Chapter 3338 Fishing Legend

Fishing festival, the second day.

On the beach along the coast, a large number of platforms have been built.

The mayor stood at the highest point, holding a loudspeaker in his hand, and shouted to the town residents and foreign tourists surrounding him: "Fathers, folks, young and old, girls and wives, the exciting second day of activities is about to begin! !"

The crowd cheers.

Residents dress unexpectedly boldly today, too.

Although most of the residents by the seaside wear cool clothes, today, the residents' clothes are not only bold, but also beautiful.

Men are all a pair of shorts or trousers, with various advertisements or monster patterns printed on the pants, as if in this way, the lower body can get some kind of blessing.

The woman is wearing swimsuits with styles that span the world—children's one-piece swimsuits, girls' one-piece swimsuits, mature women's bikinis, aunts' three-point swimsuits...

In fact, it's normal to think about it.

Don't forget, there are many brave men summoned from different worlds in this world.

These brave men from different worlds naturally brought a lot of customs and technologies from other worlds.

For example, the collector's edition that the male swordsman sacrificed to Bailiyuan before is obviously not something that should be available in the mage world under normal circumstances.

Most brave men may not be good at mathematics, physics and chemistry, and cannot help the mage world climb the technology tree, but they definitely have their own flowers.

"There are 18 kinds of activities in this town, all of which revolve around seabass, including fishing, slaughtering, cooking...etc. The judges for all the activities and competitions, except the mayor of the town and the flower shop proprietress who are the same as in previous years , the owner of the blacksmith shop, the adventurer's guild kanban lady, and the knight commander from the palace, everyone applauds and welcomes!"

clap clap clap -

Sitting right in the middle of the judges' table was the knight commander whose identity was exposed last night.

He, no, it should be her, put on the knight commander's armor again at this moment, sitting in front of everyone as if nothing had happened.

In the crowd, Della and the others stared angrily at the knight commander.

"That guy!" Fulavo gritted her teeth angrily in her heart.

Angelina also had a sullen face, "Hmph, it will definitely not make her feel better!"

Della took a deep breath and looked at everyone.

"Everyone, we are proceeding according to plan."


The girls all nodded vigorously.

By the way, the girls didn't hide their identities much, at most they simply changed their hairstyles.

After all, what happened last night, no one else knew that the girls had been arrested, and the only ones who remembered the girls were the prison guards, except for the knight commander and the members of the patrol team.

Next is registration time.

Teenage girls don't choose to put all their eggs in one basket.

Five people, sign up for five projects.

Angelina - Seabass Catching Project.

Flavo - seabass slaughter project.

Georgia - Seabass Identification Program.

Lafite - Seabass Cooking Project.

Della - Seabass Tasting Project.

The first is the seabass fishing project.

Introduction: Seabass catching, contestants use various means to catch seabass, requiring the seabass to be complete and fresh, and the one who catches the most amount of seabass within the specified time will win.

The players gathered on the shore, ready to go.

Angelina also stood among them, putting on a bold bikini.

In order to win, the players use their own means.

Ordinary players are holding fishing nets.

Senior players hold magic props.

Top players... choose to summon familiars to assist in the battle.

Not all mages participated in the event, there were quite a few of them, and most of them were local mages from the snow-removing country.

"For this competition, I spent ten years and learned a water-type forbidden spell. Today, I will be the one to make a big splash!"

"Hahaha, my familiar is a sea hound, but a natural sea hunter. I have won this match, and I am going to meet the king!"

"Hmph! My deep-sea sea otter is not weaker than a beast in its life, and fishing is the strong point of the deep-sea sea otter!"

"A group of hateful mages, today, let you experience them, with the hands of mortals, they can stand shoulder to shoulder with mages!"

The atmosphere is almost there.

The mayor waved.

"Game start!"


Crowds rush to the seabass in the sea.

In the past few days, the seabass are like crucian carp crossing the river, and the number is extremely large.

Even if there are still people fishing wildly on the other side, there is no shortage of seabass for competition here.

The fishing speed of ordinary players using fishing nets is naturally not as good as those using magic props.

However, the survival rate of seabass caught with fishing nets is higher than that of players who use magic props.

At this time.

"Water-type forbidden spell, Tianlong absorbs water!"

A mage directly activated the prepared water-type forbidden spell.

A huge waterspout rises from the sea, rolling up countless seabass.

Sure enough, the mage's operation shocked everyone.

"This, this turned out to be a forbidden spell? Isn't only legends able to use forbidden spells? How did he do it?"

Even the girls were shocked.

The mage laughed.

"Hahahaha, I am a high-level mage of the water system, remember my name, my name is...champion, it's me!"

Tianlong sucked water and rolled a large amount of seabass ashore, piled it on the beach, and soon became a hill.

The other players were desperate.

"How do you catch up!"

"Too rambunctious!"

"Wait, something's wrong..."

Someone squinted.

The water mage looked at the judging panel.

"Mayor, announce the champion!"

Just when the water mage was at his happiest, the mayor just said indifferently: "What are you barking at?"

Water Mage: "?"

The mayor raised his hand.

"Didn't you realize that the seabass you caught couldn't bear the power of the forbidden curse at all, and they all died?"


The water mage turned pale with shock.

The catching requirements are complete and fresh seabass.

"Hmph, if it wasn't for this competition, I would have expelled you from the town!" the mayor added angrily.

These seabass are all wasted!

Then the mayor began to contact the merchants to take away the batch of seabass.

The price of dead seabass should be reduced by at least half, which made the mayor feel so heartbroken that he couldn't breathe.

Frustrated, the water mage bent forward and threw himself on the beach.

On the contrary, some nobles stepped forward, trying to win over this rare talent who can use forbidden spells at the stage of senior mages.

However, for water mages, forbidden spells are not used for fishing, so that would be meaningless.

So the water mage rejected all the invitations, and before leaving, he spoke cruelly to the mayor.

"Thirty years of Haidong, thirty years of Haixi, don't bully the middle-aged and poor! Just wait, even if it takes another ten years, I will improve this forbidden spell. By then, I will make you speechless!" Word!"

In this way, the future legend of seaside fishing began his own journey to become a legend.

It's just that things are different. When he entered the legend and improved the forbidden spell, he returned to the town, only to find that the old mayor, who was an ordinary person, had already passed away.

The legend can only use the forbidden spell to rain a rain of snow fish to express respect for the "old opponent".

That day, the grave of the old mayor was full of seabass.

The game continues.

The water mages left, and the next ones to show their talents were those mages who let the magicians help them.

The reason why the rules of the game allow these super-standard means to be used.

It's because all the seabass caught in the competition belong to the town, and all the money sold goes to the town. Of course, the more the better!

"Sea hound, come on!"

"Deep-sea sea otter, don't lose to him!"

at this time.

A dragon roar suppressed all voices.

"Dragon, it's a giant dragon!"

"There is someone on the dragon, it's a girl!"

Everyone looked up.

Melkart, soaring in the sky, Angelina, sitting on the back of a dragon.

Angelina on the back of the dragon turned her head and looked at the Knight Commander, her eyes seemed to say - I`m back. (I'm back!)

Then, like a seabird, Melkart swooped down into the sea, and when he got up again, his mouth was full of fish.

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