Chapter 3308 Time and Space Realm

"who is it?!"

Mucher and the congressmen were shocked.

Why did the boss die suddenly just as he was about to pretend to be aggressive?

However, no one came out to claim the attack just now.

Mu Che and the councilors looked at each other. They bravely came to the hole where the escape boat had just been punched out, and looked outside.

Pupils shrank one after another.

See you outside.

Two monsters were floating in the sky. A child split his legs to form a split-horse, stepped on a monster with his hands on his chest, hung in the sky, and looked at the emperor's mech ahead.

The look in his eyes showed disdain.

It was Bailiyuan.

And his monsters - Goldrath and Saigon!

In the emperor's mecha, Di Qingtian swallowed.

He knew that there were actually three monsters that appeared.


Just now, Emperor Qingtian controlled the Emperor Mecha to fight against the Glory Emperor in outer space.

The Emperor of Glory in outer space deserves to be the name of the strongest warship.

In outer space, precise strikes on the surface can be carried out.

The damaged emperor's mecha was suppressed within the atmosphere, unable to break through, and difficult to counterattack.

Di Qingtian was extremely angry.

If it wasn't for the fact that the power system of the Emperor's Mecha was injured when it was attacked just now, why would the Emperor's Mecha be so humiliated.

After all, the function of the Emperor Mecha is actually stronger than that of the Glory Emperor.

It's a pity that the emperor's mecha was damaged.

The armor is incomplete!

So be bullied!

In order to break the situation, Emperor Qingtian controlled the Emperor Mecha to use a range of skills.

"Emperor Dao Psychic Power, Million Attacks!"

With Di Qingtian's roar.

The giant sword in the hands of the Emperor Mecha swung out, and countless psionic attacks poured out like rain.

But it is from the bottom to the top.

There are really millions of attacks.

The concubines who controlled the Glory Emperor fell into the frenzy brought by the power of desire and evil.

Seeing that the Emperor's Mecha could still fight back, and that Emperor Qingtian hadn't been hollowed out, they all tried their best.

Today, Emperor Qingtian must be squeezed dry!

"Glory Emperor, the full-power arsenal is turned on, and the bombing begins!"

Also with an order.

Densely packed, all over the sky attacks fell from outer space, colliding with the attacks of the Emperor Mecha.

Numerous explosion light clusters of different colors appeared in the sky.

Such a large-scale attack collision caused a large-scale and powerful explosion, bringing about a terrifying crisis.

Fortunately, the main collision location of the two attacks is near the atmosphere.

Except for the devastating blow to the ozone layer of the planet Earth, the surface of the planet Earth was not too seriously damaged.

There were only a few splash attacks that accidentally injured the Earth Star, creating a few abyss-like cracks in the Earth Star.

Unfortunately, an attack fell on a flotation vehicle that was approaching a lifeboat.

Di Zhao drove the car, slammed on the accelerator, and was targeted by the splash attack.

A ray of light shot straight at the floating car.

Both Di Zhao and the Ming family's trio stared wide-eyed, greatly puzzled.

"Why is the earth star so big, and the attack came to us so precisely?"

The three members of the Ming family were all ready to jump off the car.

It can only be said that it is purely coincidental.

Bailiyuan withdrew his distant gaze.

Watching the incoming attack.

The attack speed was very fast, but in Bailiyuan's eyes, it was not much different from a turtle crawling.

Bailiyuan's eyes changed.

The attack on the floating car was blocked by an invisible force, and was thrown out again.

Then it ran through the escape boat, and in the escape boat, shouting the invincible queen.

It can only be said that it was purely accidental injury.

"This, this..." Di Zhao didn't know what to say.

Bailiyuan was silent for two seconds.


That's right, I don't know how to describe or explain it, so I just leave it to fate.

After speaking, Bailiyuan disappeared on the floating car.

Di Zhao saw that Bailiyuan disappeared, and didn't know what to do next.

Junko Shirakawa said, "What are you hesitating about?"

Di Zhao hurriedly said: "Where are we going next? There is an escape boat ahead."

