Chapter 3325 Perfection!

Fighting Saigang: "It's just a god, but that's all!"

Fighting Goldrass: "Sell Seoul!"

Ferocious Sai Gang: "Yes, yes, yes!"

Fighting Goldlas also paid tribute to Vicious Saigon.

After all, if it wasn't for the vicious Sai Gang's "voluntary sacrifice" as a bait to attract the attack, they wouldn't have had the chance to seize the flesh and blood god's flaws and launch an attack.

"You performed well, I will call you next time." Fighting Goldlas expressed his encouragement.

Although the card is drawn randomly, the probability of drawing the peers that have been drawn will increase a little.

This is probably the institution.

Fierce Saigang said modestly: "No need!"

Just when Fighting Saigang and Fighting Goldlas were about to celebrate, a powerful attack struck.

It's a super energy jet!

Not only did the flesh and blood god not die, but he could also launch a unique move!

Fighting Saigang, Fighting Goldlas and Fierce Saigang felt the danger and hurriedly dodged.

"what happened?"

"Why is the evil still alive?"

The flesh and blood god was indeed hit at a weak point, but he didn't fall because of it.

The fighting game just maintains the ability, quickly analyzes and draws conclusions.

"Look into the eyes of the gods!"

Seeing that the eyes of the flesh and blood gods lost their clarity, they became crazy.

"Abominable has gone mad!" Fighting Saigang reacted.

Then Fighting Saigang and Fighting Goldlas looked at each other.

Their operation was as fierce as a tiger, and they only emptied the enemy's sanity?

Report, smashed the enemy's external brain?

The flesh and blood god who lost his mind did indeed expose some information because of his loss of mind.

For example, the flesh and blood god seems to know only one move, which is the ultimate move-super energy jet.

Another example, the use of super energy jet, there is no time interval at all, it can spray all the time!

Trick=Ping A?

What is the use of this information?

The flesh and blood god who emptied his sanity attacked wildly, and the attack speed and frequency were greatly increased, making the flesh and blood god even more dangerous in an instant.

Who would condense their rationality into vigilance and hang it on their chest, hey!

"Hurry up and invite Master Bailiyuan!" Fighting Saigang shouted.

Then Fighting Saigang and Fighting Goldlas suddenly reacted.

Wait a moment.

After fighting for a long time, it seems that I didn't see where Bailiyuan went.

Even Fighting Hai Pajton is missing.

A ray of light bloomed in the different-dimensional space, giving the answer.

In the light, a powerful coercion erupted, shocking the surroundings.

Even the flesh and blood god stopped attacking because of this, and let out a threatening growl in the direction of the light blooming.

"What is that? Such a strong momentum!"

Fighting Saigang and Fighting Goldlas could feel that light coming from Bailiyuan, but they didn't know what Bailiyuan did.

Vicious Saigang had already chosen to lie flat.

You can't beat this, and you can't beat that.

Also spanking!

A figure bathed in light turned into a shooting star and rushed towards it.

In the light, there is a human figure.

When the meteor approached, it stopped on top of the monsters.

Only then did the monsters see clearly that the figure in the light was...

"Wrestling Hypageton?!" Fighting Goldlas exclaimed.

Isn't it Bailiyuan?

But wrestling Hai Pajton? !

Isn't Fighting Hai Pajton of the dark attribute? Why did it suddenly become a light attribute?

The appearance also changed accordingly, the yellow on the body turned into bright gold, and the black part turned into white, making the shape look more handsome.

That's not the point.

The point is, where did Bailiyuan go?

Fighting Hai Pajton didn't explain where Baili Yuan was going, he pointed to Fighting Saigang and Fighting Goldlas.

"I am now the Supreme Sea Pageton, and I have grown up again! Of course, you can also call me big brother, I can bear it."

The atmosphere was somewhat silent.

It was the god of flesh and blood who responded.


Super energy jet!

Fighting, no, Zhizhenghai Pajton snorted coldly.

The man he is now is not the man he was just now.

He just raised his hand.

"Mega speed fireball!"

A mega-degree fireball is also a dark fireball, but the power and temperature of this fireball is worthy of the name of a mega-degree.

The attack of the flesh and blood god was actually canceled out by the mega fireball.

"So strong!"

"It works!"

The monsters raised hope.

Come on, come on, someone will cheat, and then kill the BOSS!

Zhizhenhai Pageton wanted to say something, but closed his mouth and started the battle directly.

Teleport around!

Two golden scythes crossed.

Energy Convergence——

This time the flesh and blood god reacted, turned his head behind him at a strange angle, opened his huge mouth, and sprayed a jet of super energy.

The barrier rises in front of the Supreme Sea Pajton, blocking the attack, and delaying the accumulation of power for the Zhizheng Hai Pajton.

After blocking two super energy jets, the barrier shattered.

Supreme Hypageton frowned.

The strength has not been fully accumulated.

Now it can be released, but there is no guarantee that it will completely defeat the evil of flesh and blood.

When the attack strikes again.

Fighting Game Gang and Fighting Goldras came forward.

Fighting Sai Gang: "Although I don't know what happened, I can only rely on you to defeat the gods now. Don't let us down!"

Fighting Goldrath: "Even if we carry it with our bodies, we can only withstand three attacks at most!"

Zhizhenghai Pajton smiled.


The first attack strikes.

Fighting Saigang activated his [derivative] ability, summoned a robot monster, stepped forward to sacrifice, and weakened the attack. Finally, Fighting Saigang activated the Saigon code, supported the Saigon force field, and used the Saigon beam to fight back.

Successfully blocked the blow.

The second attack strikes.

Combat Goldras fights with flashes of horns, weakens the attack, and finally takes the damage with his own golden armor.

Barely blocked the blow.

The third attack strikes.

Fighting Goldrath, controlling the ferocious Saigon, blocked the attack.

Fierce Saigang said he was tired.

The third attack turned out to be for him to block with his life.

Flesh and Flesh God's unique moves can be repeated infinitely, his unique moves need a buffer time!

It's only been three minutes, and the trick can't be used continuously.

The attack can only be weakened by other means, and it cannot be as easy as before.

Compared with the current situation, the previous situation was indeed easy.

After a simple analysis by the ferocious Saigang, the ferocious Saigang realized that by using other means to weaken the attack, the only thing that can withstand the remaining attacks is his body.

Hope to leave a whole body for myself.

"Get out of the way!"

A voice exploded from behind.

For the ferocious Saigon, it was like the sound of heaven.

Dodge in a hurry.

"The ultimate death scythe attack!" shouted angrily.

The golden crossed sickle attacked and fell down.

The third attack collided with the golden sickle.

After persisting for a few seconds, the golden sickle actually suppressed the energy flow.

No matter how the evil of flesh and blood broke out, it could not stop the falling of the sickle.


The sickle hit the huge body of the flesh and blood god.

No explosion.

Instead, the golden flames burned wildly, enveloping the flesh and blood gods within.

The flesh and blood god kept screaming.

Amidst the screams and struggles, the flesh and blood abomination quickly melted away like a burnt snowman.

The golden flame burned up the evil of flesh and blood.

"Is that the end?" The fighting match was a little unbelievable.

"It's really powerful." Fighting Goldlas secretly thought.

There is a huge gap in strength between Zhizhen Hai Padjeton and them.

Vicious Saigon: Still alive? yes~

"Zhenzhen Hai Pajton: The ultimate monster whose dark attribute is reversed into light! This special form can only be opened because of the [growth] ability. The trick is the 'Ultimate Death Scythe Attack'. Note: I can't afford it at first glance. skin."

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