Chapter 3310 Spider Mother Goddess

Baili Yuan looked through the crack.

Arrive in that broken world.

In the dilapidated God Realm, there is silence and darkness, but there is still a faint light, which is also the last vitality-the remnant body of the spider mother and the true spirit that is about to disappear.

It was a huge and ferocious spider monster, but it unexpectedly made people feel fraternity in it.

The main thing is that it has the "huge" voice of the big sister.

It was the kind of sound that can only be made when the chest cavity is squeezed.

This is the Spider Mother.

Even if we meet across the world, even if the Spider Mother Goddess is only left with her true spirit and remnant body that are about to dissipate, Bailiyuan can still feel some of the divine power of her heyday.

The Spider Mother Goddess is a main god-level god!

At this moment, the spider mother god's final consciousness also felt the existence of Baili Yuan, and also saw that Baili Yuan was a new god.

Even though Baili Yuan spent a long time in other worlds for human beings, for gods, it was just a short rest time.

The two gods meet.

The Spider Goddess is surprisingly kind.

The flow of time seemed to slow down at this moment, which brought a chance for Bailiyuan and the spider mother to communicate.

"Moshi, Moxi, are you still there? I am the Spider Goddess of the Earth Leyline God System~"

"I am...the God of Liberty, the God of the Moon, and Bailiyuan. I am a god, a human being, and a light." Bailiyuan replied.

"Oh, so that's the case, no wonder." The Spider Goddess seemed to understand something.

Baili Yuan took the initiative to ask, "What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that it is impossible for Gaia and Alaya to make gods appear in the world again. You should be born because you, as a human being, and the existence of light, have been recognized by them. Well, you should be Become a god in other worlds, and then return or come to the big world, otherwise there should be no way to become a god in the big world. I can still feel that you have the imprint of the world of heroes." The tone of the spider mother god easy.

And hearing this, Baili Yuan became a little uneasy.

These familiar settings and existence... Could it be that...

"You, from the big world?!"

"..." The Spider Goddess was silent for a moment, but instead asked, "Big World, is this what the world is called in this era? Why do you ask that? Isn't this part of the Big World?"

"???" Baili Yuan was full of question marks.

This different world is part of the big world?


"It seems that you are not clear, no wonder, after all, you are not the local god of the big world, you have not yet reached the level of the main god, and your connection with the world is limited, so you didn't realize this. In fact, this is a part of the universe of the big world oh."

Bailiyuan's pupils of God flickered on and off, thinking quickly in his mind.

Optical brain overload.

"Hey, you don't know about that, do you?" The Spider Goddess put on a trick.

Bailiyuan had already guessed.

Combining the information about the gods obtained over the years, Baili Yuan began to make reasonable guesses and inferences.

"In the age of gods, Gaia and Alaya selected heroes from various races to kill and destroy the gods and gods. The gods of the gods could not sit still. But those who resisted died, and the harmless ones survived. It should not be all of them, there are still some gods who choose to escape!"

Baili Yuan's eyes lit up.

"Escape to the universe, cut the world, create a small world similar to a secret realm, hide in it, and continue the god system! That is to say, not only you, but also many gods and god systems are also hidden in similar ways! "

clap clap -

The Mother Spider applauded Baili Yuan, and the two spider legs forced out the sound of clapping.

"Although your guess is a bit different, it is not far from the truth. There are indeed some gods who don't like fighting and made such a choice, including our earth veins gods."

After learning the truth, Bailiyuan couldn't help feeling a little shocked.

Cut the universe, create life in the universe, spread beliefs, and maintain the gods.

Such a big handwriting, even he can't do this kind of thing.

Where is this different world? This is a secret world in the big world!

Humans and cosmic beings in this world are all beings created by the gods of the earth veins!

"Then your god system..." Baili Yuan suddenly realized the problem.

"As you can see, the Earth Leyline God System has come to an end. I am the last afterimage of the Earth Leyline God System. When I completely dissipate, I will probably find a way to leave something behind as proof of the existence of the Earth Leyline God System. Hee hee~" Although she said the end, the tone of the Spider Mother God did not seem sad.

It seems to have seen through everything.

"Why?" Baili Yuan frowned.

Could it be that the Earth Vein God System has encountered an enemy?

"After all, even if this world is divided, it is still a part of the big world. Even if Gaia doesn't speak, there are still countless ways to make us gods unable to get along. It should not only be our earth vein gods, but other The gods with similar operations are in the same situation now, and may have disappeared completely, without even a chance to leave traces." After the spider mother finished speaking, she added a string of words, "Even if it was expected , I still want to say something, Gaia, you big fuck, I fuck, beep——!"


A string of highly loaded words instantly broke the gentle image of the Spider Mother Goddess.

The gods will perish, and their words are also the ancestors.

Think about it, too, after all, without Gaia's suppression, the gods of these pantheons could not be so miserable, and maybe they could continue.

Baili Yuan's heart didn't fluctuate much.

After all... It wasn't his fault that was smashed.

If Gaia really wants to smash him in the future, then Bailiyuan must...

Put all the people around you into the home space, and then go to the Altec universe!

Wrestling with a world, the gods are a lesson from the past.

I just don’t know, if the King of Ultra and the Kingdom of Light are brought to the big world to spread love and peace, can Gaia be given a double eye.

"You shouldn't be some evil god or evil god, why didn't you choose to surrender to Gaia, now there are gods in the big world who have lived peacefully to modern times by singing and dancing rap." Baili Yuan continued.

"Oh? Is there such a thing? It's a pity that our ley line gods are on Gaia's must-kill list."


The spider mother explained briefly.

There is a god of creation in the earth veins god system. Under the god of creation are two main gods who symbolize creation and destruction. The spider mother represents creation. Under them, there are seventy-two followers who help them, needless to say, sub-gods, envoys, and priests.

The God of Creation created the earth veins god system underground. Under the request of the God of Creation, the Spider Goddess continues to create life, and another god of destruction will follow the idea of ​​the God of Creation to destroy the life created by the Goddess of Spider .

Its purpose is that God of Creation wants to gain more power through this cycle of creation and destruction.

The spider mother couldn't bear to destroy all the lives she created, and would secretly send some of them to the surface. Some elves, goblins, humans, dwarves... and other race branches in the big world today originated from this spider mother god.

It is also because of the founding god's way of constantly destroying life that Gaia has focused on the earth veins god system.

Then the earth veins god system disappeared.

After Bailiyuan learned everything, she looked at the Spider Mother God, as if she was looking at a living legend.

This former, real boss, possesses power beyond Baili Yuan's reach.

The Spider Goddess told Bailiyuan with a plain narration——is it useful to fight? Come out to mix, the comparison is not the level, but the ability! It's status!

In Bailiyuan, study the level gap between yourself and your opponent, and study how to deal with the enemy.

The real legend is studying how to divide the universe, creating life only for destruction, and killing a few races at will is just a whim. Those powerful races are just leftovers.

Bailiyuan: Don't call me a giant from now on, I don't deserve it.

However, Baili Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Dear Spider Goddess, you said that you want to leave your traces. Look at me, whether it is suitable for your inheritance or not. I have other partners to try."

The spider mother was silent, and then whispered.

"You said, is there a possibility that the life in this world is the children I created, and they are the first heirs of my inheritance?"

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