Chapter 3327 Ming Family's Choice

Emperor Zhao ascended the throne and became the fourth emperor.

Under the leadership of the Ming family, all members of parliament and major families have no objectors.

Because the opponents completely disappeared under the iron and blood methods of the Ming family.

For the first time in the empire, the Ming family showed the strength of their own family.

With the support of the Ming family, Emperor Zhao ascended the throne very smoothly.

As for the other princes and princesses, they all have places to go.

Those who did not rebel were either sent to the territory, or stayed in the imperial capital to help Emperor Zhao manage the country.

There was a reason for the rebellion, the death penalty was inevitable, and the living crime was inevitable, so they were all demoted to exile.

Di Yutian and Feng Xueming were exiled to the edge of the galaxy, led the legion to open up wasteland, and made up for their mistakes. You can return after two hundred years as a commoner.

Di Yao was rescued, but considering her age, she was demoted to a commoner, and went to the countryside to grow oranges with Mu Che.

But after all, she was a former imperial daughter, so it's okay to be rich all her life, and no one would dare to underestimate Di Yao.

The rebellion was not executed, which means many things.

However, because of Mu Che's perverted hobbies, Mu Che was monitored by the empire. Once Mu Che was found to be breaking the law, he would be destroyed humanely.

Di Zhao and Di Yao used to be competitors, but they were also sisters.

Mu Che yelled that he was wronged, saying that he was just a pervert, not a criminal.

What's wrong with liking loli?

Loli is so cute, how could he hurt her!

It's a pity, not to mention the imperial police, the Empress of the Empire doesn't even believe it.

The royal issue is dealt with, and then the sect issue.

The Imperial National Blue God Sect was banned.

The Protestant religion, the God of Light, was established as the new state religion.

Enshrined is a statue of a giant and three statues of monsters.

By the way, the giant statue is holding a water jug ​​in its hand.

Bailiyuan: Little Ming, don't say that big brother doesn't take care of you.

God of Fate: 6.

The purpose of the sect is "love and peace, light and justice".

Under the guidance of the sect, peaceful development has become the new direction of the empire.

The church has only nuns.

Don't ask why.

God likes it.

The nuns practice the meditation of light and master the psionic power of light. The spiritual power of light has healing, recovery, attack, defense and other abilities, and the effect is quite comprehensive.

What is shocking is that the nuns in the church are all concubines of the late emperor.

These concubines in the harem were originally corrupted by the queen's desire and evil spirit, and each of them began to distort, and they were not human.

After being captured by Magahai Pajton's death scythe, he was imprisoned in the home space.

Bailiyuan used his own light to cleanse the filth from the bodies of these concubines, saved them, and restored them to their human appearance.

Therefore, he gained the faith of the concubines.

Di Zhao didn't intend to welcome these "little mothers" back to the palace.

In the end, Bailiyuan sent him to his own church.

After all, they are all the women of the first emperor, and the worst is that they still have charm, and they are all eye-catching.

By the way, Bailiyuan taught them the light meditation method developed to ensure that the church also has its own power.

The church does not fight for hegemony, does not interfere in power, and absolutely does not allow anyone to ride on the head of the church and shit.

Does Bailiyuan want no face?

As for the understanding of the creed of the church, it depends on the nuns themselves.

Finally, it is the matter of the empire and Yuncheng.

After Empress IV Di Zhao came to the throne, she issued a decision to lead the empire to conclude an alliance with the "different world" force - Yuncheng.

In the future, the two parties will carry out research in various aspects such as resource exchange, academic discussions, and international students.

Di Yao was selected as one of the first batch of overseas students.

Mu Che accompanied him as an entourage.

Of course, Yuncheng also took over the task of monitoring Muche.

Ming Daoliu resigned as the first member of the council, and led most members of the Ming family to move to Yuncheng, as a representative of the alliance between the empire and Yuncheng.

The remaining members of the Ming family, who are still in the empire, are mainly Ming Boruo, the Ming family trio, and their related family members, as well as some branch members.

Before leaving, Ming Daoliu, as the Patriarch, had to give these juniors a few words.

A small internal meeting was held in a small meeting room of the Ming family.

The meeting was attended by Ming Daoliu, Ming Yan, Ming Muzhen, and Ming Xilong.

As for Ming Boruo, he has been kicked out of the conference room because he did not inherit the fine traditions of the Ming family.

The Ming family left, but Ming Boruo was reused by Di Zhao, and now he is the head of the First Legion.

Ming Yan, Ming Muzhen and Ming Xilong joined the Imperial Capital Guard Corps, Imperial Palace Guard Corps and Dark Guard Corps respectively, becoming the commanders of the three legions.

The Imperial Guard Corps is responsible for the safety of the imperial capital.

The Royal Palace Guard Corps is responsible for defending the palace.

The Dark Guard Corps is Di Zhao's private army, responsible for helping Di Zhao deal with some shady matters.

It can be said that Di Zhao really valued the three of them.

"Old Ancestor, do you really want to leave?" The three were a little bit reluctant.

"Although the new emperor now needs to rely on the Ming family, the Ming family has already shown too many things, and the new emperor has the support of God behind him. Once the new emperor is completely settled on the throne, my Ming family will be the first to be operated on. Instead of being If you are driven away by others, it is better to leave on your own initiative to explore more roads and futures." Ming Daoliu nodded and said, "In the future, you should work hard and don't embarrass the Ming family."

