Chapter 3345 The old king: I'm just an old man with no power to restrain a chicken

"Huh? The Demon King is still alive?" Lafite instantly woke up from being moved.

Della punched Lafite on the head, causing a big bag on Lafite's head.

"Lafite, don't read the script, you are talking about the plot of "The Love of Princess Rose and the Snow Prince"!"

As a girlfriend, Della knows exactly which scripts her girlfriends have read.

"Is that so?" Lafite rubbed his head.

"Did you forget that you cried so much after watching it in the middle of the night?"


"What are you doing?!"

Flavo blushed, feeling ashamed in her heart.

She actually believed such an outrageous story.

Angelina narrowed her eyes and asked seriously, "Is the Killing Demon King alive?"

"Also, what happened at that time? Why did His Majesty the King give birth to a child with the Demon King, and the brave man was sealed?" Georgia then asked.

The king said slowly, "Didn't I say it before, I like my grandmother..."

"Don't stress this matter!" Angelina waved her hands hastily.

"Well, then I fell in love with the Slaughter King who invaded my country, so..."

The girls swallowed, looking forward to the development of the story.

"So, after defeating the Killing Demon King, I captured her back and made her my queen."

"As a king, it's reasonable to rob the devil and have everything the loser has."

Beaver, it's just too beaver... What a fart!

The three views of girls have been refreshed.

Refresh the impression of the old king again.

Just came to the country of snow removal: the king of this country is King Ren - just met the old king: the poor old king may be manipulated by the devil - learn the truth and communicate with the old king: this old king is not serious - the old king tells Everything: The old man is very bad!

"Speaking of which, when I brought Xiao Shasha back just now, Xiao Shasha always wanted to plot against me. Later, after we had a few crystallizations of love, she gradually became gentler, and she became more and more like a good wife and mother. Well." The old king stroked his beard and smiled happily.


Mayo is not the only co-author of the child, is he?

Bailiyuan: Sure enough, you can't underestimate human beings.

The girls looked at Maoo again.

Mao looked at the old king adoringly, "My future man will either be like my father, who will defeat me and bring me back to have children, or I will defeat the man I like and arrest him to give birth to children!"

It's over, the child is crooked.

"Then, I don't know where the Killing Demon King is now?" Georgia asked.

"Oh, Xiaoshasha, she took the eldest and second child back to the abyss to grab the family property. My father-in-law, who had never met, was summoned to another world once, and was killed suddenly, leaving a big family property. Designate an heir, so don't let it go."

The girls had nothing to say again.

"What about the brave?" Georgia asked, pointing to the seal on the ground.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer stepped forward.

"Let me answer it for you."

With that said, the Minister of Finance raised his hand, and the power of the law of time emerged in his hand.


The screen changes.

Time actually started to turn backwards!

"It's time magic!" Georgia exclaimed.

The girls looked at the Chancellor in shock.

"It's just a trick." The Minister of Finance said, his expression didn't change at all, and he was still so rigid that it was impossible to judge whether he was pretending to be coercive or stating the facts.

However, in the impression of the girls, the means of touching time are all very advanced.

And those who can use time magic must be strong!


The Minister of Finance is also a supreme powerhouse!

It can't compare to the old king, the pinnacle of supremacy.

He is only level 98.

The scene goes back to the day when the hero was summoned.

Because the time was too long, the girls could only see a pitch-black figure, but they could vaguely determine the identity of the figure.

The old king sat on a stone throne.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer presides over the summons.

In the light, the hero was summoned and appeared in the magic circle.

However, after a few seconds, the brave man suddenly and fiercely flew towards the old king, intending to attack him.

The Minister of Finance made a timely move and stopped the brave man.

After some fighting, the Minister of Finance sealed the brave man with his strength.

Backtracking ends.

The scene around everyone changed back to what it was at the moment.

Georgia analyzed: "So, the brave attacked the king, so that's why the brave was sealed?"

"That's right." The old king nodded, still with lingering fear, "No one knew that the summoned brave would attack me on its own initiative. Later, in order to appease the people, I had to put on the armor of the brave and bring Leading the Minister of Finance, pretending to be a brave man, to attack the Demon King."

——Then you captured the Demon King and gave birth to cubs, right?

The girls slandered in their hearts.

Thinking of the chancellor of finance who can seal even a brave man and defeat a murderer, it shouldn't be a problem.

Where did this bad old man recruit such an awesome chancellor of the exchequer?

The girls felt that the king relied on the finance minister to defeat the devil.

Bailiyuan suspected that it was the old king who raised his hand and pinched the devil's head, asking if the devil would go back and have a baby with him, or be arrested and go back to have a baby with him.

"The truth of everything is like this. As you can see, our snow-removing country is very weak. As the king, I am just an old man with no strength. I just want to lead my family to live in peace, so I can no longer Are you holding on to the matter of Mayo?"

Girls: Weak?

Bailiyuan: What a powerless man! It turned out to be on par with Ben Daju!

In the end, the girls still sighed and chose to let it go.

"All right."

It doesn't matter if you don't let it go.

Let's not talk about how strong the finance minister who can "single brush" the devil is.

That Mayo, it seemed that the girls couldn't deal with it together.

Working together before but failing to kill Mayo, one can tell that Mayo's strength is not as simple as it seems.

"We did not come to the Land of Snow Elimination to attack the Demon King, not to mention that Princess Mayo is a member of the royal family of the Land of Snow Elimination." Della stood up and said, "The real purpose of our visit this time is to inquire about God, Information about the Demon King and the Abomination.”

"So that's how it is." The old king nodded, "I don't know much about God either...but the royal library stores all the knowledge and books of the Snow Removing Kingdom, you can go there and look for them. There are many ancient books, maybe you will gain something."

The girls showed joyful expressions.

"Then thank you, Your Majesty the King."

The old king nodded, and said to Mao: "Mao, you can accompany them to the library to read books, I think you can become friends."

"Okay, father." Although Mao was unwilling, she did not refute, she trusted her father very much.

Mao left with the girls.

Before leaving, Bailiyuan looked at the box on the stone table beside the old king.

Wait until Mayo and the girls leave.

The Chancellor frowned.

"That familiar seems to have noticed the box."

"It doesn't matter, we can't hide in front of that person, this may be our chance..." The old king didn't care at all, and then the old king changed the subject: "Minister, tell me, should we allocate some money for I will build the palace, otherwise the honored guests will come, and this shabby palace is really rude."

The chancellor looked at the old king and refused decisively: "Impossible!"

"Your Majesty, if there is nothing wrong, this subordinate will leave first, and this subordinate will go to count the national financial revenue of this year's fishing festival."

Then the chancellor left.

The old king heaved a long sigh.

If he could, he didn't want to live in such a "simple" way. Who made his own finance minister really stingy.

Isn't it just that when we were adventuring together, we spent a few times of money indiscriminately and let him eat steamed buns and pickles for decades.

Now they are all sitting on the wealth of a country, is it still like this?

Does he have what is called, PTSD syndrome? Or is it called PUA syndrome?

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