Chapter 3334 Angel Gods

The mage world also has its own gods and related systems.

There are still many.

Including Lord of Angels, Moon God, Dragon God, Sea God, Thor, God of War, God of War...etc.

Legend has it that these gods live in their own world.

Beliefs and rituals related to these gods can always be found on the mainland.

Heavenly Angels are one of them. Once came to the world and was sacrificed by human beings.

Olinson is the infant angel of heaven.

The ancestors of the Lafite family were the family that enshrined angels.

Therefore, it was reasonable for Lafite to summon Olinson as a familiar.

However, with the development of the times, in the nearly ten thousand years of the mage world, few gods have appeared, and even the existence of many gods has almost become a legend.

Coupled with the improvement of the practice system of modern humans, the mage system prospered and became the leader of the social system, and mages deepened their exploration, understanding and cognition of the world. It is easier for human beings to acquire supernatural power and become more powerful.

Human thoughts and ideas are gradually changing.

The so-called gods are just powerful creatures with special powers.

Angels can only be regarded as a special kind of monster.

Otherwise, how could angels be summoned by people as familiars?

Shouldn’t God be on top?

Changes in concepts have also affected the division of biological types in the mage world.

In the past, there were four categories—God, Human, Demihuman, and Monster.

Now there are two types—people and monsters.

Demihumans are classified as monsters just like gods.

Because when a mage summons a familiar, the probability of summoning a demihuman is higher than that of a legendary god.

It may have been hundreds of years before an angel could be summoned by a mage as a familiar.

Generally, within a few years, a mage will be able to summon them as a familiar.

As long as it is a creature that can be summoned by a mage as a familiar, it can be called a monster.

The division is simple and crude.

It is also a manifestation of power that breeds arrogance for human beings.

But obviously, this division is very problematic.

At least gods really existed, otherwise gods would not have appeared.

The demihumans are also fundamentally different from the monsters in the forest.

In fact, mages have also begun to realize this problem.

Because it is said that when a mage summoned a familiar, he summoned a human being.

Including humans in another world, as well as humans in this world.

Some mages began to reflect on whether there was something wrong with the magic of summoning familiars.

But that's the problem of this world.

Opposite to God is the Demon Lord from the abyss.

Legend has it that whenever a demon king of the abyss comes to the world, there will be gods who will lead mankind and summon brave men to fight against the demon king together.

in this era.

The so-called Abyssal Demon Lord would appear occasionally, but no god appeared.

Humans found that some weaker demon kings could be dealt with by themselves.

Those powerful demon kings, human beings can summon brave men by themselves, and then fight against the demon kings together.

Even an effect like the Country of Dispelling Snow can summon heroes.

As for the brave, they are a group of visitors from another world.

Often in the process of traveling through the world, some powerful and special abilities can be obtained.

It is said that those brave men who are summoned by the gods can get help from the gods.

The above is the information that the girls surveyed, most of which are related to God.

The Abyss Demon King and the Brave are partly related to God.


"In the era I lived in, there was only one type of god in this world, and that was angels. But the angels I know are different from the little angel in front of you." The bloody demon pouted at Olinson, "Although He also has powers similar to those of those angels, but in terms of existence, they are fundamentally different."

"Angel, is there any other appearance?" Lafite was very surprised.

"The angels I know are all wearing holy light and have a pair of wings behind them." The bloody demon said.

"Then isn't this Olinson?" Flavor frowned, feeling that the bloody demon was talking nonsense.

"Of course not. Those angels are gods. The young angel in your team is at most a living creature. I suspect that this little angel may be a degenerated version of those angels, or a creature that has inherited the power of an angel." The bloody demon knew Say nothing.

"God? Creature?"

The girls were still puzzled.

Even Olinson was at a loss.

He doesn't remember that there are other angels in heaven.

Perhaps, it is also related to the fact that Olinson was young and hadn't been exposed to too many secrets of the heavens. He even half-understands some common sense of the heavens.

But Bailiyuan understood.

The bloody demon refers to angels who are gods and angels who are creatures.

It is completely two kinds of existence.

Because there is a race of angels as creatures in the big world, and they look very similar to angels like Olinson.

The three abilities of light, fire, and sacred are the three abilities that most angelic races are best at.

It corresponds to the legend that angels are symbols of justice and will burn evil.

But these angels are just creatures.

"The angels you mentioned aren't like Olinson. What do they look like?" Georgia asked curiously.

The bloody demon grinned, "Anyway, just like our demons, they are all weird and in charge of different abilities. Some have big eyes with two wings, and some are big trees with wings. The weirdest thing I've ever seen is the long The big cock with two wings is said to be an angel in charge of that ability."

"You are not allowed to insult angels!" Olinson became angry immediately, and holy light gushed out from his body.

"Death, death, death..." the bloody demon shouted for help.

Fortunately, Angelina stopped Olinson, preventing Olinson from attacking the bloody demon.

After finally catching a demon who knew a lot of things, he couldn't just kill him like this.

In the mouth of the bloody demon.

Bailiyuan and the girls also had a new understanding of the existence of angels.

It's just that I can't imagine for a while, what kind of existence state are those angel gods.

"Angels are a type of god, and this type of god is governed by an existence called the Lord. Whether it is an angel created by the Lord or an angel enlightened by the Lord, it will grow a pair of white wings, and at the same time have the power of the Holy Department. , very much against us demons. Because under the leadership of the Lord, the angels enforce an order called 'absolute justice', which is exactly the opposite of the 'absolute evil' nature of our demons, so we often have conflicts."

The further back he went, the more unhappy the bloody demon became, and he finally spit.

Olinson immediately raised the hammer, this time it took Angelina, Fravor and Lafite together to stop Olinson who was about to attack.

Olinson: "Let go of me, I want to fight him hard!"

"Submit it." The bloody demon hurriedly begged for mercy, then shut his mouth obediently.

Although Olinson is not those angel gods, his power still restrains bloody demons.

If there is no connection between them, the bloody demon would not believe it even if he was killed.

Olinson was furious this time because the bloody demon mentioned "lord".

These angels also follow the Lord.

Even if Olinson never saw the Lord.

"The devil dares to directly call the existence of the Lord, sin deserves death, sin deserves death!" Olinson shouted loudly.

Lafite hugged Olinson tightly, and at the same time comforted: "Calm down, calm down, he didn't do it on purpose."

Olinson was furious, and shouted at Bailiyuan: "Master Michael, please say something!"

Baili Yuan, who was watching the play, blinked her cat's eyes.


Does this have anything to do with him?

Speaking of which, my own strength is mainly inherited from the two angels——

Battle Angel - Michael.

Angel of the Moon - Sariel.

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