Chapter 3350 Ancient Brave

Killing intent appeared in Kamal's eyes.

"This world was created by my lord, and everyone is my lord's servant!"

"Rebels, be punished!"

"You and this country will be cleansed by justice!"

No longer preaching, Kamel directly condensed a lightsaber and fell towards the old king, trying to penetrate the old king.


"Your Majesty the King!"

Mayo and the girls exclaimed.

The old king was not afraid at all, and a power of faith was released from his body, shattering the falling lightsaber.

The old king straightened his back and said disdainfully, "Sorry, I'm not a native of this world!"

"What?" The girls were surprised.

Then the girls looked at Mao who also exclaimed in unison.

"You don't know either?"

"I don't know!"

Mao also didn't know that his own father was not from this world.

But if it is a person from another world, the most likely one is...

A huge magic circle suddenly rose, covering the entire hunting ground.

The moment the Chancellor of the Exchequer made his move, he followed suit.

Since the angel god is going to be released today, how could it not be prepared in advance.

"According to records, angels advocate justice and order, and implement absolute justice and absolute order. That is to say, everything that dissatisfies angels is evil and chaos! Those who do not believe in them will be destroyed." The Minister of Finance said slowly. Said.

"Isn't this dictatorship?"

The girls frowned.

"It's more terrible than dictatorship. The king calls it... FXS, although I don't understand it very well."

Lafite looked at Olinson worriedly, "If we are ruled by God, won't we become the same as Olinson?"

"Very likely." The Chancellor of the Exchequer nodded.

Angelina looked at the old king and the chancellor: "Did you expect to fight?"

"If you are a kind angel, maybe you can communicate, but obviously, Kamel is not kind." The Minister of Finance said, "If you want to get the information you want, you can only use strength."

Carmel attacked the old king again.

Since there was going to be a fight, it was impossible for the old king to point at Della and the group of young girls. Even Mao, who was also at the Seven-color level, was only a weakling in the face of Kamel.

Because Kamel is a god, as Kamel said, this world was indeed created by the Lord, and as the god of this world, He must have a place to bless.

At most, Bailiyuan could step in and help.

But what came to Bailiyuan was only an incarnation.

Therefore, the main force in the battle is only the old king and the Minister of Finance.

The old king didn't back down and shouted loudly.

"I came to this world, wasn't it also chosen by your gods? I'm determined for you today, even if the Lord comes, I won't be able to keep you, as I said! Birdman!"

It's time to show your true presence.

"Remember, I was summoned to this world by the summoning circle created by the gods—the ancient brave, Xingying!"

Xingying turned out to be a brave man!


The golden power burst out, rushing towards Kamel's attack.

Star shadow showed its true posture.

The girls were dumbfounded for an instant.

I have to say that Xingying's appearance is quite capable.

Mao even yelled.

"No wonder my mother loves my father so much. I have had three children with my father in more than ten years! I said that there is definitely something wrong with a father who can make boki children at such an old age!"

The girls were shocked by Mao's speech.

"You have touched the threshold of God?!" Kamel was shocked, and his face changed drastically. "Impossible, how can you become a god just based on the belief of a small country?!"

"Who said I came here relying on faith?" Xingying snorted coldly.

Xingying does not believe in becoming a god.

Like Baili Yuan, he has become stronger himself, and his belief is just the icing on the cake.

As a summoned brave man, he naturally has his own "stunts".

And Xingying is a brave man who was summoned in ancient times, and the magic circle model that summoned him was used by the gods, so Xingying's stunts are stronger than those of this era.

Xingying's special skill is called "God's Optimization"!

Through continuous fighting, let yourself continue to optimize and evolve.

In the end, Xingying touched the threshold of God.

And because of his own intuition, he didn't take the step of becoming a god.

Xingying rushed to Kamel, and forced Kamel back with a punch.

"Zubong, give me a move, Fist of Harmony! Tell me everything you know!"

"Mortal, you are provoking God! Accept the judgment!"


The girls and Mayo withdrew their gazes from high altitude, and looked at the Minister of Finance again.

Since the old king is an ancient brave man, as the Minister of Finance who seems to know everything...

"I'm from this world, although I'm also from the same period as the king." The chancellor pushed his glasses and said.

Oh, it's the ancients... fart!

Ancient people are also very awesome!

How long have you guys lived?

"This is outrageous!"

The girls looked at the star shadow fighting Kamal in the sky, and felt the terrifying power emanating from the star shadow. They felt it was like a dream.

They also suddenly realized.

It may not be the Minister of Finance who defeated the Killing Demon King, but Xingying himself.

But the girls still respect Xingying.

Not only because of Xingying's words, but also because Xingying did it.

They can all feel the specialness of the Land of Snow Removal.

There are no vagabonds in the city, the poor can get relief and work to improve their lives, and the common people can live with a smile on their faces. The nobles do not oppress the common people, but the noble knights are brave and will sacrifice themselves for the common people...

It's all because of the king Xingying, and the thoughts from other worlds who came to this world with Xingying.

Kamel still retains the strength of the colorful level, and because of the blessing of the world, he can break out into a battle of the supreme level.

But face the star shadow.

Only being beaten.

"Profound Truth - The Truth of Internaxonel!"

The attack falls.

Carmel has a broken wing.

Because Xingying is too strong, and because of Xingying's own beliefs and beliefs, many abilities belonging to gods will be invalidated or greatly weakened when they fall on Xingying.

Baili Yuan yelled awesome.

What kind of materialist is this beating up all ghosts and monsters.

Because of the symbol on Xingying's back, Xingying's power of faith has a special effect.

Bailiyuan felt that even his Ultraman's idealism would be weakened a lot in the face of his ability.

When he met Xingying last night, he still underestimated him.

Before this Xingying became a hero, the composition really made people care.

The Chancellor looked up at the battle in the sky.

He hadn't seen Xingying make a full shot in decades.

In a trance, he recalled the appearance of the star shadow when it came to this world - a blue broken cloth, seriously injured on the verge of death, thin but strong, with a red star on the hat on the head.

When he was dying, he was still whispering that he wanted to return to the battlefield, because his comrades needed him.

Who would have thought that the weak, not brave man at all, who was once abandoned, would grow to where he is today.

Kamel was suppressed and extremely angry.

"Mortal, you offended me! Bear the price!"

Kamel stretched out his hand to Xingying, and a force burst out.


Nothing happened.

"Stupid God, are you thinking, why am I not under your control when I was summoned with a divine formation?"


"Because I have comrades! What I can't do, of course someone can do it for me! The shackles that your gods use to exploit and oppress the brave are useless!"

The Chancellor took off his glasses and wiped them.

Who wasn't a God-chosen prophet when he was young?

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