Chapter 3336 Prison at the Speed ​​of Light

the next day.

The town suddenly became lively.

Early in the morning, the girls were lying on the window on the second floor of the hotel, watching the bustling crowd on the street outside.

"Why is it so festive today? Is there any celebration today?" Flavo was a little puzzled.

Soon, the girls figured out the situation from the communication among the crowd on the street.

"Today is the fishing festival?"

The reason why seabass is precious is not only because of the deliciousness of seabass, but also because of the treasure of seabass.

Although seabass can be caught all year round in the Land of Snow Elimination, the production of seabass was very low in the past, and the catch was just random.

Only at this time of the year can there be a large number of seabass, and it is also the fattest day of the year.

It is a great day for fishermen to catch seabass.

So there is a fishing festival, which lasts for three days.

Not only the citizens of the whole country will participate, but the royal family will also send representatives to various towns to preside over the festival.

The big businessmen from the outside world arrived even earlier. Staying by the sea, snapping up fresh seabass caught and bringing them outside is a huge fortune.

The price of local seabass will not decrease because of the increase in the quantity of seabass, but will rise instead.

"Unfortunately, in the fishing festival, only the citizens of the country that eliminates snow can fish at will. Foreigners participate, and the snow fish caught must be handed in at the end, because snow fish belongs to the property of the country that eliminates snow, and you can get up to two Buy coupons. However, there are various competitions on the second day of the Fishing Festival, and foreigners are allowed to participate. If they can win, they will even have the opportunity to meet the king of the snow-removing country and get rewards from the king."

Georgia held a handbook and read.

"Georgia, what are you looking at?" Lafite asked curiously.

"Oh, this." Georgia closed the brochure and held it up. "This is what I saw in the hotel lobby. It's a free travel brochure for the Land of Snow Removal."

"Is there a chance to meet the king? Perhaps, this is the best way for us to obtain information from the king without revealing our identities." Angelina's eyes revealed surprise.

Della looked outside, and suddenly said, "Look, the representative of the royal family is here."

The girls poked their heads out to look.

On the street, everyone separated to make way for a wide road.

A group of knights came, headed by a heroic figure riding a tall horse, wearing gorgeous armor all over the body, covering his face.

"This fishing festival in this town will be managed by the Knight Commander of the Royal Guard!"

A knight shouted to the surroundings.

The mayor of the small town appeared and spoke first, respectfully welcoming: "Welcome the Royal Guard Knight Commander!"

The townspeople also cheered.

"Ah, the knight commander is so handsome! I want to give birth to him!"

"Knight Commander, look at me~"

"Tch, I thought it was the king, I haven't seen the king for a long time..."

"The king is a bad old man, what do you think he is doing?"

"People like people who don't take a bath when they are old!"


Flowers and cheers came from both sides.

The girls tried their best to come forward one by one, with spring faces on their faces, and there were a few widows and aunts among them.

The cold armor of the knights was covered with flowers.

No members of the royal family showed up, just the arrival of the knight commander to get such a welcome.

It can be seen that the top leaders of this country are indeed very popular with the people.

And between the two parties, get along well.

It is rare.

The five girls on the second floor were all a little emotional.

The knight commander led the team and walked through the hotel.

Suddenly, the knight commander seemed to sense something, and looked up to the second floor of the hotel.

The helmet covered the knight commander's face, but the girls could still feel the knight commander's gaze.

Just when the girls were about to greet the knight commander.


The girls turned around.

See Georgia blushing, and her vibrating panties.

Georgia hurriedly took out the vibrating thing from the pocket under the skirt.

It was the golden bottle that sealed the bloodthirsty demon.

The bottle vibrated in Georgia's hands.

"Why does the bottle vibrate?" Georgia was surprised.

"Could it be..." The girls suddenly came to their senses, their expressions changed immediately, they turned their heads hastily, and looked out the window again.

On the street outside the window.

The knight commander had already rode away.

The bottle doesn't vibrate anymore either.

The girls were sad.

That knight commander, something is wrong!


"I declare that the fishing festival in this town has officially begun!" The mayor stood on a high platform by the sea and announced loudly.

