtue of faith, the god will recover again one day.

Not only the main god, but also the lord who is the creator god has the possibility of being revived again.

Thus, under the operation of the remaining three angels, the kingdom of heaven began to recuperate, while increasing the efficiency of collecting beliefs from the world.

However, the lives of all races who have always been relatively honest are no longer honest.

When gods are weak, mortals will show their fangs, trying to escape the control of the kingdom of heaven, and even rebel.

After all, they themselves had no choice but to become followers of the heavenly gods.

The abyss also deviates from the kingdom of heaven because of the changes of the demon gods.

If it weren't for the death of the gods, there were a lot of evils in the world, which dragged down the energy of the mortals, and if the mortals wholeheartedly targeted the angels, the angels might directly usher in the end of the gods.

The remaining three main gods did nothing.

While recuperating in the kingdom of heaven, they created a race of angels, as soldiers of the kingdom of heaven, to fill the gaps in the kingdom of heaven, and at the same time provide faith for the gods.

That is, the group of angels that Olinson belongs to appeared at that time.

In order to prevent the angel race from rebelling, Kamel added special procedures to the angel race.

On the contrary, because of this incident, the three main gods had a disagreement.

Kamel is unquestionably a radical, domineering.

Raphael is a moderate. While implementing absolute justice and absolute order, he also loves life, especially the lives of believers. He cannot accept this behavior of putting shackles on believers.

I am more willing to use love and healing to let the lost lambs know their way back, and even heal the devil, wanting to make the devil move towards justice and order.

Well, an Iron Madonna.

In the end, Sariel, who is the moon angel, is a centrist.

Do not accept, do not object, do not agree, do not reject.

Pure eat melon.

Kamal naturally clashed with Rafael for this.

Then Kamel got punched.

It is true that Raphael is a healing angel, but he is one of the three strongest archangels. The weapon he holds is not a healing staff, but a sword of fire.

Among the seven angels, except for Michael, the other six can be said to be second only to Michael, because Michael is second only to the Lord.

But in terms of strength ranking.

Raphael is really ranked second after Michael!

What's wrong with nanny?

Nanny beats people the most painful!

In the already weak power of the kingdom of heaven, two of the three main gods are at odds, and one is paddling.

The world rebelled, the brave went off the rails, and the abyss was eyeing.

In short, during that time, the forces of all parties, the dog's brains were about to come out.

At this point, Bailiyuan and Xingying have also confirmed that what Kamel said between them is not true.

Fortunately, Bailiyuan had Guaiguai water, otherwise they wouldn't be able to eat such big melons today.

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