I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3319 Gold Goldlas! [Alien] power!

In the meat wave, there is hidden an organ like a heart, which is as large as a kilometer. It is beating ferociously, rising and falling, manipulating all flesh and blood.

However, with the appearance of a light wheel, violence cut a passage in the flesh wave.

The figure of Bailiyuan came to the heart.

Feeling threatened, my heart beats harder.

Boom, boom, boom...

If it is an existence with insufficient strength, just standing in front of this heart will be shaken by the beating of the heart, and the internal organs will be shattered.

It's a pity that it doesn't work for Bailiyuan.

To shatter the organs in the body, there must be organs in the body.

"General!" Baili Yuan laughed.

It seems easy, but it is actually ready to throw arrows at any time.

No matter how you think about it, this heart is not without threats.


Bailiyuan felt a strong sense of gaze.

Look at the location where it came from, it is the inside of the heart!

The function of this heart is more like a cocoon!

What was born in it, and that thing has awakened, and it may break out of the cocoon at any time!

Without any nonsense, Bailiyuan quickly made a gesture to emit light.

"Alpha Rage Ray!"

"Beta hits the light!"

"Gamma particle optical flow!"

"Delta Rays!"

"Ipxi Long Guangbo!"


All kinds of light fell violently.

Bombarded on the heart cocoon, the heart cocoon vibrated continuously, and the waves of flesh and blood around it were blown into pieces.

These moves are impressively the specialized attacks of the 10,000-meter-class warships in the fleet of the Empire's First Legion.

After being absorbed by Baili Yuan, the energy attribute was transformed into his own attack skills.

There were hundreds of 10,000-meter-class warships that attacked Bailiyuan together. The cores of these warships all came from the core of the planet. Regardless of their power, they all have their own characteristics.

Now Bailiyuan transformed these attacks into his own skills.

It will not be limited by the original power of the light. How powerful the light can explode depends entirely on Bailiyuan himself.

In other words, now Bailiyuan has mastered hundreds of lighting skills.

It has greatly made up for the weakness of Bailiyuan's lack of light skills.

Based on the number of light skills alone, it is easy for Bailiyuan to certify a technician in the Kingdom of Light.

That is to say, only those legendary Ultra warriors could master more skills than Baili Yuan has now.

There are also legends in the Kingdom of Light that Ultraman Noah has mastered thousands of skills.


Bailiyuan continuously launched attacks with various lights, causing great damage to the heart cocoon.

It also gave the so-called strongest first legion of the empire a sense of participation in protecting the world.

In the end, the cocoon of heart and the wave of flesh and blood separated.

The surrounding waves of flesh and blood lost their strength and began to shrink and sink, finally turning into a pitch-black ground.

The heart cocoon floats above the ground.

Until the end, Bailiyuan couldn't break through the heart cocoon with his light skills.

But there are no more opportunities.

Because the heart meat cocoon hatched.

From the cocoon of the heart, a maggot-like figure crawled out. The maggot was ferocious and disgusting, but it carried an indescribable sense of sacredness, just like a real god!

"Flesh and Flesh Abomination Larva: The Abomination of the Growth Stage, the process of absorbing the corpse of the Creation God of the Earth Vein God Line was interrupted, and I chose to use special means to speed up the absorption by experiencing the process of biological growth from cocoon-larvae-adult The power of the God's corpse of the Earth's veins wasted a lot of power in the corpse of the God of the Earth's veins. Although the corpse of the God's God of the Earth's veins was devoured, although he failed to inherit the authority of the God's veins, he inherited most of the power of the God's veins, and even his personality , quite dangerous. Note: Disgusting~"

The origin of that sense of holiness is obviously the corpse of the great god of the earth veins.

If you don't know the truth, someone who doesn't know why sees the god of flesh and blood at this moment will definitely recognize it as a true god, and even enshrine it and believe in it.

Abominations, as the residue of gods, also have the ability to be believed in and gain power through belief.

But the difference is that those who believe in the evil will eventually be eroded by the power of the evil, assimilated, and finally sink completely.

Baili Yuan looked at the holy maggot in front of him, without any appreciation, only complete disgust.

As a god, Baili Yuan naturally felt aversion to godly abominations, and his aversion to flesh and blood gods was even more intense.

It was so intense that Bailiyuan had already started accumulating energy the moment he saw the maggots.

The red high-temperature energy condensed at the indicator light on Bailiyuan's chest.

Sublimation, high energy...

Various blessings and energies are filled into the indicator light.

In the end, the thick red light, with the terrifying force of distorting time and space, shot at the flesh and blood god.

The essence is Bailiyuan's strongest light attack, but it surpasses the past.

red light?

No, to achieve this power, the name has also changed.

Bailiyuan called it——

"Stellar shot!"

This blow can penetrate the stars!

This blow was like a star exploding!

Facing the attack, the flesh and blood god did not sit still.

The meat maggot raised its front half, and sprayed a thick black liquid from its disgusting mouthparts.

That is not ordinary slime, but condensed by high-concentration power——energy liquid!

It contains the dirty power of flesh and blood, and contains negative powers such as corrosion, curse, evil, erosion, chaos...etc.

No one wants to be contaminated.

Its name is—Sinister Shooting Streamline!

Two attacks against each other.

There was a stalemate in a short time.

But soon, Bailiyuan's attack gained the upper hand.

Because the flesh and blood god is still just a flesh worm at the moment, and has not evolved to the final stage, absorbing the last power of the god of the earth veins.

Naturally, the flesh and blood god is not irrational. It is very anxious and is doing its best to fight against Bailiyuan to buy time for its own evolution.

But it has forgotten that Bailiyuan is not a boss who came alone!

The space channel behind the flesh and blood god collapsed, and three figures walked out of the space.

It was the three monsters from Bailiyuan.

Maga Hai Pajton Death Scythe!

Supreme Saigon!

And lastly - Golden Goldrath!

Goldlas's appearance has undergone a drastic change.

The biggest performance is that Goldlas's body has become bigger and more generous, and his body has become golden.

The temperament of the nouveau riche emerges spontaneously.

Such a change is naturally due to the fusion of the power of full-powered arrows into Gold Goldras.

Acquired the power of [Alien].

The effect is very strange.

Gold Goldras exudes its own [alien] power, and a domain like a space-time realm appears, covering the battlefield space.

Then, three figures walked out of the illusion.

These three figures are actually very similar to the three monsters of Baili Yuan, but they are also different.

They are--

Undead monster: Undead Haipajton Death Scythe: Ultraman Uub's parallel world, after being eliminated by Uub, he turned into an undead monster because of unwillingness to fight Uub again.

Destroyer of Time and Space Vicious Saigang: The parallel world of Ultraman Geed, because of the collision with the light of Geed, was not blocked in time, and a different dimension space was generated, exiled the whole world, destroyed the entire time and space, and obtained the most dangerous and cruel The name.

Realizing the Dream Monster Super Goldrath: The parallel world of Ultraman Tiga covers the world through the ability of time and space, so that people in the whole world can travel through the world and go to the past to make up for their regrets. Jia is eliminated, but unexpectedly has a good reputation among humans.

That's right, these three monsters are the parallel world peers of the three monsters, and they can also be called-they on the IF line!

This is the [alien] power of Gold Goldlas!

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