Townspeople cheered loudly.

Witnessed by the knight commander, the day's fishing festival went smoothly.

On the hot seashore, a large number of seabass were caught and sold to merchants on the spot.

Della and several girls were mixed in the crowd, seemingly playing, but they were not far away from each other, faintly surrounding the knight commander who was watching from the high platform.

He was also secretly observing what the knight commander was doing.

The girls soon discovered that no matter what happened, the knight commander would not say a word, let alone show any emotion. He just wore a helmet and watched everything silently.

It looks even weirder.

The sun was setting.

Everyone's enthusiasm has not diminished, but everyone still returns to the town as soon as possible to recharge their batteries and prepare for tomorrow's activities.

The mayor of the small town led people and warmly entertained the arriving knights.


After the rest of the knights went to rest because of drinking. The knight commander quietly walked out of the residence alone, fully armed, without disturbing anyone.

In the small town at night, it seems quiet, only bars and squares, and people are partying.

Patrols perform their duties and keep the town safe.

The knight commander walked alone, bypassing the patrol, and walked into a dark alley.


Footsteps sounded in the darkness ahead of the knight commander.

The knight commander stopped and looked forward.

A figure stopped in front of the knight commander.

"Chief Knight, it's so late, where are you going alone?" the figure asked aloud.

"Just wandering around, what's up?"

Under the knight commander's helmet, there was a muffled sound, making it hard to distinguish between men and women.

"Walk around? I don't think so. Otherwise, why would you bypass the patrol?"

The figure stepped out of the darkness.

It was Della in battle uniform!

The knight commander noticed Della's unkind tone, and immediately became vigilant, holding the hilt of the sword at his waist with one hand.

"what are you up to?"

"Stop pretending, you are a demon!" Della asked directly.

Hearing that his identity was called out, sure enough, the knight commander was not calm.

"what are you saying……"

He quibbled on his lips, but in fact his body had already started to move, and he was about to rush forward and control Della.

A voice suddenly sounded from above.

"Holy Light Cross!"

The huge Holy Cross of Light fell from the sky.

in the dark sky.

Malcarter grew bigger and was carrying Rafi and Angelina, with Olinson swinging a hammer and attacking.

Lafite praised loudly: "Olinson, well done!"

Angelina: "Malkart, prepare to attack!"

Malcarter made an appearance of attacking.

"No, there is an ambush! Are you going to destroy the town?" The knight commander exclaimed.

It turned out to be an ambush!

But the knight commander still reacted quickly.

Draw your sword and fight back.

The sword light cut out, wiped out the Holy Light Cross, and then rushed to the sky, interrupting Malkat's charged attack.

But this is not a killer move!

This is just a feint to attract attention for the ultimate move!

A force struck from behind, instantly suppressing the knight commander, causing the knight commander to kneel on the ground, unable to resist.

"This, this power actually restrains the power of the devil..." The knight turned pale with shock.

In the rear, Georgia appeared there, holding up the golden bottle in her hand.

Through a day's research, Georgia has initially figured out how to use the golden bottle.

"The power on this bottle can suppress the devil, you are suppressed, devil, you have been exposed!" Georgia said coldly.

A demon actually infiltrated the high-level officials of the Land of Snow Removal, and even became the knight commander of the imperial guards!

This is definitely not good news.

Flavo rushed out from the darkness, brandishing the long sword in his hand, shouting in a cold voice.

"Devil, your conspiracy ends here, show your true face!"

"No, don't come here!" The knight commander shouted in horror.

The figures passed by.

Flavo is handsome and withdraws his sword.


The knight commander's armor was cut to pieces, revealing + the real body of the devil.


A soft voice appeared.

The girls looked.

Seeing that the real devil in the armor is...

A little girl with torn clothes in her arms, her delicate body half exposed, and tears in her eyes.

She looks like a young girl.

Girls: "???"

Young girl: "No, don't, oh..."

The town patrol happened to pass by.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Then everyone in the patrol team saw the young girl who had been stripped naked.

The eyes of everyone in the patrol team gradually changed.

"You actually..."

that's all.

Girls go to prison at the speed of light.

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