Shirakawa Junko: "Who do you think I am? Step on the gas pedal to the end and hit the car!"

Di Zhao immediately regained his spirits: "Yes!"


Three monsters appeared high in the sky out of thin air.

The powerful momentum brought a terrifying sense of oppression, the air instantly became frozen, and the space seemed to be screaming.

The scattered attacks on the three monsters were swallowed into a different space.

The space-time destroyer Saigang opened a different space channel as a means of defense against attacks.

Bailiyuan stepped on the two monsters, raised his hand casually, and pointed in the direction of outer space.

Maga Hai Pajton's death scythe flickered and disappeared in place.

Bombing from outer space, stop.

In the emperor's mecha, Di Qingtian had enough energy to be distracted. He watched the actions of the three monsters and immediately became vigilant.

"This sense of oppression, what's going on with these three creatures?"

In outer space.

Maga Hai Pajton Death Scythe appeared out of nowhere in front of the Glory Emperor.

Startled a group of concubines.

However, the concubines have entered a state of frenzy.

"What kind of monster is this? Kill it for me!"

Whoever you are, just do it!

However, before the Glory Emperor was about to attack again, Magahai Pajton raised his sickle, and a dark attack hit the Glory Emperor.

——Dark manipulation!

The Glory Emperor was not cut in half.

It's the power of darkness, eroding and affecting the Glory Emperor from the inside out.

The concubines lost control of the Glorious Emperor.

Even, affected by dark forces.

The concubines who were originally affected by the power of desire and evil were once again affected by the dark power, and fell into chaos one by one.

The Glory Emperor is just a dead thing, and the concubines are just a group of psykers who are less than seven-color level.

But the Maga Hai Pajton Death Scythe is a real supreme monster!

Or the kind that masters the power of space.

Moreover, Magahai Pajton's Death Scythe had fused arrows and obtained the special ability of [Growth].

His abilities and means, even as a biological form, are constantly growing, and he will not let go of any opportunity that can bring about growth.

Just like the original Hypageton, there is a process from cocoon to larva to full body.

Today's Maga Hai Pajton Death Scythe is continuing to grow from a complete body.

He will not let go of any nourishment that can promote the growth process.

For example, he once ate fish, his wisdom has grown tremendously, and now he has developed many new abilities with his wisdom.

Therefore, he can make a judgment on the situation at the moment and use moves with control ability.

Magahai Pagedun Death Scythe felt that capturing the battleship and capturing these concubines alive would benefit Bailiyuan the most.

So he did.

Under the control of the dark forces, the Glory Emperor slowly approached the earth star.


among the planets.

"Outsider!" Di Qingtian noticed Bailiyuan.

Baili Yuan stared at the Emperor Mecha in front of him.

"Do you want to dance too?"

As the emperor, Di Qingtian couldn't surrender directly, so he planned to fight back.

"Emperor Dao spiritual power,..."

Di Qingtian had just mobilized his spiritual energy.

Bailiyuan entered Sai Gang's body.

Goldlas attacked directly.

Goldrath is the monster corresponding to Shirbachon, and its appearance is roughly similar.

Xierbagong is known as the silver dragon and has the power to manipulate space.

Goldlas is known as the Golden Dragon, which has the power to manipulate time and space.

The way Goldlas launched his attack was to manipulate the power of time and space.

Di Qingtian and Emperor Jijia suddenly fell into a vortex of time and space.

"This, what is this?" Di Qingtian exclaimed.

Baili Yuan sat in the driver's cab inside Sai Gang.

"My Goldlas has very few moves, the most powerful of which is this power called the Space-Time Realm."

"When the spaces of countless times and spaces overlap, the world can be erased from the timelines of the future and the past together!"

"This trick can also be called-time and space elimination music."

Di Qingtian: "?!!!"

In the space-time vortex.

Di Qingtian saw his own father and mother, and saw the imperial capital they ruled.

Even the figure of Di Aotian appeared!

These are their traces in the long river of time and space!

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