The trio all cried.

"Old Ancestor, take us with you!"

"No, you have already pledged your allegiance to the new emperor. I, Ming Jiaerlang, am I the kind of person who breaks the oath?"

"Old Ancestor..."

The trio was in a hurry.

Ming Daoliu's eyes were a little red, but he still said cruelly: "You guys, stop talking!"

"Old Ancestor, you can leave as soon as you want, but leave some property for us!" Ming Yan shouted loudly.

"That's right, there is nothing but this manor at home!" Ming Muzhen shouted.

"All the murals in the toilet have been taken away, you guys are going too far!" Ming Xilong finally shouted.

Right now, the Ming Family Manor is really a vast expanse of whiteness, and the floor tiles are gone.


Ming Daoliu was a little embarrassed and forced to explain.

"That's not the ancestor. I want to take a big family out to work hard. I need funds. I understand."

The three of them obviously looked in disbelief.

"Old Ancestor~"


"Poor, poor~"

The three began to cry poorly.

Ming Daoliu was also angry.

"If you want money, you need to die! The landlord's house has no food left!"

After some extreme pulling.

The trio only snatched a pair of brand-name shoes from Ming Daoliu.

Ming Daoliu walked away angrily with bare feet.

The trio spit at Ming Daoliu's back.

"This pair of shoes is also a brand name. If you take them to a second-hand store, they should sell well." Ming Muzhen said.

Ming Xilong checked the shoes in his hand, and then became furious instantly.

"Damn, you damn old guy, you're actually wearing a high imitation! Zhuo!"

If it weren't for the fact that they used to eat naka... ahem, save money and save a little money, life would be difficult in the future.

Today's Ming family is still stable.

The trio stared at the direction of Ming Daoliu's departure, and also remained silent for a long time, not regaining consciousness for a long time.

The Ming family withdrew from the empire and went to another world, saying it was to protect themselves, but also to open up a new path for the family.

They were left behind not because they had pledged allegiance to Emperor Zhao. After all, the Ming family didn't take the paper they signed seriously, let alone their verbal allegiance.

The real purpose of leaving the three of them was to leave behind a few seeds.

Everything in the other world is unknown and potentially dangerous.

Once the family in another world is destroyed.

They are the last blood of the Ming family.

The Ming family also had the education of loyalty to the family, but they also educated their offspring to preserve themselves in the face of danger.

As long as anyone can live.

The bloodline of the Ming family will not be completely cut off.

While the three were silent, a figure broke into the manor and broke the silence.

Ming Bo Ruo hurried back, then looked at his manor in shock, and then became furious.

"Who is it? Who robbed my Ming family? Don't even leave the door? Wow, I'm so mad!"

Ming Bo Ruo was furious, and asked Ming Yan and the other three.

"Three uncles, do you know who did this to my Ming family?! I'm going to kill him!"


The Ming family trio looked at Ming Boruo.

Is this really the Ming family's species?

Did you make a mistake in the hospital?

No, in order to prevent this situation, the Ming family gave birth in their own manor, and there was a professional team to deliver the babies!

And as soon as the child is born, a blood test must be done.

The Ming family does not raise wild species from other people's families.

In the end, the Ming trio left without saying a word.

He and Ming Boruo are so simple-minded, they have nothing to talk about.

Only Ming Boruo was left alone, powerless and furious on the spot.


the other side.

Under the leadership of Ming Xin, Ming Daoliu brought a group of members of the Ming family to kneel in front of Baili Yuan with a frenzied look on his face.

"There is only one answer, and our Ming family will dedicate our loyalty to you."

Bailiyuan was a little speechless to Ming Daoliu, a group of members of the Ming family whom he had recruited through Ming Xin's relationship.

To be honest, Bailiyuan didn't want to get involved with this group of sixth children.

The sixth is not the scariest thing, the scariest thing is a group of sixths!

It seemed that Baili Yuan was speechless.

Ming Daoliu offered an item with both hands.

"This is the sincerity of my Ming family."

Bailiyuan looked down.

Let me go, a fragment of authority?

And this fluctuation...

"It's the piece of destiny power lost by the spider mother! It actually fell into the hands of the Ming family?"

Ming Daoliu explained.

"After the ancestors of my Ming family obtained the ability to open up space, they accidentally obtained this item in the process of opening up space. At that time, my ancestors of the Ming family didn't know what this item represented. Now I know, it turns out This item is waiting for your arrival, this is all a choice of fate!"

Wear thousands of clothes and flatter you but not wear them.

Actually, Ming Daoliu didn't lie either.

Before coming, Ming Daoliu predicted it with the shards of destiny authority.

How to do, the Ming family can continue to continue.

The guidance given by the Fragment of Destiny Authority is - go to God and donate the fragment.


Isn't that Bailiyuan!

Bailiyuan smiled and accepted the shard of destiny authority.

"Okay, I'll cover the Ming family from now on. According to the rules, you first go to work in my vegetable garden for three years, and after three years, I will arrange Yuncheng household registration for you."

"Follow your instructions." Ming Daoliu saluted respectfully.

Will the Ming family be destroyed?


Under his ingenious micro-manipulation, the big ship of the Ming family is very stable!

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