Chapter 3343 Lao Deng, I see you have been upset for a long time

The Slayer Lord was defeated again.

Bailiyuan felt that she was defeated a little casually.

Moreover, the performance of killing the demon king is not like a serious demon king. After all, there is no decent demon king who keeps his hands when fighting.

The Slayer isn't dead, he's just gone.

But there is no need to delve into it, and we will talk about it later.

Seeing that the Slaughter Demon King didn't kill a single person, but just killed a group of snow fish, he spared her life.

The fishing festival returned to normal.

The girls became heroes and were warmly received and treated like heroes by the townspeople.

It also solved the misunderstanding that Angelina was wronged.

on the beach.

The mayor sincerely apologized to the girls.

"I'm very sorry, I was deceived by the devil, and I wronged a few heroes before. If there is something that needs to be done by me as an old man, the heroes can forgive me. Please be sure to bring it up. Don't pity me just because I am an old man. "

The mayor's posture was very low, looking pitiful and innocent.

A soft-hearted person may mean that he was also deceived, so just forgive him.

The girls have seen through everything—this Lao Deng wants to be kidnapped morally!

What can the girls do?

"Well, everything is the fault of the Demon Slayer. There is no unresolvable grievance, so let's settle our grievances in one meal. Needless to say, it's all in the meal." Lafite smiled, and then put the grievances she made The plate of food was placed in front of the mayor.

The mayor smiled, "In this case..."

Then he saw and looked at the delicious food in front of him.

Isn't this the dish in the game? ! !

Let me eat?

The mayor's expression froze, he looked up at Lafite who was smiling kindly, and suddenly felt cold hands and feet.

They were afraid they wanted him to die!

This young man is so vicious?

" old and has a bad appetite." The mayor wanted to back off.

Angelina and Fravor flashed behind the mayor, one left and one right, and pressed the mayor's shoulders on both sides, smiling.

"Mayor, didn't you say that anything is fine?"

The hands of the two gradually tightened.

Lafite snapped his fingers.

Della stepped forward and opened the mayor's mouth.

Lafite stepped forward with a smile, and began pouring "food" into the mayor's mouth.

"Whether it's fishy or smelly, it's meat when you put it in your mouth. Ollie, do it, mayor!"

Lafite: Lao Deng, I have tolerated you for a long time!

Georgia, who couldn't bear it, looked at Olinson.

"Little angel, isn't this a little bad?"

"What's wrong?" Olinson blinked his eyes and asked with an innocent look, "People who were bewitched by demons in the past would be hung up and burned alive, so why not just give him something to eat?" Now? We're not demons."

Georgia: "This, is this an angel?"

Tears flowed from the corners of the mayor's eyes.

It is said that the mayor never ate seabass again.


Because of the killing of the Demon King.

The girls followed the remaining knights to the capital.

In this way, the girls had a chance to meet the king.

after today.

A group of people entered the capital.

Although the king's capital of the Land of Snow Elimination is not particularly luxurious, it still gives people a feeling of happiness and freedom.

"This country is really good. Maybe I can come to this country when I get old and live in seclusion." Georgia couldn't help sighing.

Flavor nodded Georgia's forehead with a smile, "We're only teenagers, don't keep saying such old-fashioned things."

"Haha, it will take at least a few hundred years for you to grow old. If you can break through the legend and reach a higher level, then you don't know when you will be old." Malkart laughed.

"A realm above legend?" The girls were very curious.

The girls know that there is a realm above the legend, but they rarely hear about the specific situation of that realm.

"I'll tell you after you break through the legend, otherwise you won't understand." Malkart didn't say much.

The strength of the girls after transformation has already touched the threshold of this world legend.

If nothing else, it is inevitable for girls to become legends.

It won't be too late to explain the realm beyond legend to the girls at that time.

Soon, led by the knights, the girls came to the stone palace.

Compared with the palace in Angelina's house, this stone palace looks a little crude, but it is taller and does not show its beauty and dignity.

"Heroes please wait in the side hall, I will go to inform the king." A knight said.

"Thank you, Your Excellency, Knight."

Baili Yuan scanned the palace, his eyes turned golden.

"This king is interesting."

The girls didn't have to wait long.

Soon someone came out and told the girls to go in, and the king wanted to see them.

And when the girls saw the figure who came out to inform, they all felt like they were facing a big enemy.

Because of the wearing of that armor...

It's the Knight Commander!

"Come in, the king wants to see you," said the knight commander.

"You are, the new knight commander? Right?" Georgia asked tentatively.

The knight commander didn't reply, but let out a familiar laughter to the girls.

"Jie jie jie..."



royal palace.


The girls were fully armed and entered the hall vigilantly.

It's like entering a magic cave.

Nonsense, the killing devil is here, no matter how you think about it, this palace is not normal.

If it weren't for Baili Yuan's confidence, the girls would never have entered the palace, who knows if there will be traps inside?

The stone hall is unexpectedly plain and simple.

There is no special decoration, and there are torches on both sides for lighting. The most characteristic place is the center of the hall, engraved with a sealed magic circle.

Georgia looked at the magic circle and whispered to everyone: "This is the summoning magic circle..."

"To be precise, it is the magic circle used to summon the brave, but it is currently blocked." A steady voice came.

The girls looked at the master who spoke.

It was a man with a moustache in a fancy dress.

Being watched by the girls, the man introduced himself, "I am the Minister of Finance of the Land of Snow Removal. The king is already waiting for you. He will answer all your doubts. Don't be nervous."

The Minister of Finance looked businesslike and seemed to be a meticulous person.

Led by the Minister of Finance, the girls came before the king.

On a comfortable throne sits the king, a sleepy-looking old man in red finery.

The knight commander stood obediently aside.

On the stone table on one side, there was a wooden box the size of a human head, and it was unknown what was inside.

"This... is the king of the country that eliminates snow?"

The girls were surprised.

The benevolent king of the Land of Snow Removal turned out to be an old man who looks like dementia?

And the Demon King is by his side.

There is also the blocked brave summoning circle.

No matter how you look at it, the king is controlled by the devil, the brave is sealed, and the country is controlled by the devil.

But why is the snow-removing country controlled by the devil so peaceful?

Could it be that the cruel rule of the devil is actually the rule of "you must work eight hours a day, five days a week, rest only on statutory holidays, and each person can only be allocated a 50-square-meter room"?

"Are you saying I'm demented?" the king said, looking up, squinting his eyes as if he had presbyopia.

"You can read minds?"

The girls hurriedly backed away, all surprised.

"Your thoughts are written on your face." The old king said flatly.

Without the kindness of the old man, and without false pretense, the old king faced the five girls with the attitude of ordinary people.

Finally, the old king's eyes met Baili Yuan's.

They both sensed each other's extraordinaryness.

They had the same idea at the same time.

"It's God!" ×2

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