Reference 3312 The portal opens, the strange fish in the starry sky

In desperation, Di Qingtian saw distorted black shadows.

"Didn't you say that you can see the revolving lantern before you die? Why do I see so many black shadows? Am I already out of my mind?"

Countless distorted shadows merged into the bodies of Di Qingtian and the Emperor Mecha, causing Di Qingtian to feel incomparable pain.


outside world.

When Bailiyuan noticed the change of the twisted shadow, it was too late.

"This is?"

Bailiyuan was shocked.

"Yuan, the distorted shadows of the entire Earth and Star gathered in one place in an instant!" Super Xanadu's voice sounded in Baili Yuan's mind.

"I saw……"

Everything is over in seconds.

The twisted shadow did not swallow Di Qingtian and the Emperor's Mecha, but dyed the Emperor's Mecha in a dark color, and Di Qingtian was also controlled by erosion.

In the driver's cab, Di Qingtian's expression was stiff, his eyes were glowing red, and the spiritual energy radiating from his body turned into an ominous black-gray, revealing an aura of erosion and pollution.

The eroded spiritual energy was released from Emperor Qingtian's body, and then merged into the Emperor's Mecha, making the Emperor's Mecha vicious and ferocious.

Now, it should be called—Evil Emperor Mecha!

Di Qingtian in the driver's cab raised his head stiffly, expressionless, and made a distorted accent.

"I feel great now!"

Perhaps because of obsession, the evil emperor's mecha chose to resist, trying to break free from the time-space realm and attack Bailiyuan.

"Die, die, die..." Di Qingtian kept repeating a word stiffly, like a curse.

Goldlas roared unhappily, rushed into the time-space realm, and launched an attack on the evil Emperor's mecha.

Say something embarrassing.

Although Goldlas can trigger and disarm the time-space realm, during the process of launching the time-space realm, Goldlas can have very limited impact. At most, it can speed up the launch speed of the time-space realm, or adjust the time-space realm. sphere of influence and goals.

There is no way to directly trigger the space-time realm to cause any special attacks on the existence in the space-time realm.

Goldrath, however, was able to travel freely through time and space without being affected.

The space-time realm is Goldlas' battle realm.

Lights flickered on the horns of Goldlas who had entered the space-time realm.

A large explosion of light exploded on the body of the evil emperor's mecha.

Death flash!

The evil emperor mecha was not hurt by this attack.

Psionic energy emerged on the surface of the evil emperor's mecha, blocking all damage.

The strength of the polluted spiritual energy has been greatly improved.

Long-range attack was not enough, Goldlas chose to rush directly in front of the Evil Emperor's mecha, and punched out.

The psychic defenses of the Evil Emperor's mecha were shattered, and the mech was smashed apart by Goldrath's punch.

Goldlas let out a roar of joy.

Just fucking call you the Emperor!

The Evil Emperor Mecha and Emperor Qingtian didn't care about the cracks in the body at all, but raised their giant swords and launched a psychic light cannon attack on Goldlas, no, it was an evil psychic light cannon.

Goldlas also did not dodge or evade.

The psychic light cannon hit Goldlas, but passed through Goldlas's body strangely, failing to cause any damage to Goldlas.

Goldlas let out a mocking laugh.

In the world of time and space, not only will Goldrath not be affected, but he can also have some special abilities.

For example, at this moment, the attack is invalidated.

Because Goldlas can freely jump in the time and space where he is, so that the enemy cannot attack his body.

Attacking now, attacking me in the past, how can it cause harm?

Di Qingtian and the evil Emperor mecha didn't give up, as if they had been warded off, they kept attacking in the direction of Goldras.

Goldlas was amused.

The two big claws slapped over, and there were more cracks on the body of the evil emperor's mecha.

In terms of combat power alone, Goldlas can completely abuse the evil emperor's mecha.

Just when Goldlas was about to completely end the Evil Emperor's Mecha, the Evil Emperor's Mecha suddenly paused, and then raised the giant sword in its hand to the sky.

The giant sword swiped upwards, striking out a black-gray crescent slash with evil spiritual energy.

"It's useless, the siege of time and space, your attack can't break through the scope of time and space!" Goldlas thought that the evil emperor's mecha wanted to break through the time and space and escape.

Bailiyuan's pupil of God was flickering rapidly.

At this moment, Bailiyuan saw the future!

"Sai Gang, get ready..." Baili Yuan said slowly.

The evil psychic sword energy released by the evil emperor's mecha was like a key, which actually opened a passage in the space-time realm.

It cannot be said that the Evil Emperor's mecha was powerful and broke through the space-time realm; rather, some existence responded to the Evil Emperor's mecha and broke into the time-space realm.

Huge tentacles fall from the cracks in the passage.

What was summoned was that twisted monster.

The tentacles directly wrapped around the Emperor Mecha.

Anger flashed in Goldras' eyes.

Playing tentacles in front of his golden dragon, didn't he take him seriously?

Goldras raised his arms angrily, a powerful flash erupted from the horns on the top of his head, turned into a galaxy-like band of light, and bombarded the tentacles.

Cut off the tentacles directly.

Yet the tentacle's mission has been accomplished.

The tentacles only need to touch the Evil Emperor's mech.

It is very difficult for the existence on the other side of the tentacles to come to this world. In the beginning, they could only continue to dig holes in the barrier between the two worlds, and then affect the world where the empire is located.

But as long as it can affect the world where the empire is located, the invasion cannot be avoided.

Resonate the forces of both worlds by constantly spreading power and creating chaos.

At that time, the barrier between the two worlds will emerge and become a portal.

At this time, you only need to twist the "door handle" to completely open the barrier between the two worlds, connect the two worlds, and the existence on the other side comes completely!

The Emperor Mecha and Emperor Qingtian corroded by the distorted shadow are the selected "doorknobs".


Because the manufacturing technology of the Emperor Mecha itself is related to another world, Emperor Qingtian.

And what better choice for a "doorknob" than something causally connected?

The eroded Emperor Qingtian and the evil Emperor's mecha did not resist at all.

On the contrary, frenzy appeared on the stiff face, and he shouted loudly.

"Arrival! Arrival! Arrival!!!!"

Then Di Qingtian and the evil emperor mecha melted, their bodies turned into materials, and a portal was condensed out of thin air.

There are reliefs carved on the portal. If you look carefully, it turns out that it tells a mythical history.

——In the veins of the earth, the Lord creates the world; the spider god is created, and the disaster destroys; the world changes drastically, the gods retreat; the realm declines, and the gods end.

The portal swelled and flew out of the earth star.

All the power covering the earth and stars gathered on the portal.

The Earth Star regained its light again, and the power affecting the Earth Star gradually dissipated, and the affected people also woke up one after another.

They still haven't figured out what happened.

As a result, as soon as he looked up, he saw a huge portal that spanned the sky and the earth, like a star, and stopped on the earth and stars.

The door opened slowly.

A huge fish-headed monster swam and flew out of the portal.

It was the monster that Baili Yuan saw before.

But even bigger.

This time, the monster swam out of the portal entirely.

It was a fish-shaped monster composed of countless flesh and blood tentacles entangled together.

The total body length exceeds two million kilometers!

The earth star is in front of it, like a snack.

The huge size did not cause any natural vision.

As if it was just a phantom.

It seems that the rules of the world cannot be applied to it.

Looking at the strange fish in the universe.

Everyone on Earth fell silent.

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